Fae Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fae-romance" Showing 1-29 of 29
Chiara Forestieri
“…I’d procured a small collection of
mismatching teeth from each male
that had violated her. One day, I would present my little treasure trove of teeth
as a gift to her… A token of my undying love
and readiness to f*cking murder
anyone who dared to wrong her...”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

May Dawson
“You really want to live in another world when you could be a king in this one?” Arlen asked me skeptically, crossing powerful arms over his chest.

“This world doesn’t have Maddie in it,” I said.

Raura said to Arlen, “I love him. He’s so cute. Why can’t you be more like him?”
May Dawson, Unstoppable

“Physical attraction can only maintain a relationship for so long.” He scanned the clouds for thoughts, “But like how the moon and earth are in an eternal dance with each other, there must be another force holding them together, something not visible to our eyes. Likewise, two individuals must be mentally and emotionally attracted and in equal understanding of each other in order for their gravity to hold them together.
- Royal Matchmaking Competition: Princess Qloey”
Zoiy Galloay

Terry Spear
“She is beautiful, soft hair nearly midnight in color, large eyes nearly as dark, and ivory skin like the petals of the lily, and she wore a fragrance of jasmine. But 'tis her willfulness that I enjoyed the most. And her resourcefulness.”
Terry Spear, The Ancient Fae

Laura Kinsale
“She had thought Raymond handsome. But the Raven was something beyond handsome. Beyond gallant manners and teasing glances. He was like the old, old stories, like the unknown man who waited on a darkened hill, the mist around him, hand outstretched...
In the stories, if a woman went to him... she did not return.
But she wanted to go...
She wanted.”
Laura Kinsale, Shadowheart

Briar Boleyn
“You used to scare me, Draven,” I whispered, skimming my fingers over the back of his neck.
He was quiet for a moment. “I know. But I was never your prison. Never your captor. All I've ever wanted was to be your protector. Your sanctuary.”
My heart flipped over in my chest.
Draven reached out a hand and caressed my hair. “I saw you, and I wanted to consume you. Like a fire that would only burn for me.”
Briar Boleyn, Empress of Fae

Chiara Forestieri
“I will always come for you, Mareina. I will always be there to save you. Whether you wanted me to or not, I would crawl on hands and knees through the fires and chasms of every hell to save you.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Briar Boleyn
“We ride hard each day,” Draven barked. “We don’t dawdle or take breaks. We don’t stop to sightsee.”
“I’d never dream of asking you to sightsee,” Vesper said with an impressively straight face. “A man like you? Never.”
“Fine,” Drave said darkly. “Since you won’t leave when asked and as my only other option is to kill you, which I know she won’t like…”
“Your sister?”
“My companion,” Draven growled. “Since my companion would evidently prefer I didn’t kill you.”
“That would be very nice,” I said, as calmly as I could, my heart beating fast. “Especially when he’s so talented with breakfast.”
Were they really going to come to blows? I imagined exaggerating the story when I retold it to Galahad and saying two half-naked griddle-cake-scented, dazzlingly handsome men had been fighting over me.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“It was Draven. He’d come up behind me. I jumped for a second time that morning, unable to help myself, then glared up at him. “How did you even do that?”
“I have the ears of an exmoor and the tread of a fenrir,” he said with a smirk.
“I’d say comparing yourself to wild animals was fitting, except the exmoor seems highly intelligent,” I muttered.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“My hunger for this man left me reeling. His scent enveloped me, musk and leather and beneath it all the lingering hint of blood. He was the most dangerous temptation I couldn't resist.”
Briar Boleyn, Court of Claws

Terry Spear
“King Tiernan scowled at the mess his father had gotten him into...all because the heartless man had to die. Hawk fae kings were to immediately marry as soon as they were seated on the throne and a suitable bride could be found...
Legend had it that the queen always met an early death - ordered by the king himself, although it was said that a secret order of assassins was given the task. Why? Because two sons or a son and a daughter could fight over ruling the kingdom. Civil war could ensue. So best to ensure the queen only had one offspring. And then, she no longer was needed.”
Terry Spear, The Ancient Fae

Terry Spear
“You are sitting in my chair, my lord." She said the words very civilly, she thought. Although he quirked a brow and lowered his chin as if giving her one of those looks. Like really? In a way that wasn't a question. She was telling a fae king, a hawk fae king, and a guest of the dark fae, that he should be sitting in her seat? But she didn't stop there. "You may sit there if it pleases you." She pointed to Micala's seat since he was not at the meal. Her mother's mouth gaped and for once she didn't have an immediate rebuke ready for Ritasia. The king gave Ritasia such a sinister smile, she was afraid she might have gone a little too far with her first encounter with him. She quickly remembered her manners, curtseyed, though, because she wasn't wearing a gown, she thought she looked a little ridiculous, then looked back up at him.”
Terry Spear, The Ancient Fae

