God S Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "god-s-love" Showing 211-240 of 526
Elif Shafak
“از دست ادم های متعصب خسته شدم, ذله شده ام! انقدر مطمعن اند که خدا طرف آنهاست که با چشم تحقیر به بقیه نگاه میکنند”
Elif Shafak, The Forty Rules of Love

Augustine of Hippo
“Day after day I postponed living in you, but I never put off the death which I died each day in myself. I longed for a life of happiness but I was frightened to approach it in its own domain; and yet, while I fled from it, I still searched for it.”
Augustine of Hippo, Confessions

Ron Lambros
“Why do so many of us struggle with the fact that God loves us unconditionally, and that no matter how good or bad we are, He’ll never stop loving us? God is the only One who never gives up on us, never abandons us, never forgets about us or ceases to care about us. We can never go anywhere without His merciful and compassionate pursuit. Think you’re unlovable and that nobody cares about you? Pause, and always remember that God does and He always will!”
Ron Lambros, All My Love, Jesus: Personal Reminders From the Heart of God

“Even If I’m in a place where light can’t sweep through,
God’s grace will reach me and save me.”
Luffina Lourduraj

“Tuhan sebenarnya telah menyediakan penyelesaian atas kesulitan yang kita hadapi, namun Tuhan tidak segera menurunkan penyelesaiannya karena ingin mengetahui seberapa besarnya cinta kita pada Nya.”
Ulilamrir Rahman

Gift Gugu Mona
“When God says run, don't relax, just run. It is for a reason!”
Gift Gugu Mona

Euginia Herlihy
“Help us Lord to show and give love to those who need love without expecting anything in return especially if we call ourselves the children of God. God is love!”
Euginia Herlihy

Roger of Taizé
“Contemplation is nothing more than one’s whole person being seized by the reality of God’s love.”
Roger of Taizé

“I sold my life to God, and I found the peace...”

Urantia Foundation
The love of God saves the sinner; the law of God destroys the sin.”
Urantia Foundation, The Urantia Book

“Everything is visible to, The Invisible.”
Syed Sharukh

“With God, you are never alone”
Joseph Jacson K.

“If you want to move from darkness into light, stop finding fault in others. Finding fault in others means finding fault in God.”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

“To those who worship Him with single-minded devotion, the Lord offers complete security and protection.”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

“The Guru does not need outer acts of reverence from you. What matters to Him most is your inner attitude of reverence and devotion in acts of obedience.”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

“Neither a study of the scriptures, nor charity, nor rituals, rites or sacrifices can help us attain God. What is required is single-minded devotion.”
Dada J. P. Vaswani

“He who is afraid of dark forces does not truly believe in God!”
Dada J.P. Vaswani

“Love is at the core of God's identity, woven into everything He says and does.”
Ron Gallagher, Right Side Up Thinking in an Upside Down World

“I am a product of my creator manufactured by his Hand, brought in this life to profit him and only him in the company of his presence”
Morgan Chabane

“We know in our deepest heart of hearts that unconditional love is somehow more true – more fundamental, more real, more radical (at the root) – than hate, which always seems to be confused, deluded, reactive, divisive and false. Love breeds love, and hate breeds hate. We all experience this.”
Joan Tollifson, Painting the Sidewalk with Water: Talks and Dialogs About Nonduality

“God's love is unconditional. He loved me before I even believed Him.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

N.T. Wright
“Just as evil is more than the sum total of individual acts of wrongdoing, so Jesus' victory over evil is more than the sum total of subsequent individual acts of selfless love. Christian faith, faith in the crucified Jesus, is more than my individual belief that he died for me, vital thought that it is. It is the faith that on the cross Jesus in principle won the victory over sin, violence, pride, arrogance and even death itself, and that that victory can now be implemented. This faith refuses to accept that violence,, greed, and pride are unassailable and unchallengeable. This faith will go to work to challenge and subvert those destructive forces, in ourselves, in our local communities, in our corporate and political life, in the belief, albeit often in the teeth of the evidence, that they have been defeated and that the power of God's love is stronger than they are.”
N.T. Wright, For All God's Worth: True Worship and the Calling of the Church

“Research makes you discover a lot of things and all must draw you closer to God.”
kingsley Ofosu-Ampong

Enoch Rich
“Do we really think if we do not pray the appropriately worded prayer God may not hear us and we will not receive an answer?”
Enoch Rich, 7 Levels of Faith

“Remember, your breath is the will of the Supreme Power. Stop wasting your time on earthly matters and start dedicating yourself to the enlightenment.”
Vishal Chipkar, Enter Heaven

“The fact that things never end well for the rest of the creatures in this world does not seem to bother the least those who think that there is a divine plan. - On the Divine Plan”
Lamine Pearlheart

“My Way It's The Only Way, It's Not The Way.”
Syed Sharukh

Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt
“God's love strides unswerving through everything, like a hero, and will not be insulted, despised, it rejected; it matches through the world with the helmet of hope on its head.”
Christoph Friedrich Blumhardt, Everyone Belongs to God: Discovering the Hidden Christ

Sarah Christmyer
“Faith is accepting [God’s offer of love]—even if it means holding his hand in the dark.”
Sarah Christmyer, Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy

Sarah Christmyer
“God calls us out of the pain of our longing, not necessarily by erasing it or by giving us what we want but by giving us himself. His perfect love is always on offer; he’s always there for us.”
Sarah Christmyer, Becoming Women of the Word: How to Answer God's Call with Purpose and Joy