Indiscretion Quotes

Quotes tagged as "indiscretion" Showing 1-13 of 13
Alexander Pope
“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”
Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism

Mark Twain
“If you must be indiscrete, be discrete in your indiscretion.”
Mark Twain

J.R.R. Tolkien
“Why must you speak your thoughts? Silence, if fair words stick in your throat, would serve all our ends better.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Children of Húrin

Virginia Alison
“We, as women, have this slight flaw. Yes, admitting it, we are flawed with a faultless memory in regards to the good and bad in men...Stored within our memory banks is every loving gesture and sugar coated word, thoughtful moments, places, arguments, indiscretions, lies all catalogued, timed and dated...The list, for us, is endless...
It is not our fault...You give us so much to remember...”
Virginia Alison

Oscar Wilde
“Early in life she had discovered the important truth that nothing looks so like innocence as an indiscretion; and by a series of reckless escapades, half of them quite harmless, she had acquired all the privileges of a personality.”
Oscar Wilde, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories

Jeanette Winterson
“... I discovered from my time in the brothel that men's members, if bitten off or otherwise severed, do not grow again. This seems a great mistake on the part of nature, since men are so careless with their members and will put them anywhere without thinking.”
Jeanette Winterson, Sexing the Cherry

Tim Winton
“It’s a dangerous feeling getting noticed, being wanted. Getting seen deep and proper, it’s shit hot but terrible too. It’s like being took over. And your whole skin hurts like you suddenly grew two sizes in a minute.”
Tim Winton, The Shepherd's Hut

Maggie Osborne
“Bootie Grant Glover! You do amaze me!" Mem stared at her sister. "Do I understand this? You're giving me permission to engage in a romantic tryst?"

"Certainly not!" Bootie pulled to her full diminished height. "I'm merely saying if disaster strikes, I won't abandon you.”
Maggie Osborne, Brides of Prairie Gold

Oscar Wilde
“Nothing looks so like innocence as an indiscretion.”
Oscar Wilde, Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories

Jayden Hunter
“When you are married to a powerful man, especially a handsome one, you expect indiscretion. It comes with the territory. What you don’t expect is to find out about it on the evening news. ~ Linda Boyd”
Jayden Hunter, Undressed To The Nines

“Indiscretion is weighted heavily towards youth; inaction is weighted heavily towards old age.”
Clifford Cohen

B.S. Murthy
“Exaggeration of hurt enhances the defaulter's guilt.”
B.S. Murthy

B.S. Murthy
“It’s the behavioral pattern with many, in that having committed an indiscretion in the first place; they tend to assume an aggressive posture to provoke an argument, as though to obliterate the origins of their misdemeanor that led to the ordeal.”
B.S. Murthy, Benign Flame: Saga of Love