Hurting People Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hurting-people" Showing 1-22 of 22
Shannon L. Alder
“Cruel people offer pity when they no longer feel threatened. However, kind people offer compassion and understanding regardless.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“True saddness is when someone still thinks your the same person after all these years. They brand you because of their own ego, fear and lack of spirituality. What's sadder is when they are Christian.”
Shannon L. Alder

Maggie Stiefvater
“Maybe she'd go for a walk, just her and the pink switchblade. They were a good pair. Both incapable of opening up without cutting someone.”
Maggie Stiefvater, The Dream Thieves

Sue Fitzmaurice
“Managing your emotions doesn't mean you don't express yourself; it means you stop short of hurting others and sabotaging yourself.”
Sue Fitzmaurice

Amit Kalantri
“Your right actions might hurt someone, so if required apologize for your right actions, but don't stop taking right actions.”
Amit Kalantri

“A mistake does not make a shadow. The people who you hurt through the mistake and what they decide to say about it is what leaves a shadow. The only way to erase that shadow is to shed light on it. If that is not possible, moving on to somewhere brighter is always an option.”
Justin David Nevins

C. JoyBell C.
“The only prescription for morality is this: Remember that every woman could have been your mother, every girl could be your daughter. Remember that every man could have been your father, every boy could be your son. When it comes to matters of the heart, that's all that needs to be kept in mind, always, at all times. Whatever form of hurt you cause, will echo in your children one day. Whatever form of judgments you make, must be held up against the condition of your father or your mother. When this is done— one sees that there is no room to judge and that there is no room to hurt, another.”
C. JoyBell C.

“I have learnt to stay quiet even in those times when I feel like screaming.”
Garima Soni - words world

“The gangs filled a void in society, and the void was the absence of family life. The gang became a family. For some of those guys in the gang that was the only family they knew, because when their mothers had them they were too busy having children for other men. Some of them never knew their daddies. Their daddies never look back after they got their mothers pregnant, and those guys just grew up and they couldn’t relate to nobody.
When they had their problems, who could they have talked to? Nobody would listen, so they gravitated together and form a gang. George Mackey, the former representative for the historic Fox Hill community in The Bahamas.”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

“I am convinced it is, then our churches are filled with believers who are hurting, to one degree or another, whether visible or unseen. Some come every Sunday clinging to a thread of hope that somehow the church will be the body of Christ that supports them, offers a word of hope, and helps them find a way to walk through the storm with God instead of without God.”
Glenn Pemberton, Hurting with God

“Harsh words can cause more wounds than sticks and stones.”
Dada J.P. Vaswani

Akemi Dawn Bowman
“When you live with wolves, you learn to howl,' he says... 'the wolf is dangerous, and the howl is a kind of pain. If you spend too much time around people whose souls are hurting, eventually your soul starts to cry out too.”
Akemi Dawn Bowman, Harley in the Sky

Beth Revis
“I’ve made her relive, over and over, the last few days,” I say softly, watching Ms. White’s body. “I’ve had to fill in the blanks with my own feelings and experiences. She’s spiraling around those last moments, those times when she went against me, and she’s feeling it from my side, the pain, the betrayal.”
She thinks she’s awake. I’m doing to her just what she did to me. I’m making her feel what it was like to slowly go crazy, to question everything. To watch my mother die. To fight for my life against my best friend. To feel the man who loved me try to kill me.
To know that the woman I trusted as much as my own mother betrayed me.
That’s what I’m making her feel.
I’ve turned her into me, and made her live the life she forced me to live.

Over and over and over again.”
Beth Revis, The Body Electric

Eraldo Banovac
“Choose words carefully when you talk about people. Spoken words can
sometimes hurt a human soul so strong that it can no longer be cured.”
Eraldo Banovac

“I want Nobody hurt me without my permission.....”
Lovely afg

“Before I was born my father disowned me. You know those ones who get the females pregnant, and then say the baby is not theirs? He rejected me, told my mother that I am not his child, so I never had a relationship with my father. Shelton ‘Apples’ Burrows reform gang leader”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

“Ljudi nisu losi, samo su osteceni.”
Tamara Stamenkovic

Jyoti Patel
“Know that you are going to be hurt and you are going to hurt them in someway.”
Jyoti Patel

“An exaggeration of hurt enhances the defaulter’s guilt.”
BS Murthy

“The best way to process the pain is to let it hurt you.”