Flick Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flick" Showing 1-18 of 18
Tamora Pierce
“Sometimes there's nothing you can do. [...] Sometimes they don't have enough to fight with.”
Tamora Pierce, Briar's Book

Kirsten Miller
“Where's the course called How to Lead a Life of Crime? That's what this is about, isn't it? You've got everyone thinking this is the best school in the country, but it's really just a Hogwarts for hustlers.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime
tags: flick

Kirsten Miller
“You've either bat-shit insane or you've watched too many movies. This isn'tStar Wars,Mandel. I'm not Luke Skywalker. My dad's not Darth Vader. And you sure as hell aren't my Obi-Wan.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime
tags: flick

Kirsten Miller
“Aside from the nagging, he's the most entertaining hallucination I've ever had.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime

Kirsten Miller
“See? You’re the crazy one, you redheaded freak.

I’ve been attempting to translate the phrase into Latin. If I ever succeed, I shall make it my personal motto.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime

Kirsten Miller
“You're my one good thing now.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime
tags: flick

Kirsten Miller
“Why are you here?"
"Because you never said goodbye.”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime
tags: flick, joi

Kirsten Miller
"Shut up," she says as she unbuttons my shirt. "I didn't bring you here for a heart-to-heart. How do I get this thing off without hurting you?”
Kirsten Miller, How to Lead a Life of Crime
tags: flick, joi

Bruno Jasieński
“Historja tych filmów bywa prosta, banalna, w banalności swej gryząca, jak machorka. Filmy takie, wyświetlane dziesiątkami w podmiejskich iluzjonach, wyciskają łzy z oczu sentymentalnych szwaczek.”
Bruno Jasieński, I Burn Paris

Storm Constantine
“Like Seel, he thought Orien had secrets, but he knew Orien would never reveal them. Nagging him to do so always ended up in an argument. Seel should let it drop, but he couldn’t, because he and Cal had a history.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“I don’t want these ghosts around us,” Flick said. “There’s no point to it. It doesn’t get us anywhere.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“Thinking those words made them real; it was the worst magic.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“He did not want to give up the part of himself that was akin to the goddesses of the world.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“Flick became like Aruhani, chaotic desire with a necklace of bones with soume-lan that bled fire.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“The world fractured and reality exploded into splinters of light.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“He dared not stare in any one place for too long, because otherwise the fabric of reality would break down and he would see what lay beyond the illusion.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“The Uigenna had once confined him, and they were supposedly the worst of Wraeththu-kind, but now the supposed best had done the same thing.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure
tags: flick

Storm Constantine
“Flick followed him into the heart of the house, a house so dynamic and present, he was sure he heard it breathing.”
Storm Constantine, The Wraiths of Will and Pleasure