Kevin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kevin" Showing 1-23 of 23
Louis Tomlinson
“Oh it's the bingo playing wizard
I love you guys so much, but not as much as my bird and my bingo!”
Louis Tomlinson

T.J. Klune
“You know what they say, once you go dragon, all the rest is just laggin’.”
“No one says that,” I said. “Absolutely no one.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart

“Wow. I've never been in... uh..."

"A fag's bedroom before."


"Well don't touch anything. It's contagious.”
Failte, The Girl For Me

Lionel Shriver
“A carpet of despair which lay underneath the levels of fury.”
Lionel Shriver, We Need to Talk About Kevin

Kevin Swanson
“Education is the preparation of a child intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically for life and for eternity.”
Kevin Swanson, Upgrade: 10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child

Marion Zimmer Bradley
“Return again, return, life itself is calling you with all its pleasure and pain...”
Marion Zimmer Bradley, The Mists of Avalon
tags: kevin, life

T.J. Klune
“Everything is so vast. It’s humbling to remember just how small we really are.”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: kevin

Kevin Swanson
“A common misconception of education comes when the definition of education narrows to the intellectual. The child is compartmentalized. He is not seen as a whole person, fully-integrated with physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual capacities. Thus, if an educational program attempts to address the child's intellect while ignoring his spiritual and emotional development, the approach is sadly ignoring the true reality of the child. Likewise, those who separate the spiritual and emotional part of a child from the intellectual make a big mistake. You cannot delegate only the intellectual training of your child to professionals and retain just the spiritual and emotional for yourself. Whatever class is taught, the whole child is affected.”
Kevin Swanson

T.J. Klune
“There is beauty in the written word,”
T.J. Klune, The Lightning-Struck Heart
tags: kevin

“We forgot to get sheets," Danny said.
"And dish-towels... I don't own a single dish-towel!" Kevin added his own problems.
"And bathroom stuff."
"Not even paper towels! God – how could I forget paper towels!"
"I'll start a list... uh... Got anything I can write on?"
"No. Make that first on the list."
"Got anything I can write with?"
"Maybe we'd better just go, Danny... before it gets worse.”
Failte, The Girl For Me

Joseph Fink
“KEVIN: And now a word from our sponsors. Lauren?
LAUREN: Thank, Kev. Can I call you Kev?
KEVIN: Haha. No Lauren, by no means.”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe

Joseph Fink
“KEVIN: But there are many reasons we have to do our broadcasting from here.
LAUREN: It sends a message.
KEVIN: It sure does. It sends several fun messages for everyone to enjoy. Anyway, the boys in Sales, who are all named Shawn, came by and with their help I was able to make this studio feel a little more like home. They put up a bit of a fuss about the changes, but that's just because no one likes change. There are some people who don't understand progress, you know.
LAUREN: I'll miss the Shawns.
KEVIN: I'll miss them too, but look how much nicer this places looks. You can see the Shawns' contributions all over the desk.
LAUREN: And running down the walls. Yes, SO much nicer.”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe

Joseph Fink
“KEVIN: Violent revolution has never solved anything.
CECIL: I beg to differ. America was founded on a revolution. I mean sure, we are still ruled by the reptilians. But the lizard kings let us have our own country after they saw how hard we tried during that revolution thing.
LAUREN: That was decades ago, Cecil.”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe

Joseph Fink
“LAUREN: We here at Strexcorp Synergists, Inc., are dedicated to the betterment of life through branding, social networking, and upbeat music.
KEVIN: And hard work.
LAUREN: I'm pretty sure it's implied that hard work is part of it, Kevin.
KEVIN: I'm pretty sure I didn't ask for your feedback.”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe

Kevin W. Reese
“We spend the first half of our lives making ourselves sick, and the second half of our lives trying to make ourselves un-sick.” – Kevin W. Reese”
Kevin W. Reese

Kevin W. Reese
“The human body is a tube and tank machine with an electrical system that is made up of trillions of cells and two fluids, which are designed to create and react to chemistry. While this machine can malfunction, malfunctions can be fixed.” – Kevin W. Reese”
Kevin W. Reese

Joseph Fink
“The beautiful thing about Kevin - besides Kevin himself - is how his voice is so different from Cecil's. It worked perfectly for the duality in this episode. Cecil's voice is deep, dark, serious. Kevin's is bright, light, and smiling. So much smiling.

He appears only briefly in this part of the episode, but the first time I heard the audio file, it really did bring tears to my eyes. Kevin's character is so utterly horrifying and with such a chipper, sunny voice. I didn't know whether I was laughing or crying.”
Joseph Fink, Mostly Void, Partially Stars

Kevin W. Reese
“Money, food, and sex are overrated. They become attachments that enslave the untrained mind. Freedom has no cravings.” – Kevin W. Reese”
Kevin W. Reese

“I'm crazy about him and I'm crazy without him!”
Amy Shanahan

Joseph Fink
“KEVIN: We know that there has been some tension. Certain events that everyone regrets, although some regret them more than others. But we also know that nothing removes tension between rivals towns quite like a picnic, a smile, and a song. Sing louder. Louder. Good.”
Joseph Fink, The Great Glowing Coils of the Universe
tags: kevin, wtnv

“Big money, Big women, Big fun.”
Kevin Yew
tags: kevin, yew

John Marsden
“This is bigger than a fart in a bathtub, you know.”
John Marsden, A Killing Frost
tags: kevin

Denise Grover Swank
“Sorry I accused you of trying to kill my sister." He stared into Josh's face, his eyes filled with a challenge. "I'm sure an uptight prick like you would be much tidier with how you carried it out.”
Denise Grover Swank, The Substitute