Lovely Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lovely" Showing 91-120 of 240
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
“You are still, as you ever were, lovely, beautiful beyond expression.”
Mary Shelley, Mathilda Mary Shelley
tags: lovely

E.M. Forster
“Then she turned westward, to gaze at the swirling gold. Just where the river rounded the hill the sun caught it. Fairyland must lie above the bend, and its precious liquid was pouring towards them past Charles's bathing shed.”
E.M. Forster, Howards End

Ben Orlin
“Reality is a lovely starting point, but the coolest destinations lie far beyond it.”
Ben Orlin, Math with Bad Drawings

Grace Curley
“There was something beautiful about his scars, something lovely about his fallibility.”
Grace Curley, The Light that Binds Us

Iris Murdoch
“Well, you won't abandon me, will you."

"Don't be silly, Ludens, you are buckled to my heart.”
Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet

Vijay Fafat
“She douses the flames of desire in my eyes,
and asks why I leave the soiree so thirsty.”
Vijay Fafat, The Ninth Pawn of White - A Book of Unwritten Verses

Iris Murdoch
“The grass on the other side of the road was a pullulating emerald green, the rocks that grew here and there among the grass were almost dazzlingly alight with little diamonds. The warm air met me in a wave, thick with land smells of earth and growth and flowers.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sea, the Sea

Iris Murdoch
“Look Moy, see the chimneys, they've lit all the fires, they must have known we were going to try to drown ourselves. And Anax is running on ahead to bring the news.”
Iris Murdoch, The Green Knight

Helen Oyeyemi
“A song called 'Earth Angel' played in her head all morning—also three trumpets and a piano.”
Helen Oyeyemi, White Is for Witching

Millie Florence
“The trees were dappling again. They loved to dapple, it seemed to be their favorite pastime.”
Millie Florence, Lydia Green Of Mulberry Glen

Sandra Newman
“It was night, and the sky spreading into a rain that fell like darkness visible, a glistering where there was no light.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Steve Almond
“Isn’t there something you want to tell me, something filthy and lovely and true”
Steve Almond, Which Brings Me to You

“Compromised by longing & looking for language

to note the differences in the map: the pointed spruces
tipped against the moon this time

& the water halflit, star-slid—but it makes no difference
in the telling.”
Emily Skaja, Brute: Poems

Sameem ul Islam
“Life is an unforgettable journey. A journey where you plan things but the timings are planned by someone else. A journey where you set the goals but the day you achieve them are planned by the best of the planners. So we need to keep our dreams and passion alive. If they stay alive one day we will get them in the best of ways. Then when we will look back and search it will be revealed that every stupid move was a step forward, every tough time was a preparation and every delay was an attempt to fine tune the results.”
Sameem ul Islam, A Beautiful Witch: Survival - Part 1

Lannah Marshall
“What a lovely bit of light to change an entire perspective of an experience. So powerful, so subtle and so pure in nature that I can’t argue it away.”
Lannah Marshall, Shoal: A Thanet Writers Anthology

E.M. Forster
“But Love cannot understand this. He cannot comprehend another's infinity; he is conscious only of his own—flying sunbeam, falling rose, pebble that asks for one quiet plunge below the fretting interplay of space and time. He knows that he will survive at the end of things, and be gathered by Fate as a jewel from the slime, and be handed with admiration round the assembly of the gods.”
E.M. Forster, Howards End

Kevin Kwan
“You're right, it's all going to be perfection," Kitty said, gazing out the window as the workmen began rehangingThe Palace of Eighteen Perfectionson her drawing-room wall.”
Kevin Kwan, China Rich Girlfriend

Iris Murdoch
“Oh why is she going away just when I want so much to be with her! She is the answer to the riddle of my life.”
Iris Murdoch, The Green Knight

Iris Murdoch
“These words had impressed Clement deeply, inscribed upon his heart.”
Iris Murdoch, The Green Knight

Sandra Newman
“Sweet wine from Spain and gossip from France; the sun in the windows dimmed, sorrowed prettily as the day declined, until the candles' light was mirrored in the glass. Their dabbling flames were like guesses at a feeling, the hearth's fire like the feeling itself. It was a beautiful pastime she had missed; hours that had stepped light-footed on Emilia's memory and passed on.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Iris Murdoch
“...where an iron bedstead was wrapped in stillness.”
Iris Murdoch, The Message to the Planet

Petra Hermans
“My frog prince has purple dots in her green hair. She has blue eyes with diamonds as yellow, orange and red pillows in a sky of sunshine!!”
Petra Hermans
tags: lovely

“You go to be somebody, You got to make a little money And be a little strange”
Jordan Hoechlin

“you're the moon revolving round my earth
you light darkness off my soul,
and you're so beautiful to see,
you stole my breathe”
Victor Towoju

Alejandra Pizarnik
“With crystal chords I play love's very tune
In soft falling rain that allays my wound”
Alejandra Pizarnik, The Galloping Hour: French Poems

Sandra Newman
“...while the world became the something else of dreams, of books, of Kate.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Sandra Newman
“Outdoors; everything one might dream. The fairy-gray clouded sky and the fairy-green misted wood. Her tall horse shying at a sparkling brook. All dreams.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Sandra Newman
“Then it cleared: farther down the hallway, a door had opened on a flourish of sunlight. Into the light stepped a youth, white and gold, a celestial apparition—the Earl of Southampton. His face was beardless still, the eyes pale blue and with the lashless look of redheads. His auburn tresses, artfully curled, fell almost to his elbows. He was six feet tall and lovely as a waterfall, as pretty as a flowering tree. White silk, white velvet, cloth of gold. A gold filigree earring in one ear. Emilia knew him from her days of attendance on the Queen: an uncanny, androgynous youth with the despotic pout of the beautiful, who can never be sufficiently loved.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Sandra Newman
“She was a candle in the night, a bright seed of heaven.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens