Humanitarian Poem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "humanitarian-poem" Showing 1-20 of 20
Abhijit Naskar
“Light Impossible (The Sonnet)

A candle knows only to give light,
Despite being surrounded by darkness.
Darkness cannot affect the candle's light,
A candle cannot be coerced into heartlessness.
The struggle for light has never been easy,
If it were, light would be but a cigarette-butt.
Light is priceless, hence the struggle is eternal,
To be light is to be alive, even amidst the dark.
To be light is to see light, this is the law,
To be good is to see good, this is the way.
One whose hands are guided by love and light,
Even amidst ominous storms never goes astray.
Love for the world causes light impossible.
For love for the people is love untameable.”
Abhijit Naskar, Find A Cause Outside Yourself: Sermon of Sustainability

Abhijit Naskar
“Peygamber Parabrahma (The Sonnet)

In a world where segregation is sanity,
True sanity begins with insanity.
You have to be insane to be egalitarian,
Inclusion is instilled through insanity.
In a world where indifference is sanity,
True sanity begins with insanity.
You have to be insane to take a stand,
Accountability comes through insanity.
In a world where selfishness is sanity,
True sanity begins with insanity.
You have to be insane to be wiped out for others,
Amidst inhumanity, humanity comes through insanity.
Sanity beyond sanity comes from the human beyond human.
Only such human is peygamber, such human is parabrahman.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Elitism & Fundamentalism (The Sonnet)

Elitism and fundamentalism,
Are both the enemies of progress.
Exchanging one bad habit for another,
Is not true advancement but regress.
Fundamentalists used to fill the world,
With the poison of dirty division.
Today elitists poison the world,
By endorsing snobbery and narcissism.
Conscience, courage and compassion,
These are the three pillars of progress.
Without these all belief is delusion,
All glitter is but a sign of coldness.
Replace not fundamentalism with elitism.
Grow out of selfishness into collectivism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ingan Impossible: Handbook of Hatebusting

Abhijit Naskar
“Trading caves for concrete isn't progress,
Trading spears for shotgun isn't advancement.
Trading animism for dollarism isn't growth,
Trading cannibalism for nationalism isn't upliftment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Love is a lamp,
That the sane cannot light.
Peace is poetry,
That the sober cannot write.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“The world is coursing through my blood,
I can live without myself, but not the world.
You can take me away from the society,
But how will you take the society away from my blood!”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“I have no intention of living just a few decades,
I must live forever or not at all.
And the only way we can live forever,
Is to give up this one life in lifting up the world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Life and death are civilian affair.
A reformer works each day with coffin in pocket.
There'll be no life for any of the civilians,
If the reformer slips into drunken enjoyment.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Amantes Assemble Sonnet 82

I am a soldier, I am a reformer.
What will I do with a long life!
If you wanna bless me with something,
Bless me, O Nature, with courage to die with smile.
Life and death are civilian affair.
A reformer works each day with coffin in pocket.
There'll be no life for any of the civilians,
If the reformer slips into drunken enjoyment.
A reformer doesn't know what is a hangover,
Because a reformer is never sober.
Drunkenness of booze wears off in a day,
Drunkenness of sacrifice lasts through millennia.
The selfish drink to seek escape.
The reformer is too free to need such cheap help.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“The world needs hands of humanness,
Not tentacles of authoritarianism.
The world needs the madness to make billions smile,
Not the mad pursuit of billionairism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Reclaim The Planet (The Sonnet)

Monsters spread their tentacles,
Because the masters are asleep.
Puny hyenas rule the world,
When the tigers are asleep.
Enough with pleading, to hell with decency!
Monsters only understand the language of roar.
When the predator comes to feast on your family,
Will you happily make way for them to pleasure more?
Doesn't the thought boil your blood – good, it should!
It means that your backbone is still alive.
Now turn all your attention on your every pore,
Feel through your veins the surge of might.
No more pleading,
no more begging to be treated as humans!
It's time for the humans to reclaim the planet
from the inhumans!”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Amantes Assemble Sonnet 99

Rise, revolt and roar out loud,
No more pleading in front of prejudice!
Breathe, burn and brave out loud,
No more bearing in front of malice!

Dream, dare and dance out loud,
No more dangling as docile doormat!
Heave, hold and help out loud,
No more retreat in front of cold updraught!

Fall, fix and forge out loud,
No more settling as the forgotten figures!
Grow, glow, and break out loud,
No more groveling at the feet of bloodsuckers!

Only antidote to oppression is civilian unsubmission.
When the children go astray, it’s time for parental intervention.”
Abhijit Naskar, Amantes Assemble: 100 Sonnets of Servant Sultans

Abhijit Naskar
“Tenet Beyond Tongue (The Sonnet)

Kalbin olduğu her yerde kader var,
Aşkın olduğu her yerde umut var.
Mücadelenin olduğu her yerde mucize var,
İnsanlığın olduğu her yerde ilahiyat var.

Donde hay corazón, hay destino,
Esperanza es el niño del amor.
Donde hay lucha por la vida hay milagro,
Divinidad es el reflejo del humano.

No matter how many tongues we say it in,
The fact still remains all the same.
Where there is heart there is everything,
Without heart divinity, intellect all are lame.

Biz kimiz? İnsanız. ¿Quienes somos? Humanos.
Who are we? Humanity. Our purpose? Ayudar a los humanos.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Misafir Merhaba: The Peace Testament

Abhijit Naskar
“Reformer Needed (The Sonnet)

To put the politicians straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
To put the soldiers straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
To put the scientists straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
To put the philosophers straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
To put the entrepreneurs straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
To put the preachers straight,
What's needed is a reformer.
And how does the reformer remain straight,
By looking beyond the beliefs of binary lanes.”
Abhijit Naskar, Mucize Misafir Merhaba: The Peace Testament

Abhijit Naskar
“Mi casa no es su casa, porque no tengo casa. Mi casa eres tú, yo soy tu casa. When each human becomes home to another, that is the birth of an impossible esperanza.”
Abhijit Naskar, Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence

Abhijit Naskar
“Every generation needs a janitor,
Every era needs an exterminator.
Every tierra needs a transformer,
Every generation needs a generator.”
Abhijit Naskar, Esperanza Impossible: 100 Sonnets of Ethics, Engineering & Existence

Abhijit Naskar
“Just like every family needs a pillar,
Every generation needs a rock.
All may sprinkle salt on each other's wounds,
You for one, be the ointment to the epoch.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Sharing is not socialism,
Caring is not catholicism.
Helping is not humanism,
Reform is not partisanism.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Division is everywhere,
Inclusion under attack.
Morning sun is like antiseptic,
to the germs of hate and hurt.”
Abhijit Naskar, Visvavictor: Kanima Akiyor Kainat