Find Quotes

Quotes tagged as "find" Showing 151-180 of 332
Kamand Kojouri
“A spark
of every fire we seek
is already within us.”
Kamand Kojouri

Jo Nesbø
“Sometimes you don’t know what you’re looking for until you find it,” Harry answered. “It’s a methodology.”
Jo Nesbø, The Snowman
tags: find, lost

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If I’m perplexed by the fact that I’m constantly lost, maybe somewhere in my head I’ve determined that being lost serves a greater purpose than being found.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

C.S. Lewis
“Got to start by finding it, have we?" answered Puddleglum. "Not allowed to start by looking for it, I suppose?”
C.S. Lewis, The Silver Chair

Anthony Ryan
“Nobility is a lie. A pretence that high standing comes from anything more than money or martial prowess. Any dolt can play the noble, and as you'll discover in time, daughter, it's mostly dolts who do.”
Anthony Ryan, Tower Lord

“Stopping, sitting down and finding time for reflection are considered to be the most essential action related to fulfilling a human’s destination”
Sunday Adelaja

Kamand Kojouri
“Find me.
Seduce me.
I want to be in love with you.”
Kamand Kojouri

“It is necessary to find ways of solving problem at the expense of available resources”
Sunday Adelaja

Steven Magee
“When we get down to the very basics of human life we find that we arrive to take a ride on spaceship Earth for several decades and then we leave.”
Steven Magee

Richard L.  Ratliff
“In the wind that ruffles through the trees
I can find thoughts of you whispering to me”
Richard L. Ratliff

Anthony Ryan
“I did wonder if I'd have cause to rue my action. Now I believe it can safely be filed under Necessary Regrets.”
Anthony Ryan, The Waking Fire

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“There’s not much that I can find in places where there is nothing to find. However, to avoid facing God I find myself spending a lot of time in those very places.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“If you do not begin to search, then you cannot find anything”
Sunday Adelaja

“If you work, you will find favor from God and you will become a rich man”
Sunday Adelaja

“It is necessary to approach the study of the issue from all sides to find as much information as possible on this issue”
Sunday Adelaja

J.R. Rim
“Search for truth, not for meaning. Meaning comes from the perspective of a person who interprets the truth.”
J.R. Rim

Steven Magee
“At the age of 45, most days in Tucson were spent feeling like I was on the summit of Mauna Kea, as I was exhibiting debilitating health symptoms that corresponded to what I saw at very high altitude. I was later to find that I had erratic low blood oxygen levels after almost a decade of high altitude work.”
Steven Magee

Greg Rucka
“You cannot lose what is inside you,” Chirrut said. “You can only misplace it. The task, then, is to find it again.”
Greg Rucka, Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills
tags: find, lose

“The effort you direct at finding and developing the person you are is the key to life”
Sunday Adelaja

“You will find solution, if you have a passionate, strong desire to breakthrough”
Sunday Adelaja

“The most important thing you need to do to accomplish your purpose is to stop, get comfortable, sit down and find time for thinking”
Sunday Adelaja

“A person with victim mentality cannot find himself, his life mission, and go towards his aims”
Sunday Adelaja

“People with victim mentality find it impossible to depend on themselves to solve in dealing with problems and tend to wait for savior”
Sunday Adelaja

Will Advise
“To find doesn't always require to search.”
Will Advise

Gabriel García Márquez
“-Yo te distinguí entre la montonera cuando todas eran jóvenes y bellas y era difícil distinguir a la mejor-, dijo él.
-Me distinguí yo misma para ti-, dijo ella. -Tú no.”
Gabriel García Márquez, Of Love and Other Demons

Fennel Hudson
“Reveal the timeless beauty of Nature’s special places.”
Fennel Hudson, Traditional Angling: Fennel's Journal No. 6

Christina Engela
“It did occur to him that perhaps he’d gone to the wrong Academy – the guys in the Space Fleet always had more interesting stories to tell at the spaceport bars. You know, tales about the dude who got vaporized in a plasma accident in the engineering section, or the fella who got turned into a blob of weird space jelly by some alien virus – or the time someone flew a starship into an astor-field at warp four by mistake (they were still trying to find the black box on that one). The Imperial Space Fleet’s recruiting office sure didn’t go around advertising ‘Join up, see the universe, meet interesting aliens and die screaming’, but it was known there were risks involved. It was part of the job after all, and yet somehow, they still got recruits signing up in droves. Yes, indeedy – the stories were far more interesting than his – took a load of ore to Gorda, took a load of mining equipment back to Tordrazil. Took a load of Florpavian Flame-birds to a zoo on Deanna, took a load of machinery to Salus. Picked up and dropped off a few passengers on the way. Still, Florpavian Flame-birds were a risky cargo… and damned tricky to transport – which is probably the only reason he’d had any entertainment at all on the last trip.”
Christina Engela, Black Sunrise

“It took me thirty years to find myself,
I had little wealth,
But I had my health”
Charmaine J Forde

“God cannot resist the man who desires Him ardently. The chief reason why we do not find God is we do not desire Him ardently enough. Like air, the day you desire God as desperately as you desired to breathe, you will surely find Him.”

Umberto Eco
“…because one who knows not how to seek will never find…”
Umberto Eco, Foucault’s Pendulum
tags: find, seek