Eve Quotes

Quotes tagged as "eve" Showing 61-90 of 169
Jenna Moreci
“I fight when Ineedto, not when I want to. If I fought when I wanted to… I’d never stop.”
Jenna Moreci, Eve: The Awakening

J.D. Robb
“The man loves you with everything he has, everything he is. Eve, that means you can hurt him.”
J.D. Robb, Judgment in Death

J.D. Robb
“You’re all right, Blue Eyes.” She lifted her head to look into them. “You’re all right, down the line. You ever want a free bang, you got one coming.”
“It would, no doubt be a memorable bang. But my wife is fiercely jealous and territorial.” He grinned over at a very cold-eyed Eve.
“Her? You? That’s a kick in the ass.”
“Every damn day,” Eve muttered, and strode out.
She kept striding, out of the club, back into the comparatively fresh air of the city street. And fisted her hands on her hips as she spun to him. “Did you have to do the ‘my wife’ crap?”
His grin remained, and only widened. “I did, yes. I felt a desperate need for your protection. I believe that woman had designs on me.”
“I’ll put a design on you that won’t come off in the shower.”
“See, now I’m excited.” Reaching out, he toyed with the lapel of her coat. "What have you got in mind?”
J.D. Robb, Strangers in Death

Philip Pullman
“Eve was tempted not by wealth or love but by knowledge.”
Philip Pullman, Dæmon Voices

J.D. Robb
“Did she know, could she know what it meant to him when she turned to him, when she opened herself to him like this? In absolute trust. Her strength, her valor remained a constant wonder to him, as did her unrelenting determination to defend those who could no longer defend themselves. These moments, when she allowed her vulnerabilities, her doubts, her fears to tremble to the surface compelled him to take care. In these moments he could show her it wasn’t just the warrior he loved, he treasured, but the woman, the whole of her. The dark and the light.”
J.D. Robb, Fantasy in Death

J.D. Robb
“And then Roarke came to my door, and that gave me what I needed after all those years. I thank God for that, and him. But I’m telling you, and hope you already know, what you do, beyond the law of it, is needed.” “Sinead.” Roarke stepped up, pressed a handkerchief in her hand. “Ah well.” Sighing now, she dabbed at tears. “The world can be so dark. It’s foolish to deny it, and the Irish know the dark better than some in any case. It reminds us to hold on to the light, every minute we can, and to prize it. You’re a light to me.” She kissed Roarke’s cheeks. “Don’t ever forget it.”
J.D. Robb, Thankless in Death
tags: eve, roarke

Caitlín Matthews
“The Fall, so often considered a terrible thing, is a fall into experience; like falling of the epileptic to earth, it may also have its other face, for then we fall into the embrace of our dreams and fears and know them for what they are, face to face.

[...]the fearful face of the Black Goddess is really the veiled Sophia. The rebirth of the mystery initiation brings us into contact with our own power, which we have failed to take in our own time. Part of the reason for this is that we live in the shadow of the Judeo-Christian Fall for which Woman bears the blame. The experience of Psyche and Kore shows the vulnerable face of Sophia, who is not afraid to fall, to learn by seeming mistakes. They show that the descent into death is the only possible pathway to ascent or spiritual rebirth.”
Caitlín Matthews, Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom, Bride of God

Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“But still Adam holds his ground. The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the fruit of the tree, and I ate. He confesses his sin, but as he confesses, he takes to flight again. 'You have given me the woman, not I. I am not guilty, you are guilty.' The double light of creation and sin is exploited. 'The woman is surely your creature, it is your own work that has caused me to fall. Why have you brought forth an imperfect creation, and is it my fault?' So instead of surrendering Adam falls back on one art learned from the serpent, that of correcting the idea of God, of appealing from God the Creator to a better, a different God. That is, he flees again. The woman takes to flight with him and blames the serpent; that is, she really blames the Creator of the serpent. Adam has not surrendered, he has not confessed. He has appealed to his conscience, to his knowledge of good and evil, and out of this knowledge he has accused his Creator. He has not recognized the grace of the Creator which proves itself true by the fact that he calls Adam, by the fact that he does not let him flee. Adam sees this grace only as hate, as wrath, and this wrath kindles his own hate, his rebellion, his will to escape from God. Adam remains in the Fall. The Fall accelerates and becomes infinite.”
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Creation and Fall Temptation: Two Biblical Studies

J.D. Robb
“And don't climb on your golden horse with me, Roarke. Don't you even start.

