First Date Quotes

Quotes tagged as "first-date" Showing 1-30 of 31
Cassandra Clare
“A pretty girl with butterfly clips in her dreadlocks put her hand on his arm. “You were amazing,” she told him, her voice fluting. “You have the reflexes of a striking snake. You should be a stuntman. Really, with your cheekbones, you should be an actor. A lot of people are looking for someone as pretty as you who’d do his own stunts.”

Alec threw Magnus a terrified and beseeching look. Magnus took pity on him, putting a hand on the small of Alec’s back and leaning against him. His attitude and the glance he shot at the girl clearly communicated my date.

“No offence,” said the girl, rapidly removing her hand so she could dig in her bag. “Let me give you my card. I work in a talent agency. You could be a star.”

“He’s foreign,” Magnus told the girl. “He doesn’t have a social security number. You can’t hire him.”

The girl regarded Alec’s bowed head wistfully. “That’s a shame. He could be huge. Those eyes!”

“I realize he’s a knockout,” Magnus said. “But I am afraid I have to whisk him away. He is wanted by Interpol.”

Alec shot him a strange look. “Interpol?”

Magnus shrugged.

“Knockout?” Alec said.

Magnus raised an eyebrow at him. “You had to know I thought so. Why else would I agree to go on a date with you?”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Cassandra Clare
“The posters bore the words WITH THE PASSING YEARS COMES...IMPOTENCE! Magnus found himself staring at the posters with a sort of absent horror. He looked at Alec and found that Alec could not tear his eyes away either. He wondered if Alec was aware that Magnus was three hundred years old and whether Alec was considering exactly how impotent one might become after that much time.”
Cassandra Clare, The Course of True Love [and First Dates]

Laini Taylor
“My phone buzzes. It’s from Karou: a list of conversation openers that I won’t be needing. —a) Hi. I’m Zuzana. I’m actually a marionette brought to life by the Blue Fairy, and the only way I can gain a soul is if a human falls in love with me. Help a puppet out? —b) Hi. I’m Zuzana. The touch of my lips imparts immortality. Just sayin’. —c) Hi. I’m Zuzana. I think I might like you.”
Laini Taylor, Night of Cake & Puppets

Becca Ann
“I clear my throat." You deserve to be taken out for your birthday. And...I want to be the guy who takes you on your first date.”
Becca Ann, Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend

Tarryn Fisher
“Okay", I breathed. "Then what will it take?" I was completely out of my element. Begging a girl to go on a date with me. This was fucked up. "

"Miss it."

I stared into her cold, blue eyes and knew I'd just met the kind of girl books are written about.”
Tarryn Fisher, Thief

Stephanie Perkins
“Finally, I laugh. Genuine and normal sounding. And then my date says the best thing that he could
possibly say: “It’s okay. I haven’t been on one of these [dates] in a while either.”
My smile triples in size.
Josh grins. “Just give me your hand.”
“Your hand,” he repeats. “Give it to me.”
I extend my shaking right hand. And – in a moment that is a hundred dreams come true – Joshua
Wasserstein laces his fingers through mine. A staggering shock of energy shoots straight into my
veins. Straight into my heart.
“There,” he says. “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that.”
Stephanie Perkins, Isla and the Happily Ever After

R.L. Stine
“She realized she'd never felt this happy.even at her old school, she had been an outsider, always the lonely girl,the one who stayed at home watching tv on Saturday nights while her friends went to parties and out on dates.”
R.L. Stine, First Date

“My parents were so old-fashioned in their attitude to sex that I would rather get in trouble with the police or at school because at least I would be punished less.”
Clive Worth

Samantha Towle
“Fuck it,' I hear him mutter, and the next thing I know he's taking hold of my hand.”
Samantha Towle, Trouble

Kiera Cass
“I got the groceries and lugged them all the way to Akinli’s dorm, running slightly behind because I couldn’t get into the building on my own. The university required ID cards to get into the dorms after six, and since I wasn’t an actual student, I had to wait for someone else to come along and scan his so I could piggyback in.
“You need some help?” the boy asked, his eyes lingering on my mouth.
I shook my head no.
“Aww, come on. That’s way too heavy for you.”
He came closer, and again I cursed our natural appeal. I wasn’t in danger exactly, and I knew that, but it didn’t make these encounters any less uncomfortable. I shook my head again.
“No, really, which floor are you on? I can—”
“Hey, Kahlen!” I looked up to see Akinli walking down the hall. His button-up was open over the gray shirt beneath it, but I was thrilled to see that he’d at least put one on. “I was starting to worry. Hey, Sam.”
“Hey.” The boy gave Akinli a look and headed toward the stairwell, his displeasure at Akinli’s arrival clear. In the meantime, I felt my mood lift significantly. I was now officially on my first date.”
Kiera Cass, The Siren

Pamela Clare
“They danced slow circles in the sand, Javier singing the words to the Spanish version of the song, the melancholy music putting a strange ache in his chest, an ache he saw reflected in her eyes. Was she feeling what he was feeling?”
Pamela Clare, First Strike

“Okay", I breathed. "Then what will it take?" I was completely out of my element. Begging a girl to go on a date with me. This was fucked up. "

"Miss it."

