Flowers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "flowers" Showing 211-240 of 1,150
William Shakespeare
“Within the infant rind of this weak flower
Poison hath residence, and medicine power.”
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Jarod Kintz
“I speak the language of the bees. My words are floral and flowery.”
Jarod Kintz, Powdered Saxophone Music

Jorge Luis Borges
“Siempre las flores vigilaron la muerte, porque siempre los hombres incomprensiblemente supimos que su existir dormido y gracioso es el que mejor puede acompañar a los que murieron sin ofenderlos con soberbia de vida, sin ser más vida que ellos.”
Jorge Luis Borges, Cuaderno San Martín

Susan L. Marshall
“Gusts of fiery winds blow,
blasting a furnace of heat.
The air rings with the shrill screams
of my beloved carnations.
Rising and falling,
they shed their flower heads
upon the worn,
foot trodden dirt.

Staring up, their heads smile sadly,
their petals shedding tears.
Rolling across the planks,
they reach out for me.

The carnation flower's scent
is fragrant in the breeze.
It wakes me so I escape
the dark world of dreams.”
Susan L. Marshall, Fleur of Yesterday

Henri Matisse
“There are always flowers for those that seek them”
Henri Matisse

Rainer Maria Rilke
“Flowers, you who end in close affinity to the arrangers’ hands
(Hands of girls then, hands of girls now),
You who cover the garden table from end to end,
Grown weak, gently injured,

Waiting for water which revives you once more
From a death already commenced - and now
Again taken up between the opposing, sorting
Fingers and their feeling of you, and which can so well

Show you favour, give ease more than you had imagined,
As you recover yourselves in a jug,
Cooling slowly, and the ardour of the girls like confessions

Given up by you, seeping forth like muddy and tiresome sins
You committed by being plucked, - these are another tie between you,
So joined in alliance by both your blossomings.”
Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

“Los jóvenes no hacen más que mirar el teléfono móvil y no muestran el menor interés por las flores.”
Camilla Läckberg, Henrik Fexeus, El mentalista

Elizabeth Lim
“The troutberry trees had already bloomed and gone; on the forest floor, delicate white petals of starflowers and goldthread and Carolina springbeauty sparkled when a stray beam of sunshine caught them. Wild onions were the only plant that had fully leafed out, brilliant bright green under maple and elm and birch and oak whose own leaves were still pregnant thoughts.
All of nature was just waking up, fulling, becoming large and new.”
Elizabeth Lim, A Twisted Tale Anthology

Elizabeth Lim
“Instead of diving into the shadows of the forest, he was a tawny lightning bolt striking the edge of a clearing that would eventually be filled with bright purple blossoms. Violets first, then lupines that would make little crowns across the sweet-smelling milkweed, the summer ending with mounds of aster.”
Elizabeth Lim, A Twisted Tale Anthology

Khalia Moreau
“My hands brush against my sides as I rise to my feet. They finger something satiny, and I look down. No longer am I wearing the commoner clothing Laine dressed me in this morning but a white dress that kisses flowers beneath me. Their buds, the size of my fist, permeate the air with a smell I love, the smell of earth. And there's something else--- something sweet that makes my senses tingle, my eyes tear.
I pick one of the buds, jumping back when the petals unravel. A fairy, no larger than the size of a monarch butterfly, emerges. Her wings are like glass, the sun's rays beaming through them to cast little shadows on the earth below as she takes flight.
Her eyes, green like the lush forests untouched by mortals, burrow through my soul, paralyzing me.”
Khalia Moreau, The Princess of Thornwood Drive

“Dios creó en primer lugar un jardín”. Esta afirmación expresa una profunda verdad psicológica. La horticultura tiene su fuente -o, en todo caso, una de sus fuentes- en el Otro Mundo de los antípodas de la mente. Cuando lo fieles ofrecen flores en el altar, están devolviendo a los dioses cosas que saben o que oscuramente -si no son visionarios- comprenden que pertenecen al cielo.”
HUXLEY, Aldous (Godalming, 1894 - Los Angeles, 1964),

“Flowers? Fuck those.

Chocolates? Pathetic.

But daring me to kill you? Damn. That's fucking hot.”
Ashlyn Hades, Broken Phoenix

Victoria Benton Frank
“Maybe violets don't have thorns like roses, or heavy fragrances like lilies or magnolias, but they are just as strong.”
Victoria Benton Frank, My Magnolia Summer

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We are all on different journeys on this Earth. But the sight of the children hugging each other and the flowers blooming together along the way make our journey somewhat comparable.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“My mother I associated with the softer, smoother flavors of the desserts she made, and with the landscape of our farmhouse--- especially with the garden she loved, the pink and lavender candy-land of geraniums, peonies, and sweet peas.”
Charlotte Silver, Charlotte Au Chocolat: Memories of a Restaurant Girlhood

Kayte Nunn
“I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers.
-Sonnet XVII, Pablo Neruda
Kayte Nunn, The Botanist's Daughter

Kayte Nunn
“She murmured their names under her breath as much to reassure herself as anything else... brilliant orange strelitzia--- birds of paradise--- purple aster, a deep magenta bougainvillea, hellebores, camellia, pelargonium and delicate viola in the shade there... the familiar words a salve to her sorrow.”
Kayte Nunn, The Botanist's Daughter

Réka Kaponay
“Every seed has a different way of blooming. It simply depends on how it reaches out to the light.”
Réka Kaponay, Dawn of The Guardian

Stephanie Garber
“What are you doing?' Jacks demanded.

'I thought you were doing this?'

'You think I'd tie us up with flowers?' He scowled as a little pink bud burst into a blossom.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Inside a stone lies the fruit, tender and ripe. Even a desert can grow flowers..the warm stir....and all that was old turns to gold as you drink the wine of life, the sweet sap held within the stone...”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Jayita Bhattacharjee
“Inside the stone lies a fruit, tender and ripe. Even a desert can grow flowers..the warm stir and all that was old turns to gold as you drink the wine of life, the sweet sap held within the stone...”
Jayita Bhattacharjee

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Every day, at least for a few minutes, go and be with the plants. Look at them and smile, touch them with love, and talk to them for a while. These little engagements will recuperate your heart and nurture your soul.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“A luminous
mountain morning.
Little flowers
peep out
from the
abandoned trails
in early spring
and gaze at a
new road.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Many times, while looking at the flowers, unknowingly, we may have transcended ourselves and have become a part of them, at least for a while.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“When people get kinder, our society blooms for the better.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Shahid Hussain Raja
“Twitter romances are fleeting, much like daffodils that bloom in spring and fade away, only to return again next year.”
Shahid Hussain Raja

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Anybody can turn their life around for the better, but people who make other people’s lives better because of them are the healers. They are the flowers.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Let our kindness bloom as the flowers to recuperate us and spread love and peace in the world.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Haig Moses
“I can't do anything with your pretty bouquet of words, but watch them die.”
Haig Moses, An Abundance of Apricots