Foreskin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "foreskin" Showing 1-5 of 5
Marjane Satrapi
“It's not disgusting, that little skin that hangs?"
"The foreskin? No, it's okay. I think that generally speaking, a dick isn't really photogenic."
"I quite agree.”
Marjane Satrapi, Embroideries

“Sight without color would be a good analogy...only being able to see in black and white rather than seeing in full color would be like experiencing an orgasm with a foreskin and without. There are feelings you’ll just never have without the foreskin.”
Kristen O'Hara, Sex as Nature Intended It: The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Making Love, but No One Could Tell You Until Now

“...I asked a friend if he felt ‘different’ when he was the only uncircumcised man in the shower and he said,‘Yes, gloriously different.”
Kristen O'Hara, Sex as Nature Intended It: The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Making Love, but No One Could Tell You Until Now

“...I’m restoring my foreskin because I was born with one, and damn it, I’m going to die with one.”
Kristen O'Hara, Sex as Nature Intended It: The Most Important Thing You Need to Know about Making Love, but No One Could Tell You Until Now

Josef Winkler
“A girl, hardly ten, holding a Barbie doll by its hair, bent over the edge of the fountain, sprinkled her face and forearms, and stared to the side for a moment as Piccoletto, who was also seated on the edge of the fountain, his legs outspread, chewing at his silver crucifix, pulled off his socks. The girl stared long into his leg holes at his balls hanging from his baggy yellow underwear and at the creased foreskin draped over the head of his large member.”
Josef Winkler, Natura morta