I stared into her cold, blue eyes and knew I'd just met the kind of girl books are written about.”
Tarryn Fisher - Thief

Alexis Woods
“Darren played with the ice cream before raising a spoonful to his mouth. I watched him lick it before he wrapped his lips around the spoon, closing his eyelids and savoring the flavor on his tongue. He slowly withdrew the spoon from his mouth and opened his eyes. He smiled coyly at my rapt attention. I just wanted to reach across the table, grab a fistful of his hair and lick the ice cream right out of his mouth.”
Alexis Woods, Opening Day

Alessandra Torre
“Thank you for meeting me. And for not being a serial killer.” I laugh, and take his hand. “Agreed. I was actually planning on being a serial killer but decided against it. My day is kind of full. Meetings.”
Alessandra Torre, Love in Lingerie

“Tersenyumlah seperti saat baru jadian.”
Iwan Esjepe

Dawn Klinge
“Paul was focused on Ann, alone. “Would
you like to dance?”
The dreaded question. Not because the person
asking was dreadful. Quite the contrary. She
wasn’t immune to his charms, but Ann liked to
feel competent and in control. Dancing was not
going to make her feel that way.”
Dawn Klinge, Sorrento Girl

Damon  Thomas
“A hurricane delayed our meeting. First date force majeure. Online late one night we rescheduled –" Right now! As-is! "Sleep pants and t-shirts were good enough for Waffle House. Over coffee and pie we said the same sorts things we had sent as instant messages. To a person not a screen name. After she gave me the tour. Her cat's old collar on the rear-view mirror. A place where graffiti was allowed. The Slab by the river. Places where the young could be young. She stopped for cigarettes. The cashier had dirt on her face and ate an onion like an apple. We pretended not to notice. It only seemed polite.”
Damon Thomas, Some Books Are Not For Sale

Alexis Woods
“I stopped right in front of him, personal space be damned, and asked, “Can we do this again?”
He flashed me his gorgeous smile, dimples and all. “Yeah... I’d like that.” I smiled right back.
I turned and pulled open the door, holding it for him. We stepped outside, stopping on the sidewalk. I pulled out my cell and handed it to him. Darren took it, punched in his number and when his cell rang, he pulled his phone out. “Now I’ve got your number, too,” he said. “You’ll have to save mine to your contacts.” He handed my phone back, and I gave him one of the bags.
“Will do. Can I call you tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow’s Opening Day,” Darren said. “Wanna catch the game together?”
I think my heart skipped a beat. “Yeah… I’d like that.”
Alexis Woods, Opening Day

Steven  Rowley
“I weave through LA's famous Farmers Market, which is really more of an outdoor food court, and now I'm a few minutes late. And the place is packed and there's still the uncertainty about where to meet when I look down and realize I'm wearing yellow pants. Yellow pants. Really? Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking. They're rolled at the cuff and paired with a navy polo and it looks like maybe I just yacht my yacht, and I'm certain to come off as an asshole.
I thin about canceling, or at least delaying so I can go home and change, but the effort that would require is unappealing, and this date is mostly for distraction. And when I round the last stall--someone selling enormous eggplants, more round than oblong, I see him, casually leaning against a wall, and something inside my body says there you are.
'There you are.'
I don't understand them, these words, because they seem too deep and too soulful to attach to the Farmers Market, this Starbucks or that, a frozen yogurt place, or confusion over where to meet a stranger. They're straining to define a feeling of stunning comfort that drips over me, as if a water balloon burst over my head on the hottest of summer days. My knees don't buckle, my heart doesn't skip, but I'm awash in the warmth of a valium-like hug. Except I haven't taken a Valium. Not since the night of Lily's death. Yet here is this warm hug that makes me feel safe with this person, this Byron the maybe-poet, and I want it to stop. This--whatever this feeling is--can't be a real feeling, this can't be a tangible connection. This is just a man leaning against a stall that sells giant eggplants. But I no longer have time to worry about what this feeling is, whether I should or shouldn't be her, or should or should't be wearing yellow pants, because there are only maybe three perfect seconds where I see him and he has yet to spot me. Three perfect seconds to enjoy the calm that has so long eluded me.
'There you are.'
And then he casually lifts his head and turns my way and uses one foot to push himself off the wall he is leaning agains. We lock eyes and he smiles with recognition and there's a disarming kindness to his face and suddenly I'm standing in front of him.
'There you are.' It comes out of my mouth before I can stop it and it's all I can do to steer the words in a more playfully casual direction so he isn't saddled with the importance I've placed on them. I think it comes off okay, but, as I know from my time at sea, sometimes big ships turn slowly.
Byron chuckles and gives a little pump of his fist. 'YES! IT'S! ALL! HAPPENING! FOR! US!'
I want to stop in my tracks, but I'm already leaning in for a hug, and he comes the rest of the way, and the warm embrace of seeing him standing there is now an actual embrace, and it is no less sincere. He must feel me gripping him tightly, because he asks, 'Is everything okay?'
No. 'Yes, everything is great, it's just...' I play it back in my head what he said, the way in which he said it, and the enthusiasm which only a month had gone silent.
'You reminded me of someone is all.'
'Hopefully in a good way.'
I smile but it takes just a minute to speak. 'In the best possible way.'
I don't break the hug first, but maybe at the same time, this is a step. jenny will be proud. I look in his eyes, which I expect to be brown like Lily's but instead are deep blue like the waters lapping calmly against the outboard sides of 'Fishful Thinking.'
'Is frozen yogurt okay?'
'Frozen yogurt is perfect.”
Steven Rowley, Lily and the Octopus