That would be 'high horse,' Lieutenant.”
J.D. Robb, Vengeance in Death

J.D. Robb
“People have been sleeping and/or marrying their way to the top since the first cavewoman said: ‘Ugh, that one’s the strongest and has the biggest club. I’ll shake my mastodon-skin-covered ass at him.’”
“Or whatever cave people said. And it’s not just women who do it. Cave guy goes: ‘Ugh, that one catches the most fish, I’ll be dragging her off to my cave now.’ Ava sees Tommy and—”
“Says ugh.”
“Or today’s equivalent thereof.”

-Eve & Roarke..”
J.D. Robb, Strangers in Death

J.D. Robb
“You’re Eve Dallas. You’re the love of my life. My heart and soul. You’re a cop, mind and bone. You’re a woman of strength and resilience. Stubborn, hardheaded, occasionally mean as a badger, and more generous than you’ll admit.”
J.D. Robb, The Other Side

“First, I have not minded so much leaving the Garden because God, blessed be his holy name, has never abandoned us.”
Katerina Whitley

Margaret Atwood
“Mary me dijo: ahora ya eres una mujer, y eso me hizo llorar. Entonces ella me abrazó y me consoló mejor de lo que hubiera podido hacerlo mi madre, que siempre estaba demasiado ocupada, cansada o enferma. Después me prestó su enagua de franela roja hasta que yo tuviera una y me enseñó cómo doblar y sujetar los paños y me dijo que algunos lo llamaban «la maldición de Eva», cosa que a ella le parecía una estupidez, ya que la verdadera maldición de Eva era tener que aguantar las idioteces de Adán que, en cuanto surgió un problema, le echó toda la culpa a ella.”
Margaret Atwood, Alias Grace

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“She was his Eve. He was her fall. He'd make the leaves of her trees blush, then he'd undress them all.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

R. Otic
I look around and I feel it with every fiber of my being.
I am home.”
R. Otic, THE GIFT An Education in Pleasure

Jason Medina
“Now to tell ya about our fellow inmates. Pay attention because there are a bunch of us an’ we each have a story.”
Jason Medina, No Hope For The Hopeless At Kings Park

C.M. Owens
“Your ass is actually very nice. Well, at least what I can see of it. If your ass is that nice, no wonder they have an obsession with your—”

“Concentrate,” I grumble, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

“I’m trying,” he lies, still staring down at my ass. I start to turn to face him instead of sitting comfortably on the bed, just so my ass will be facing the wall, but the door flies open and slams into the wall.

Drake curses, then he grunts a, “Fuck me.”

“The fuck is going on in here?” Drex growls, letting his eyes drop to my exposed back, and apparently my exposed ass. Not my fault this hospital keeps the ridiculous slit in the back of their gowns.

“We’re having a conversation,” I say with a sweet smile. “It’s full of dirty innuendo and intriguing assumptions about my pussy.”

“No the hell it isn’t,” Drake refutes, looking at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.

“But you were just saying that my—”

“Damn it, you crazy woman! Don’t give him a reason to break my arms while I can’t fight back!” Drake barks.”
C.M. Owens, Property of Drex #2
tags: drake, drex, eve

John Milton
“but what if God have seen,
And death ensue? then I shall be no more,
And Adam wedded to another Eve,
Shall live with her enjoying, I extinct;
A death to think. Confirmed then I resolve,
Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe:
So dear I love him, that with him all deaths
I could endure, without him live no life.”
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Walter Wangerin Jr.
“What the Ancient Liar did to Eve at the beginning of things he did to me. The Mother of All was a mighty woman. She thought to outface the Serpent. She thought to brazen it though as she were herself equal to evil.”
Walter Wangerin Jr., Jesus

R. Otic
“What are you saying?” I whisper in the dark. Then I feel my hand being grabbed over the glass.
“Take a sip and kiss me, Eve. No one will know.”
I inhale his scent mixed with the fragrance of the oleanders. I can feel the heat rising off his hand onto mine. The caress in his voice and he invites me with a tone I don’t know how to describe. It’s not an order. It’s not a suggestion. It’s a…temptation.”
R. Otic, THE GIFT An Education in Pleasure

Kristen Reed
“The first sight I beheld when I first awakened was a pair of eyes filled with pure adoration and a joyful grin that shone more brightly than the afternoon sun. Though he hadn’t spoken a single word, I knew exactly who he was. He was my creator… my Lord… my God.”
Kristen Reed, Out of the Garden

