Inner Compass Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inner-compass" Showing 1-7 of 7
Erik Pevernagie
“The day we recognize we must let go and drop questionable priorities in life, we understand we must accept to follow our inner compass and find harmony with ourselves. Through the flow between buoyancy and acceptance, we can reach a state of awakening and enlightenment. ( “A handful of dust” )”
Erik Pevernagie

Erik Pevernagie
“Great potential for emotional balance and mental flexibility can help us fight the bleakness and sterility of a statistical matrix that clashes with our inner compass's needs. (" What after bowling alone? ")”
Erik Pevernagie

“Something deep in the human soul awakens as things fall apart. Something in the soul knows that everything in this world can become lost. And something in the soul knows how to survive periods of devastation, disorientation and loss. Descent and falling is the way of the soul from its beginning. We each fell from the womb of life when the waters of the inner sea broke and it came time for us to breathe on our own.”
Michael Meade, Why the World Doesn't End: Tales of Renewal in Times of Loss

“Always obey your self-respect. Your self-respect is just like an inner compass guiding you. Love your husband and family but never let them exploit you.”
Shiv Sangal, S

Anthon St. Maarten
“Never row upstream and fight the currents of life, or passively wait for the tides to change. To get to your destination, calibrate your inner compass, adjust your sails to the winds, and look up at the guidance of the stars.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Danielle Kloberdanz
“The path of spiritual awakening involves uncovering the values and ideas that are authentic to you, regardless of what others think.”
Danielle Kloberdanz, Inner Compass Mom

Abbie Emmons
“Knowledge is not wisdom, Orca. You could see the whole world, learn everything there is to learn, read every book written by every philosopher... and still go to your grave not a fraction wiser than the day you were born. Most people follow the compass of the world. But you have a different compass.”
Abbie Emmons, The Otherworld