Leopard Quotes

Quotes tagged as "leopard" Showing 1-18 of 18
Rick Riordan
“I hate to tell you this,” Jason said, “but I think your leopard just ate a goddess.”
Rick Riordan, The Lost Hero

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
“Noi fummo i Gattopardi, i Leoni; quelli che ci sostituiranno saranno gli sciacalletti, le iene; e tutti quanti gattopardi, sciacalli e pecore, continueremo a crederci il sale della terra."

( "We were the Leopards, the Lions; those who'll take our place will be little jackals, hyenas; and the whole lot of us, Leopards, jackals, and sheep, we'll all go on thinking ourselves the salt of the earth." )
Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa, The Leopard

Anna Jacobs
“Leopards don't change their spots”
Anna Jacobs, Beyond The Sunset

Elizabeth Hoyt
“Excuse me, but I believe you have my lady,” one of them said in a quiet, deep voice that sent veritable chills down George’s spine.

Elizabeth Hoyt, The Leopard Prince

Kaoru Kurimoto
“It was as if he had two faces, one of utmost calm, one of furious action; and he wore both with ease. He was like the animal whose face he wore, able to sit in silence for hours, without moving a muscle, then flying like a raging storm into battle, returning again to perfect calm when the fight was over.”
Kaoru Kurimoto, The Leopard Mask

Lia Davis
“... he'd been forced to reply on his charm. Which, as Cam would have put it, was like a wet cat trapped inside a plastic bag.”
Lia Davis, A Mating Dance

Lia Davis
“I offer my body and soul to you and Cameron till death parts us!”
Lia Davis, A Mating Dance

Jim Corbett
“It was as though the man-eater - for no other leopard would have killed the goat and laid it on the track- had said, 'Here, if you want your goat so badly, take it; and as it is now dark and you have a long way to go, we will see which of you lives to reach the village.”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag

Amy Neftzger
“I don’t have to be logical. I’m a leopard. We’re considered wild animals, you know. (Spoken by Megan.)”
Amy Neftzger, The Orphanage of Miracles

Jim Corbett
“Hundreds of false rumors of alleged attacks by the man-eater were brought to us, entailing endless miles of walking, but this was only to be expected, for in an area in which an established man-eater is operating everyone suspects their own shadows, and every sound heard at night is attributed to the man-eater.”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag

Mike Bond
“Faraway a leopard barked that high, dissatisfied deep roar it cuts off so sharply, as if its annoyance is too great to express, can only be appeased.”
Mike Bond, The Last Savanna

Alexandra Fuller
“They drink blood," he tells me.
"For fun. Leopard beer." He laughs.”
Alexandra Fuller, Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight: An African Childhood

Jim Corbett
“Leopards, that is ordinary forest leopards, do not like rain and invariably seek shelter, but the man eater was not an ordinary leopard, and there was no knowing what his likes or dislikes were, or what he might or might not do.”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag

“A leopard can't change its spots.. but a Cosmetologist can.”
Ankala Subbarao

Munia Khan
“Amur Leopard

To knock our conscience
They won’t bang our doors
Like us they’re not silly, nonsense
They are the valorous carnivores”
Munia Khan, The Half Circle

Anthony T. Hincks
“Spots can be any shape that you want, but a leopard will still have spots regardless of shape.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Jim Corbett
“For this pitiful kill leopard would have to pay with his life”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag

Jim Corbett
“Their boundless faith in their philosophy, a faith strong enough to move mountains and very soothing to depressed feelings, that no human beings and no animals can die before their appointed time, and that the man-eater's time had not yet come”
Jim Corbett, Man-eating Leopard of Rudraprayag