Rachel Caine
“He looked stunned. “That’s not what I—”
“It was,” she said, interrupting him. “You acted like a vamp, Michael. Like any vamp getting
back-talked by a human. You could have gotten us hurt. You could have gotten Eve killed!”
Michael looked at Shane, who lifted his shoulders in a tiny, apologetic shrug. “She’s not
wrong, bro.”
“That’s not what it was,” Michael insisted. “I was just trying to—look, Eve started it.”
“Hey! That thump you heard was me under the bus, there!”
Shane shrugged again. “And now Michael’s not wrong. Hey, I like this game. I don’t have to
be the wrong one for once in my life.”
“Shut up, Shane,” Eve snapped. “What about you, Miss Oh, sir, please let my friends go; I’m
such a delicate little flower? What a crock of shit, Claire!”
Rachel Caine

Kristen Reed
“Though I’d proven to be a wretched, foolish woman, I knew deep in my broken heart that God was still just as good and loving as he’d been the moment he plucked a rib from Adam’s side and used that bone to give me life.”
Kristen Reed, Out of the Garden

“What does matter is that you understand this one great truth I have learned in my life: having knowledge, even at the expense of leaving the Garden, has been worth it. For it is through this great gift of knowledge that I have understood something of the Creator's power - yes, even the Creator's love. Out of what seemed punishment, came a great good; out of physical pain, all of you have emerged. The pain has been forgotten while the pleasure of your presence endures. Adam and I have known joy - how would we have tasted it had we not known its opposite, sorrow? And we have seen how darkness is dispelled when light arrives, night and day, after night and day. We never tire of it.”
Katerina Whitley

Enock Maregesi
“Shetani ana mbinu nyingi za kuwateka wana wa Mungu. Mwanzo sura ya tatu inaonyesha jinsi Hawa alivyoona tunda linang’aa na akazama kwenye tunda pasipokujua kuna mauti ndani yake. Shetani anaangalia kipengele unachokitumia kuchukua maamuzi magumu naye anavaa jezi kama ya kwako ili usimgundue. Roho Mtakatifu akiwa anakuongoza penye hila nafsi yako itakuongoza.”
Enock Maregesi

T. D. Otis
“I lie silently in bed
With pleasant pillow under head—
Exploring truths of a long lost eve—
Weaving with care what to, and not to, believe.”
T.D. Otis, Dream Deep

Ljupka Cvetanova
“After being expelled from Paradise, Adam and Eve got married.”
Ljupka Cvetanova, The New Land

C.M. Owens
“Your ass is actually very nice. Well, at least what I can see of it. If your ass is that nice, no wonder they have an obsession with your—”
“Concentrate,” I grumble, snapping my fingers in front of his face.
“I’m trying,” he lies, still staring down at my ass. I start to turn to face him instead of sitting comfortably on the bed, just so my ass will be facing the wall, but the door flies open and slams into the wall.
Drake curses, then he grunts a, “Fuck me.”
“The fuck is going on in here?” Drex growls, letting his eyes drop to my exposed back, and apparently my exposed ass. Not my fault this hospital keeps the ridiculous slit in the back of their gowns.
“We’re having a conversation,” I say with a sweet smile. “It’s full of dirty innuendo and intriguing assumptions about my pussy.”
“No the hell it isn’t,” Drake refutes, looking at me like I’ve lost my damn mind.”
C.M. Owens, Property of Drex #2
tags: drake, drex, eve

Elmar Hussein
“For Nietzsche, woman was God's second mistake. But what then is the first? I don't know, even if I believed in the God of Abraham and Abrahamic religions, it would be a bit diffucult for me to answer it. However, based on the religious scriptures, one can assume that God was a bit disappointed with his masterpiece -- Adam, realised that life in Paradise seems a bit incomplete, uninteresting for him, he cannot find the meaning of his life, therefore God decided to correct his mistake by creating Eve to be Adam's love. As a result, with the help of Eve, eating fruit from the forbidden tree in Paradise, both of them had to abandon there. However, God couldn't do anything, because he had already made his second mistake -- he created such a charming and deceitful being for Adam's mind. Perhaps, this is just the creation myth of Abrahamic religions, nevertheless, I am convinced that the woman is a charming and deceitful being for male mind.”
Elmar Hussein

Walter Wangerin Jr.
“Eve chose to argue with the Enemy. She herself, alone," said Jesus. "It was a good intent. It was a proud overestimation and a monumental failure. Every child of Eve thereafter has died because of that failure. And so must I.”
Walter Wangerin Jr., Jesus