Humanity Complexity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "humanity-complexity" Showing 1-21 of 21
Wendy Wasserstein
“Anyone who is considered funny will tell you, sometimes without even your asking, that deep inside they are very serious, neurotic, introspective people.”
Wendy Wasserstein

Henry Miller
“To make absolute, unconditional surrender to the woman one loves is to break every bond save the desire not to lose her, which is the most terrible bond of all”
Henry Miller, Sexus

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“Si os he referido estos detalles acerca del asteroide B 612 y si os he confiado su número es por las personas grandes. Las personas grandes aman las cifras. Cuando les habláis de un nuevo amigo, no os interrogan jamás sobre lo esencial. Jamás os dicen: '¿Cómo es el timbre de su voz? ¿Cuáles son los juegos que prefiere? ¿Colecciona mariposas?' En cambio, os preguntan: '¿Qué edad tiene? ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene? ¿Cuánto pesa? ¿Cuánto gana su padre?' Sólo entonces creen conocerle. Si decís a las personas grandes: 'He visto una hermosa casa de ladrillos rojos con geranios en las ventanas y palomas en el techo...', no acertarán a imaginarse la casa. Es necesario decirles: 'He visto una casa de cien mil fracos'. Entonces exclaman: '¡Qué hermosa es!'
Si les decís: 'La prueba de que el principito existió es que era encantador, que reía, y que quería un cordero. Querer un cordero es prueba de que se existe', se encogerán de hombros y os tratarán como se trata a un niño. Pero si les decís: 'El planeta de donde venía es el asteroide B 612', entonces quedarán convencidos y os dejarán tranquilo sin preguntaros más. Son así. Y no hay que reprocharles. Los niños deben ser muy indulgentes con las personas grandes.
Pero, claro está, nosotros que comprendemos la vida, nos burlamos de los números.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Robert Buettner
“One human could simply withhold its feelings and intentions from another human by failing to audibilize or it could audibilize things that were not real. The other human would be aware only of what it heard and would change its behavior in response to a nonexistent stimulus. They called it 'lying.”
Robert Buettner, Overkill

Jacob Nordby
“Life is an endless attempt to word the unwordable, to make what cannot be touched walk on the ground, to embody what can never be fit inside a single lifetime.
We see reflections of ourselves in sunrises, hear our perfection in thunderstorms and babies' laughter--touch, taste and feel--and then try to somehow remember all of that while taking out the trash, paying bills and a million other ways we have invented to forget.
We weave together within ourselves mud and spirit, shadow and light, animal and angel.
No wonder humans feel crazy most of the time.

But you aren't crazy. You are doing a heroic thing by being here as yourself.”
Jacob Nordby

Liza M. Wiemer
“I long for the day when people embrace our common humanity and respect diversity.”
Liza M. Wiemer

“Compared to forest or aquatic ecosystems, grassland is unstable. It requires rather precise geological and climatic conditions, and if these conditions are not maintained--if too much rain falls, or too little--it quickly turns into forest or desert, both of which are dominated by woody plants. This instability is reflected in the spectacular but brief careers of various grassland faunas. Humanity, with its dazzling symbioses, preadaptations, and neoteny, is the most spectacular of these--and may well be the briefest.”
David Rains Wallace, The Klamath Knot: Explorations of Myth and Evolution

“If only we were not that seedling of Creation,
Of Earth and its generations,
If only we had remained simple Clay or Ember,
Or something in between,
Then we would not have to see
This World, its Lord, and its Hell, twice over.”

Javier Merizalde
“Sometimes a man cannot live up to the best idea he dared to have”
Javier Merizalde

Jacob Nordby
“There are times on Earth when extraordinary consciousness invades everyday life. There are times on Earth when unseen forces make a calamity of the status quo. There are times on Earth when it seems as though a divine arsonist has set fire to the world as we know it.
— We live in such times.”
Jacob Nordby, The Divine Arsonist: A Tale of Awakening

G.K. Chesterton
“the things common to all men are more important than the things peculiar to any men. Ordinary things are more valuable than extraordinary things; nay, they are more extraordinary. Man is something more awful than men; something more strange. The sense of the miracle of humanity itself should be always more vivid to us than any marvels of power, intellect, art, or civilization. The mere man on two legs, as such, should be felt as something more heartbreaking than any music and more startling than any caricature. Death is more tragic even than death by starvation. Having a nose is more comic even than having a Norman nose.

This is the first principle of democracy: that the essential things in men are the things they hold in common, not the things they hold separately. And the second principle is merely this: that the political instinct or desire is one of these things which they hold in common. Falling in love is more poetical than dropping into poetry. The democratic contention is that government (helping to rule the tribe) is a thing like falling in love, and not a thing like dropping into poetry. It is not something analogous to playing the church organ, painting on vellum, discovering the North Pole (that insidious habit), looping the loop, being Astronomer Royal, and so on. For these things we do not wish a man to do at all unless he does them well. It is, on the contrary, a thing analogous to writing one's own love-letters or blowing one's own nose. These things we want a man to do for himself, even if he does them badly.”
G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

R. Alan Woods
“The Garden of Gethsemane narrative gives us a vivid view of Jesus' humanity".

~R. Alan Woods [1999]”
R. Alan Woods, The Journey Is The Destination: A Photo Journal

“While most things require money to invest in,
with efforts toward uncertain market shares maintained.
Friendship is something your heart invests in,
with priceless returns shared, in warm memory, remain.”
Tom Althouse, The Frowny Face Cow

“2. The banality of time torments us, the tedium of existence mocks us, and many minor incidences irritate human beings. While we seek to inscribe a personal place in a finite realm, we live in a world without any actual boarders known as the universe. Human wastefulness, suffering, and cruelty know no bounds. Irrespective of all the unfortunate occasions in life that prove painful, stressful, sorrowful, or dreary, all misfortunate setbacks along with the shattering monotony of human existence are part of the vicissitudes of living a sentient life. If a person can view the enigmas of life from a detached perspective that respects life without worrying about the ultimate tragedy of all existence, when we return to the void from which we came, life will appear as a dream, a phantasm.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Coreen T. Sol
“Innate human tendencies were meant to help us survive the wilderness, not make investment decisions.”
Coreen T. Sol, Practically Investing: Smart Investment Techniques Your Neighbour Doesn't Know

Orson Scott Card
“Ningún ser humano es indigno cuando se comprenden sus motivos. Ninguna vida deja de merecer la pena. Incluso el más malvado de entre los hombres, si conoces su intimidad, tiene algún acto generoso que le redime de sus pecados, aunque sólo sea un poco generoso.”
Orson Scott Card, Speaker for the Dead

“In order to appreciate and respect diversity we must first recognize and embrace our humanity.”
Liza Wiemer

Bibiana Krall
“Part of being a creative person is the hope that others might feel a deeper connection to themselves and the universe through your art.”
Bibiana Krall, The Hive