Lgtbq Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lgtbq" Showing 1-30 of 98
Cassandra Clare
“Isabelle was holding an umbrella. It was clear plastic, decorated with decals of colorful flowers. It was one of the girliest things Simon had ever seen, and he didn’t blame Alec for ducking out from under it and taking his chances with the rain.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Lost Souls

Charlena E. Jackson
“The ‘love’ we had was dead before it started. I am not willing to revive something that isn’t worth saving.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson

Charlena E. Jackson
“You is a thorn on my side that caused me to bleed to death, but I never had the strength to take it out.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Casey McQuiston
“What it would be like to have someone bite down a smile when they point and say," Yeah, her. She's mine "To live alongside someone, to kiss and be kissed, to be wanted”
Casey McQuiston

Charlena E. Jackson
“You thought I was weak because you tore me apart with your words. The sad thing is, you thought you were in control, but you never were... no, you never were, because you were never in control of yourself.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“You thought I was weak because you tore me apart with your words. The sad thing is…you thought you were in control, but you never were…no you never were because you were never in control of yourself.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“Every day, I laid in your bed I was your prey.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“After you walked into my life, I was living and walking in fear every single day. You hypnotized me, and once upon a time, you were my favorite sin. I was exposed to evil in the worst way ever, but I know whether I survive in this coma or not, I have released any blocks, roots, soul ties, and attachments that once held me down.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“I do know is at the beginning and end of the day, I know I paid my dues.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“Life is meant to be enjoyed, not trying to dissect yourself worth to others or even yourself.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Benjamin Alire Sáenz
“Dante, Dante, Dante. He was like a heart that was beating in every pore of my body. His heart was beating in my heart. His heart was beating in my head. His heart was beating in my stomach. His heart was beating in my legs. His heart was beating in my arms, my hands, my fingers. His heart was beating in my tongue, my lips. No wonder I was trembling. Trembling, trembling, trembling.”
Benjamin Alire Sáenz, Aristotle and Dante Dive into the Waters of the World

Charlena E. Jackson
“I paid for your love, and in reality, love doesn’t cost a thing. The ‘love’ we had was dead before it started. I am not willing to revive something that isn’t worth saving.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“I never loved me first, and that was one of my many mistakes.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“The Truth was staring me in the face, but I let you easily persuade me with lies on top of lies. You made a fool of me over and over again and I allowed you to control my thoughts…you never cared. You didn’t give a shit. I was blind to the truth…and what was so crazy is that the truth and the red flags were waving me down, but I thought I could change you. However, the only person it changed was me.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“You tried to play on my weakness, but you were the weakest link.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“I didn’t know what you wanted from me, at times I wish I was enough but I don’t give a fuck anymore. You had a fucking time bomb in your head, that always exploded on me. I couldn’t keep up with you. You lead me on and on, all you did was have me run in a circle.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Charlena E. Jackson
“I am willing to take ownership of my past decisions.”
~Love is respect ♥~”
Charlena E. Jackson, In Love With Blindfolds On

Saeed Jones
“In reality, I was a lanky, black, obvious teenager, obviously effeminate too, if given an opportunity to move or speak. But from a distance, maybe my body transformed, as the bodies of young black men are wont to do when stared at by white people in this country. Maybe my spine stretched itself into a basketball player’s posture, this stranger’s gaze giving me something I could never quite seem to give myself: the sense of being a real man, strong, even intimidating.”
Saeed Jones, How We Fight For Our Lives

Vivek Shraya
“Your fear is not only hurting me, it’s hurting you… Consider how often you have dismissed your own appearance, behaviors, emotions and aspirations for being too feminine or masculine. What might your life be if you didn’t impose these designations on yourself, let alone on me?”
Vivek Shraya, I'm Afraid of Men

David   Rosa
“Porque no hay dos fuegos iguales, y cada una brilla por lo que es. Y ese brillo tampoco se puede operar.”
David Rosa, Todo lo que ya debería haber dicho

“Older age can be challenging for LGBTQ people when living an independent life becomes more difficult. Having lived in a same-sex relationship for many years there are limited choices about living in a retirement home where some people may feel that they have to supress their sexuality in order to appease others. I hear less these days about this aspect of LGBT life, being forced back into the closet in order to live in close proximity to others, that can cause depression particularly where there may be no close relatives or friends having lived a long life”
Franko Figueiredo-Stow, Out On An Island

Fiona Shaw
“I wish they'd stop thinking that I wanted any extra man," she said, and the cat arched ever so slightly and slept on.”
Fiona Shaw

“Everyone should look in the mirror, before pointing a finger. Maybe you are the person everyone is complaining about, but you don't see it. Women know the wrong things they do, and man also know the wrong things they do. Even if everyone denies it and trying to be innocent in public. We point fingers at others and hoping that they don’t find out, about our bad traits, character and behavior. Hoping we are not exposed one day on the wrong things we are hiding. Everyone needs to work on themselves and fix the wrongs they do. That is how we will fix the country.”
De philosospher DJ Kyos

Laura Chouette
“Our morality changes everything
that holds truth
- while the hate you paint with
just recolours the lines of history.”
Laura Chouette

“Mans downfall is women. Women's biggest mistake and downfall Is being friends with other women.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Courtney Gould
“You know, I read an article a while back about people like the daughter,” Tammy continued as though she hadn’t been asked a question. She leaned back in her chair and looked out over the gray lake. “Studies say they usually turn out just fine, actually. Totally normal. I thought the lack of balance at home would make it hard for them to grow up right. But the article said they’re like those plants that grow in the dark. Resilient.”
She said resilient with a punch in her voice, like Logan was a soldier marching against her oppressively gay fathers.”
Courtney Gould, The Dead and the Dark
tags: lgtbq

Adiba Jaigirdar
Adiba Jaigirdar, The Henna Wars

Margot Douaihy
“There is a sublime wholeness in holding one another, fitting into other bodies. We eat the body of Christ. We drink the blood. So many years later, Nina’s taste still laced my mouth—champagne, sweat, graphite licked off a tongue.”
Margot Douaihy, Scorched Grace

“If there was one thing Felan had learned, it was that adults always made excuses, and children were always to blame.”
Maisie Kitton, Opium

S.T. Gibson
“It seemed strange to me, to suddenly be so protective of the rights of refusal of a girl I was dying to sink my teeth into, a girl who would probably love to see me crawl and beg and suffer. But I decided on the spot that if I was going to be a monster, I was going to be an elegant one, like my beloved De Lafontaine. There was no sense descending into an animalistic frenzy without the full agreement of my blood donor; there was no art in it, no beauty. And I would die before I sacrificed art and beauty. Life simply wasn't worth living if it wasn't by those principles.”
S.T. Gibson

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