God S Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "god-s-love" Showing 61-90 of 526
“The Ark was build to hold the humility of Gods favors and the flood took place to wash away His anger”
Ben Jr Grey

“Spirituality has nothing to do with any religion. Spirituality is the knowledge with the help of which you can awaken your souls. You can strengthen them and through them you reach the higher realms and approach God.”
Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi, The Religion of God (Divine Love): Untold Mysteries and Secrets of God

“Muslim says, ‘I am superior to all.’ A jew declares, ‘I am even better than Muslim.’ And a Christian says, ‘I am greater than both Muslim and Jews, and the rest of the religions, because I am the nation of God’s Son.’ But His Divine Eminence declares that superior and best of all is the one who possess God’s love in his heart, in spite of his indifference to any religion.”
Riaz Ahmed Gohar Shahi

Christa Spaeth
“The Lord wants you to look at yourself from His perspective. He sees so much beauty in you, more than you can see when you look at yourself.”
Christa Spaeth, Powerful Whispers: A 7-Week Journey Discovering Who You Are to God: A Daily Devotional for Women and Men 2023 with Special Worship Music Playlists

Lore Ferguson Wilbert
“God's love for us is not his transaction for our perfect actions. His love is the gift, our faith is the response.”
Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Curious Faith

“Pray to God with conviction and hope, he will never let you down. Never give up and fight until your last breath.”
Baptiste Tricoire

Allene vanOirschot
“You are never a mistake, you are never unloved, you are never really alone; the God of the universe gives you purpose, never believe otherwise.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl

Christa Spaeth
“Recognize that God created you, and every wrinkle you have and every imperfection you may think you see is truly beautiful to God.”
Christa Spaeth, Powerful Whispers: A 7-Week Journey Discovering Who You Are to God: A Daily Devotional for Women and Men 2023 with Special Worship Music Playlists

“Humans who walk in this earth realm without God's agape love in their heart, walk in the darkest of places with no light, blinder than ones without natural sight. Love issues from the heart core center where all of life's issues reside. Do everything you can to live with your whole heart; and ascend your precious soul!”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Lore Ferguson Wilbert
“...if I can grasp how valuable I am to God, then perhaps I can engage in the work of healing generational poverty, wounds, trauma, vocational brokenness, and more. If I stay with the question long enough to consider what it means to be loved by God and cared for - even if the love and care I have received from others pale in comparison - then perhaps I can stay with the healing he offers to those he loves.”
Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Curious Faith

Lore Ferguson Wilbert
“Knowing we are valuable to God means we will care for wounds as we discover them. It means we will submit to the whole healing process, even the painful parts that feel like antiseptic or physical therapy. It means we will not pretend hard things don't hurt or emotions aren't real or death doesn't sting. It means we will weep when we're sad, laugh when we feel joy, have silence when we don't have words, and shout when it's right. It means we will acknowledge our own grief and attend to it. It means each generation becomes a little more healed and whole as we go, until the whole world is reconciled to Christ in wholeness.”
Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Curious Faith

Chuck Ammons
“Wherever it is hard to forgive, remember how much He has forgiven you. And He delights to do it! Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is simply releasing a debt from your hands (which are inadequate to judge) into God’s. It’s saying, “God, here’s what was stolen from me. You saw it. You know all about it, including all I don’t know. I lay down every self-righteous weapon I possess and ask You to return to my heart what was stolen, however and wherever You see fit. It isn’t my debt anymore. My God will supply all of my needs. I release their heart to You.”
Chuck Ammons, En(d)titlement: Trade a Culture of Shame for a Life Marked by Grace

“Someone who is heading to hell might think that it is easier for God to forgive everyone in the end than to repent of their sins and live a godly life.”
Brother Pedro

Soroosh Shahrivar
“God’s sky lures over everyone and the entire world.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Tajrish

Soroosh Shahrivar
“The house of God is always open and that is where he decided to walk to.”
Soroosh Shahrivar, Tajrish

