Fantastic Writing Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fantastic-writing" Showing 1-5 of 5
“i worried he'd let go, but he didn't. We held hands like this the whole rest of the way home.”
Jenny Han, It's Not Summer Without You

Charles Bukowski
“I wish I were driving a blue 1952 Buick
or a dark blue 1942 Buick
or a blue 1932 Buick
over a cliff of hell and into the
Charles Bukowski, Love Is a Dog from Hell

“All the misfits of the world--the too fat and too lean, the too tall and the too short, the jerk, the drip, the half-wit and the spastic, the harelip and the gimp. All the broken, the doomed, the drunk and the disillusioned--herding together for a little human warmth, where a one-room kitchenette is an apartment and the naked electric bulb hangs suspended from the ceiling like an exposed nerve”
Lawrence Lipton, The Holy Barbarians

“The elflocks of the crowd were every color of the rainbow, as was the light from their eyes that shone through the mask of the Arkadian winter night. Some of them had wings, but not gauzy gossamer tattooist fabulosities. The wing'd ones among them bore twin sails at their backs, reptilian bat bones folded and hooded just above their heads in taloned, Gothic arches of epidermis.”
Edward Morris, Blood of Eden

“Gjennom de fantastiske innslagene i teksten kommer noe forbudt, utstøtt og fortrengt til syne, eller noe som er ignorert og mangelfullt utviklet i normalvirkeligheten. Uregjerlige kaoskrefter bryter løs innenfor en stivnet og rigid sosial orden. Det er særlig i samfunnets og normalitetens utkantsområder det fantastiske gjør seg gjeldende. Her har sosial orden svakt feste, og fenomener som unndrar seg normalitetens lovmessighet, kan lettere utfolde seg.”
Åsfrid Svensen, Orden og kaos: Virkelighet og uvirkelighet i fantastisk litteratur (Bøker om bøker)