Cindy Skaggs
“He wore my ex-boyfriend's cologne, and then tried to kill me." Talk about your bad first dates.”
Cindy Skaggs, Survive By The Team

Cheryl R. Cowtan
“He leaned against the chair, his muscular arms relaxed. “Is yer name Rose Amy.”
I gave him an impressed look. I hadn’t expected him to catch on to the vague alphabetical clues to my initials.
“Curses.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth a few times, and I wanted to lean in and kiss him, hard. “Renee… Antoinette”.
“I’d kill my mother if she named me Rene Antoinette.”
I took another drink of my beer, wishing I hadn’t mentioned my mother.
He gave a throaty laugh. “It’s god-awful, that’s fur sure.”
“Quit stalling,” I sighed in mock boredom.
“Rachel Anne.”
My blood slopped to a halt in my veins.
“Uh-No.” I lied, hiding the shock in my eyes.”
Cheryl R. Cowtan, Girl Desecrated: Vampires, Asylums and Highlanders 1984

Lorena Cassady
“Charlie drove up before any of the other boys, substituting speed for style, and hit the curb. His right front tire fell off and the hub ground against the asphalt of the driveway, sending a shower of sparks into the sea of taffeta and chintz. Girls banged into each other like pool balls, trying to avoid bursting into flame.”
Lorena Cassady, Her Perilous Journey

Mike Skinner
“I saw this thing on ITV the other week
Said, that if she played with her hair, she's probably keen
She's playin' with her hair, well regularly
So I reckon I could well be in.”
Mike Skinner

“Relax, no one is asking you to decide on whether to cut the red wire or the blue wire. It's just a date!”
Kevin Darné, Pump Your Brakes! How To Stop Having Bad First Dates

Caroline Kepnes
“I bet we look great from above, lit by stars, in love.”
Caroline Kepnes, You

“A Girl with Game knows that she must be a challenge from day one. She makes sure he is the one chasing her. She doesn’t ask for his number and she doesn’t sit by the phone waiting for his call. When the relationship is new, it’s fundamental for a man to prove himself worthy of a woman’s affection, but also for a woman to show a man that she is a woman of value.”
Leandra De Andrade, This Girl's Got Game: A Smart Girls Guide to Having the Upper Hand over Men in This Game Called Love

George Saunders
“Chestia era, oare ea o să-l dorească? Era bătrân. Bătrâior. Când se ridica prea repede, îi pocnea genunchiul. În ultima vreme începuseră să-i sângereze gingiile. Plus că nu avea degetele de la picioare. Cu toate acestea, de ce să se vândă ieftin? Avea o mică afacere doar a lui. Avea un început de gută, da, și începuse să i se rărească părul, dar pe de altă parte era lat în umeri și în piept, așa că până la urmă, cu toată guta, efectul general era de putere, ceea ce fetelor le plăcea, și cel puțin avea capul bine proporționat în raport cu restul corpului, lucru cu care ea nu putea să se laude, deși e adevărat că el încă locuia cu maică-sa. Ei bine, era cineva perfect?”
George Saunders, Pastoralia

Abby Jimenez
“I jumped out of the truck and went to the bed. I blew up a twin-sized air mattress and covered it with a thick, red, patterned Aztec blanket. I'd brought some heavy blankets and pillows and propped them against the back window so we had something to lean on. I lit a citronella candle for the one or two mosquitoes that might be out this time of year and put it on the roof. Then I plugged in some white Christmas lights to a portable power inverter and ran those along the sides to give us some light to eat by.... There was homemade goat cheese with sliced pears drizzled in honey, dried fruits, bruschetta sandwiches on his fresh baked crusty bread that he made himself with his own sourdough starter, two thermoses with hot chocolate in them.”
Abby Jimenez, Part of Your World

Paul Acampora
“There is no script. There is no map. If it is possible, we will find our way together.”
Paul Acampora, Danny Constantino's First (and Maybe Last?) Date

“I broke a wine glass on our first date. And sometimes I break wine glasses thinking about it. You were in vain and now you’re in my veins.”
Dominic Riccitello

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