Sophrony Sakharov
“When one reduces the dimensions of the divine revelation concerning mankind, one thereby excludes the possibility of attainingtrue repentance.If men regard themselves only as weak beings, they permit and condone a multitude of transgressions. Because they are thinking of themselves as inferior to Christ, people then refuse- and let this not appear a strange exaggeration- to follow Him truly to Golgotha. To abase in our consciousness our Creator's plan for mankind is not a proof of humility, but an error and even a great sin. We must have the courage to approach the content of divine revelation 'with face uncovered', and 'beholding the glory of the Lord', be 'changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord' [2 Cor. 3:18]”
Sophrony Sakharov, Truth and Life

Stefanie Lozinski
“I am with you.
I will carry you, no matter what.
Ask Me, and I will move mountains for you.
I will fill the empty spaces in your heart.
That is My promise to you.”
Stefanie Lozinski, Maker

“God's sovereignty does not diminish His fatherly love, nor does His love diminish His sovereignty”
Prasanth Jonathan

Elizabeth Goudge
“Every now and then he [Sol] made these cryptic remarks, gazing into the fire or at Stella with his bright amused eyes. She did not understand him, and he had no words to explain what he knew. It was only by the tranquillity with which he carried the burden of things as they are that he could reveal his innate knowledge that the hands that had put it upon him were the hands of love.”
Elizabeth Goudge, Gentian Hill

“When God’s love finally broke through the stone-cold calloused shell that barricaded my heart from His, I couldn’t keep walking or living the way I had been. My life was no longer my own. It belonged to Him. When your heart is captivated by love, you cannot keep selling yourself to a prostitute. When your heart is captivated by God you cannot keep selling your soul to worthless idols.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

“If you do not know your heart, you do not know your God.”
Radoslav Rochallyi, Mythra Invictus- The fate of a Man

“God builds you behind the scenes till you get ready to be shown out as his 'miracle'.”
Hiral Nagda

Grace Hitchcock
“The Lord will provide whether you have a job or not. He wouldn’t give me all these little children to take care of and not provide for them, or us….”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Grace Hitchcock
“The Lord has provided for us all these years, so why would He stop now?”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

“Allah the Especially Merciful, the Most Kind,
When you put your trust in Allah you will certainly find,
Tranquillity of the heart and peace of mind.”
Walead Quhill, Getting to Know Muhammad: a Rhyming Verse Novel, About the Life and Struggles of the Prophet Muhammad, for Teenagers and Young Adults.

Cherry Fargo
“Self-confidence becomes more of a God-confidence that radiates from the knowledge that we are His and we are deeply loved”
Cherry Fargo, Overcoming Shame, Finding Freedom: Healing For Sexual Abuse And Trauma

Roger Macdonald Andrew
“My take is that it’s possible and highly desirable to have a personal trusting relationship with God, with The Creator as a force for good who can be regarded as a loving friend who’s always patiently, forgivingly and eternally there… and not just there when desperately needed.”
Roger Macdonald Andrew, Forgive: Finding Inner Peace Through Words of Wisdom

“God is our Heavenly Father who cares deeply for His children. He has demonstrated His love through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, who reconciled us to Him”
Prasanth Jonathan

“और भी लिखते होंगे दुनिया मे तेरे गीत हजार,
मेरी कलम,तेरी आँखों मे काजल कर गया”
होमन देव सोम

Alan Jacobs
“(With perhaps pardonable exaggeration, Auden remarked of Kierkegaard that one 'could read through the whole of his voluminous works without discovering that human beings are not ghosts but have bodies of flesh and blood.') And for Auden this deficiency is properly described as theological: Kierkegaard, and other Christian thinkers who share his disregard for embodied human nature, neglect clear and vital Christian teaching about God's redeeming love for this physical world, this whole Creation.

(The Poet's Prose)”
Alan Jacobs, Wayfaring: Essays Pleasant and Unpleasant