Inner And Outer Worlds Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-and-outer-worlds" Showing 1-2 of 2
Clarissa Pinkola Estés
“Many women do not even have the basic teaching about predators that a wolf mother gives her pups, such as: if it's threatening and bigger than you, flee; if it's weaker, see what you want to do; if it's sick, leave it alone; if it has quills, poison, fangs, or razor claws, back up and go in the other direction; it it smells nice but is wrapped around metal jaws, walk on by.”
Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Women Who Run With the Wolves

Ulonda Faye
“Another night, under the moonlight, she speaks to me. The language appears to me- as a dream in a dream. Asked to carry forth with a vision, a great path is presented. The waters to get there are not easy. I navigate, I asked and I doubt. 'Oh, but I must doubt the doubt, just as our great Maharishi had said.' She says, 'you are in the water, flow- swim through it and soon, yes very soon, you shall be freedom horse and you will meet the great wise tree.'

I continue feeling strong, growing in courage, I navigate the waters. I turn around to see- Oh, my journey Soul and friend is there- A little behind; yet, navigating as I am. Can I do it? Images of things and people- once known, situations once scorned. I float past deeper into the vast. I reach the edge of a great cliff- great glowing waters appear- I jump. No thoughts are there. I fall into the depths of the waters. What if I don't resurface? Will I have air to breathe?

I appear above it all. To my right is the grandest of trees. So strong, yet so soft and tender- I rest.

Looking back to everything else- to the Soul waiting above at the water's edge I cry out, 'jump'. Silence.

The journey must continue. The path is clear. The doubts have faded. The Soul is healed. My guides and ancestors ride with me as I am now freedom horse. The call is answered. The tribe awaits. We dance upon the water.”
Ulonda Faye, Sutras of the Heart: Spiritual Poetry to Nourish the Soul