Life Coaching Advice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "life-coaching-advice" Showing 1-30 of 128
“If you can show people how to build castles, make sure you do not neglect building and nurturing your own.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Karl Wiggins
“A life coach? What does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything, does it?

So they ‘coach’ people on how to live their lives? Why don’t they mind their own fucking business? They only call themselves life coaches because they can’t get a job. Because they’re unemployable. And they haven’t got any qualifications either. Do you think they went to Uni to study life coaching? Of course they didn’t.

And who do they coach anyway? Do people go to them and ask to be coached on their lives? I hardly think so. They’d see a psychiatrist or a psychologist or someone with a bit of clout, wouldn’t they?

They don’t coach anybody at all, do they? They’ve made it all up.

So, there you have it. At the bottom end of the otherworldly, metaphysical scale, even less developed spiritually than Orphans or Horace, are Life Coaches.”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Ana Claudia Antunes
“If you want to heal a broken heart,
Be smart! That's all an ancient art.
Start by loving the very small parts
That were left there shattered apart.”
Ana Claudia Antunes, Pierrot & Columbine

Marcel Riemer
“Life Is Like a Big Kitchen — You Create, Plan, Organize, Execute,
Achieve and Sometimes You Fail…”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“Do you remember your favorite dish your mom always prepared for you?”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“You can never focus without a goal and never achieve your goal without focus...”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“In order to stay focused, you need to be motivated. In order to stay motivated, you need to know your why!”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“You have only failed if you have completely given up on your goal.”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“Inspiration, I found out, only comes from within you.”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Karl Wiggins
“A life coach? What does that mean? It doesn’t mean anything, does it? So they ‘coach’ people on how to live their lives? Why don’t they mind their own fucking business?”
Karl Wiggins, Wrong Planet - Searching for your Tribe

Joanne Mallon
“Our lives pivot on tiny moments. Whether it’s an email out of the blue, someone saying yes to you, someone saying no, births, deaths, accidents or decisions, these instants form turning points in our lives and all of a sudden we’re headed in a new direction.”
Joanne Mallon, Change Your Life in 5 Minutes a Day

Kemi Sogunle
“Think before you act. Reason before you react.”
Kemi Sogunle

Sarah Centrella
“Embrace your past. It's your greatest teacher. When you learn and apply those lessons than it no longer defines your future.”
Sarah Centrella, Hustle Believe Receive: An 8-Step Plan to Changing Your Life and Living Your Dream

“What’s inside something doesn’t make that something, what’s inside it. People are not their behavior.”
Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, Ph.D, MBA

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“It's unwise to be a backseat driver, passenger or bystander in your own life.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Jessa Stephens
“Until you deal with the core of the problem—nothing changes. Life is about choices; choices make a change.”
Jessa Stephens

Marcel Riemer
“Chefing is like real life — you never finish learning...”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“The kitchen is a high-speed environment, so the more flexible you are so better”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“A leader is someone who can gather people around himself who are smarter and more skilled than he is.”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“If you don’t change, you are afraid of yourself...”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

“Fame and popularity does not make you great. Showing and helping others to be the greatness of their DNA makes us great.”
Eveth Colley

Marcel Riemer
“You want to be hands-on and on the other side, you need to be a great delegator...”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“As a chef you have the possibility of traveling the world”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

Marcel Riemer
“Travelling the whole world, working where other people spend their vacations — that sounds like a dream...”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens. What TV chefs don't tell you.

Marcel Riemer
“Look forward, move forward. Get going, keep going.”
Marcel Riemer, Slamming It Out!: How I got shit done in 5* kitchens

“Relationships get stronger when both of you are willing to understand mistakes and forgive each other!”
Kari Petruch

Janani Srikanth
“It is when we think that we have it tougher than others that we develop a cynical outlook towards others’ achievements and dissatisfaction with our own.”

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