Justice System Quotes

Quotes tagged as "justice-system" Showing 151-180 of 228
Chanel Miller
“We force her to think hard about what this will mean for his life, even though he never considered what his actions would do to her.”
Chanel Miller, Know My Name

“When you become bipolar you break things that you can't later fix.”
Bradley Good, 113 Days

Martin Luther King Jr.
“Man-made laws assure justice, but a higher law produces love. No code of conduct ever persuaded a father to love his children or a husband to show affection to his wife.”
Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love

Emily Bazelon
“Somewhere along the way, the balance of power between the prosecution, the defense, and the judiciary shifted. We have to readjust it. The stakes are so high—the well-being of so many communities and the trajectories of so many lives. Public safety depends on our collective faith in fairness and our view of the law as legitimate.”
Emily Bazelon, Charged: The New Movement to Transform American Prosecution and End Mass Incarceration

Cathy O'Neil
“[A] crucial part of justice is equality, and that means, among other things, experiencing criminal justice equally. People who favor policies like Stop and Frisk should experience it themselves. Justice cannot just be something that one part of society inflicts upon the other.”
Cathy O'Neil, Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

Dominique DuBois Gilliard
“The church must reckon with the reality that ever since black people were stolen from Africa and trafficked to this land, they have been dehumanized, abused, criminalized, incarcerated, exploited for profit, and governed in distinctively sinister ways. This oppression has been personal, institutional, systemic, and legislative. It has been authorized and sanctioned by our local, state, and federal government. As the church, do we have the wherewithal to confront the austere reality that our national economy has been subsidized by a criminal justice system that is, and has been, predicated on the exploitation of cheap labor extracted from poor, racially profiled people of color?”
Dominique DuBois Gilliard, Rethinking Incarceration: Advocating for Justice That Restores

“Far too often, to be charged with a crime is to become something less than human.”
Jerome F. Buting, Illusion of Justice: Inside Making a Murderer and America's Broken System

“Now Fonny knows why he is here - why he is where he is; now, he dares to look around him. He is not here for anything he has done. He has always known that, but now he knows it with a difference. At meals, in the showers, up and down the stairs, in the evening, just before everyone is locked in again, he looks at the others, he listens: What have they done? Not much. To do much is to have the power to place these people where they are, and keep them where they are. These captive men are the hidden price for a hidden lie: the righteous must be able to locate the damned. To do much is to have the power and the necessity to dictated to the damned.”
James Baldwin Brown, If Beale Street Could Talk

Stewart Stafford
“When it comes to justice - the indigent get the noose while the affluent get pardoned.”
Stewart Stafford

Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
“Justice always finds the void that seeks it. Justice is a traveler through time.”
Hendrith Smith, The Pursuit of Happiness: A Book of Poems Honoring Our American Values

Marc Grossberg
“Justice should be blind, but not blind with greed. The people must have faith in the fundamental fairness and impartiality of our system of justice if we are to have order in our society. Those who make a mockery of it must not go unpunished.”
Marc Grossberg, The Best People: A Tale of Trials and Errors

Abhijit Naskar
“Justice is not a legal matter, it's a human matter.”
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law

Abhijit Naskar
“Justice and humanity are not different, they are one and the same thing - where there is justice, there is humanity - where there is no humanity, there is no justice.”
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law

Abhijit Naskar
“Justice doesn't mean absence of injustice, it means the presence of human will to stand up to injustice.”
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law

Ian Mortimer
“You can tell that things are fundamentally wrong when a statute has to be passed (in 1330) to stop galoers [jailers] refusing to accept certain prisoners. It seems they are refusing to imprison criminals who are not rich enough to bribe them.

Justice is a relative concept in all ages. The fourteenth century is no exception.”
Ian Mortimer, The Time Traveller's Guide to Medieval England: A Handbook for Visitors to the Fourteenth Century

Rafael Frumkin
“He'd tried following the law but the law just followed him until he felt like he was being hunted.”
Rebekah Frumkin, The Comedown

William Morris
“You think that enough?” said I.

“Yes,” said he, “and moreover it is all that we can do. If in addition we torture the man, we turn his grief into anger, and the humiliation he would otherwise feel for his wrong-doing is swallowed up by a hope of revenge for our wrong-doing to him.”
William Morris, News from Nowhere

“Expecting justice from a mentally ill judge is like expecting the blessing from a devil for being righteous”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“A judicial system is corrupt if truth is denied the right to be a witness.”
Suzy Kassem

Bernard Cornwell
“The law. we are told, is what makes us men under God instead of beasts in the ditch”
Bernard Cornwell, The Last Kingdom

“Madam, I have nothing to do with justice.I sit on a court of appeal where none of the facts are known- one third of the facts are excluded by normal frailty of memory, one third by negligence of the legal profession, and the remaining one third by the archaic laws of evidence!”
sir owen dixon

“ليس العيب في الانسان....بل من يغش فكر الانسان............هشام نيبر
Not a defect in the human.... but for who cheat the human thought!........ Hesham Nebr”
Hesham Nebr

Stewart Stafford
“The law is a cudgel when necessary and a balm where appropriate.”
Stewart Stafford

Tim Johnston
“A professor of mine used to say justice is blind,' he said, 'but she also can't see worth a shit.”
Tim Johnston, The Current

“Does the act of incarceration work as deterrent against crime?"
"No act can be a deterrent as long as the need or desperation to offend is greater.”
Lamine Pearlheart, To Life from the Shadows

“I asked nothing more than to be judged justly. My act didn’t always play well with my audience, and the reviews (which came in the form of verdicts) often panned my performance. In the end, however, the theater company of justice decided that, cost what it may, that role would belong to me for all time, even after the production had finished its run, and no more performances were scheduled. Playing “out of character” had therefore been my way of choosing freedom.”
Massimo Carlotto, Il fuggiasco

“Hammer in the hand of justice is for silence, hammer in the hand of you is for violence; the death of justice”
Dr.P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

Abhijit Naskar
“A few words mumbled by a judge, ain't going to ensure justice in the society, what will, is a genuine sense of responsibility towards the society in each one of us.”
Abhijit Naskar, Operation Justice: To Make A Society That Needs No Law

“أعلم أنك لا تمتلك غير جسد ثور وعقل سمكة...أقتل فأنت منذ فجر البشرية وأنت تنزف!!..... هشام نيبر”
Hesham Nebr

“إن اعتقدت ان رصاصتك ستقتلني فلقد فقدت رصاصة اخري من سلاحك منتهي الصلاحية!!.... هشام نيبر”
Hesham Nebr