Donna Grant
“Don’t you want to experience the world? Find a man? Have sex? Because, I really, really want to have sex.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Night

Donna Grant
“I’d be a fool to turn you away.”
His smile was slow, and entirely too sexy. “And you certainly aren’t a fool.”
Donna Grant, Dark Alpha's Night

Marina Simcoe
“You’ve always hurt me the most when you looked your best.” Stella, Madness of the Moon.”
Marina Simcoe, Madness of the Moon

C.E. Olson
“What do I know of the moon? My heart belongs to the sun.”
C.E. Olson, Realms Of Stone And Gold

Tara Grayce
“The outfit was sensible, sturdy, and comfortable. Not seductive or revealing or anything she would have expected from the Fae Realm or this house, based on the stories of fae males seducing innocent human girls who wandered into the forest.”
Tara Grayce, Stolen Midsummer Bride

Zoiy G. Galloay
“Physical attraction can only maintain a relationship for so long.” He scanned the clouds for thoughts, “But like how the moon and earth are in an eternal dance with each other, there must be another force holding them together, something not visible to our eyes. Likewise, two individuals must be mentally and emotionally attracted and in equal understanding of each other in order for their gravity to hold them together.

- Royal Matchmaking Competition: Princess Qloey”
Zoiy G. Galloay, The Royal Matchmaking Competition: Princess Qloey

“The painting was a dark line of trees behind rows of gorgeous pink lilies, the sun shining on the grass. Behind the branches, a blackness contrasted against the sunny field. Eerie eyes peered out from behind tree trunks. They were so imperceptible that I almost wouldn't have noticed them had they not been pointed out to me. It struck me as odd, considering the realist nature of the other paintings.
Devin moved, and the gentle scent of his woodsy cologne brushed my nose. He stepped back and motioned to another painting. From this view point, the paintings took on fantastical elements. Wings, ears, eyes, all hidden as though Dubois himself were seeing them only from the corner of his vision.”
Sabrina Blackburry, Dirty Lying Faeries

Briar Boleyn
“The flames flickered, casting dancing shadows along the wall, as the lute player jumped lightly down to the floor.
He was an otherworldly vision. His hair a wild tangle of amber curls, his eyes a rich, liquid gold that sparkled like a fine ale. He was dressed for battle, clad in a coat of mail, silver links glistening overtop a thick, forest-green tunic. A quiver of red-tipped arrows hung at his back and he held a bow loosely in one hand. Rows of small knives were strapped across his chest. His sleeves had been rolled up to reveal strong forearms and sun-kissed skin. Snug trousers made of a sturdy green fabric emphasized the length of his lean legs, and were tucked into tall, black leather boots that came up to his knees.
As he crossed the room towards us he moved with a lithe, feline grace I had only seen before in one other man.”
Briar Boleyn, Queen of Roses

Briar Boleyn
“I wasn’t going to let his bluntness sting me again. “I see. Well, I wasn’t about to run up and down the hall screaming that I was a lost princess in need of saving, don’t worry.”
I could save myself, thank you very fucking much.”
Briar Boleyn, Court of Claws

Briar Boleyn
“I don’t want to let you finish. I already know I don’t want to go anywhere with you, Draven. What part of ‘I hate you and want to stab you in the face’ do you not understand?”
Briar Boleyn, Court of Claws

Briar Boleyn
“I need my mate. And I need him to take me the way he wants me. Like a Siabra." She ran a hand down my cheek, tracing the angle of my jaw. "Gentleness can come later.”
Briar Boleyn, Empress of Fae

Chiara Forestieri
“You can try to run as far as your heart can take you, but no one will ever be able to fill that longing you have for me in your soul. Not even your pretty fae warrior.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“Where I’m from, our scars are a great source of pride because it means we were strong enough to survive. Beauty is not diminished by our scars but enhanced.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“For a hundred years, you’ve been my light in the dark, Malekai.” “And in the glaring brightness of harsh reality, you’ve been my blessed, dark reprieve.”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Chiara Forestieri
“I still feel compelled to make you aware of the fact that… If you ever dared to try and take her from me, I will find far more creative ways of inflicting suffering upon you before you succumbed to death…”
Chiara Forestieri, A Kingdom of Blood and Magic

Katherine  Macdonald
“I've always known I would watch you die," he said. "I've like the idea less and less as the years have gone by. I'd trade many a year to give you an extra month, and still consider I'd got the better end of the deal.”
Katherine Macdonald, Forest of Dreams and Whispers