Loss And Pain Quotes

Quotes tagged as "loss-and-pain" Showing 1-5 of 5
“You have certain ideas about what should happen... expectations. And if life is not moving that way, something is wrong. Nothing is going wrong! Life is going on its own, on,!y you have some fixed ideas. So drop those fixed ideas. Life is never going to follow you... you have to follow life. So if it is muddled, be muddled. What can you do?”
Osho, Beloved of my heart: A Darshan diary

“Always remember that you are the observer and not the doer. Do not take life to be anything more than acting. Don’t identify yourself too much with the action.
Whether you are a wife or husband, a businessman or client, don’t get too involved. Don’t lose yourself in it, for you are simply playing a role in the play. Keep outside of it, and within yourself. These are all necessary parts of life. You must go to work, it is necessary. The play is delightful if you see it as play, but it is fatal if you take it to be life. There is no reason so disrupt your life. You have to play the part that life has given you.”
Osho, Bliss: Living beyond happiness and misery

“Once you start learning how to choose the peaceful, a small room is enough; a small quantity of food is enough; a few clothes are enough; one lover, a very ordinary man, can be enough of a lover. But if you go on asking for more and more, then thousands of men are not enough. Even the most beautiful man is finished sooner or later. Your desire goes on and on. It knows no end... it stops nowhere.”
Osho, Beloved of my heart: A Darshan diary

Corey Ann Haydu
“Even when everything hurts, even when other cities are exploding and people we love are disappearing, there’s still space for sweet things.”
Corey Ann Haydu, The Careful Undressing of Love