Lifeboats Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lifeboats" Showing 1-6 of 6
Jean Kerr
“The only reason that they say, 'Women and children first' is to test the strength of the lifeboats.”
Jean Kerr

Jazz Feylynn
“Life's thoughts are the lifeboats sailing the mind's ocean.”
Jazz Feylynn

Alexander McCall Smith
“…one of the coasts of a country that was a lifeboat, and that lifeboat was under siege by people who wanted to be taken on board. She thought to the southern shores of Italy and the boats that came up from the south, crammed with the desperate of North Africa striving to get into Europe. The vessels capsized under their human cargo; there were people in the water, their dream coming to a watery end. How could one turn one’s face against all of that? What sort of person would one have to be to sail past?”
Alexander McCall Smith, The Novel Habits of Happiness

Hank Bracker
“With the sound of three short blasts on the ship’s whistle, we backed away from the pier. This ship was unlike most ships and we all noticed a definite difference in her sounds and vibrations. At that time, most American vessels were driven by steam propulsion that relied on superheating the water. The reciprocating steam engines, with their large pistons, were the loudest as they hissed and wheezed, turning a huge crankshaft. Steam turbines were relatively vibration free, but live steam was always visible as it powered the many pumps, winches, etc. Steam is powerful and efficient, but can be dangerous and even deadly. Diesel engines were seldom used on the larger American ships of that era, and were not considered cost or energy efficient.
The Empire State was a relatively quiet ship since she only used steam power to drive the turbines, which then spun the generators that made the electricity needed to energize the powerful electric motors, which were directly geared to turn the propeller shafts. All in all, the ship was nearly vibration free, making for a smooth ride.
We all had our sea projects to do and although they were not difficult, they were time consuming and thought of as a pain in the azz. The best time to work on these projects was while standing our make-work, lifeboat watches. One of the ship’s lifeboats was always on standby, hanging over the side from its davits. Day and night, we would be ready to launch this boat if somebody fell overboard. Fortunately, this never happened, so with little else to do we had plenty of time to do our projects.”
Captain Hank Bracker, "Salty & Saucy Maine"

Steven Magee
“Tropical islands will be the lifeboats of humanity in a climate changed world.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If God built the ship, lifeboats are unnecessary. However, if men built the ship lifeboats are also unnecessary simply because none of them will float any better than the ship.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough