Magical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "magical" Showing 61-90 of 441
Eli Wilde
“Finch turned around. The slap of his bare feet on the bare floorboards as he walked to the door reminded me of the heartbeat of someone beaten down by life. Finch wasn’t beaten down yet, but his feet thought he was.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Eli Wilde
“These skeletons are not like the ones in the bunker,” Macy said. “These are beautiful and not strange at all. Can we take one down and put it in the car with us? It would be good company. And probably talk to me more than you do.”
Eli Wilde, Orchard of Skeletons

Robert         Reid
“Ragna hesitated. She had known this moment would come. “My Lady, your son Alberon is the father of our child and he has sworn to me that we will be married.”
Robert Reid, The Emperor

Daniel Cuervonegro
“He enjoyed the lying and the fooling of those around him. It made him feel in control, like his true self was not here, just somewhere else, arriving but never quite present. Never quite awake.”
Daniel Cuervonegro, Sins of the Maker

Daniel Cuervonegro
“No matter the vastness of it all, the most ordinary life is still the greatest thing out there and therefore, no matter the circumstances, it’s all worth living.”
Daniel Cuervonegro, Sins of the Maker

Daniel Cuervonegro
“From now on the value of your life is wholly determined by you. Keep this sword close and remember, when a man learns to kill others he also learns how to die. And therefore, how to live.”
Daniel Cuervonegro, Sins of the Maker

Mary K. Savarese
“Tyler knelt and rummaged through the empty waste basket. He frowned. No glasses and no gum. “Wait a minute…” He walked up to the hanging toile and stared at it. What’s going on this looks like Aunt Meg’s wallpaper… Tyler stepped closer. He rubbed his hand over the paper and nothing happened. As he tried to pull the paper from the wall, two smaller greenish hands grabbed Tyler’s leg and pulled.”
Mary K. Savarese, The Girl In The Toile Wallpaper

Holly Black
“Queen Annet sits on a throne covered in powdery white moths, each one fluttering its wings a little, giving the whole thing the effect of a moving carpet.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“In the water is a boat carved in the shape of a cormorant. At the front, the long curve of its neck makes it appear rampant, and the wings rise on either side, protecting those resting in the hull. It's beautifully made, and if I squint, I can see that it's also magical.”
Holly Black, The Stolen Heir

Holly Black
“Go away, close the book, put it down do not look!”
Holly Black, The Field Guide

Holly Black
“Let the story of my neice and nephews be a warning. The more you know, the more danger you are in. And trust me, you don't want to meddle with the Little People. - L.S.”
Holly Black, Lucinda's Secret

Cheyenne Sioux
“With stardust on my wings, I am pure reckoning magic.”
Cheyenne Sioux, Sincerely Yours Forever, C.s.

Sarah J. Maas
“Please tell me all the chocolate is for us.'

The House had stocked the table between the armchairs with piles of chocolate truffles and confections and bars of it. Along with cookies and small finger cakes. And a platter of cheeses and fruit. And carafes of water and various juices.

Gwyn surveyed the table. 'Did you go to all this trouble?'

'Oh, no,' Emerie said, eyes glowing. 'Nesta's been holding out on us.'

Nesta scoffed, but Emerie said, 'The House will get you anything you want. Just say it aloud.' At Gwyn's raised brows, Emerie said, 'I'd like a slice of pistachio cake, please.'

A plateful of one appeared before her. As well as a bowl of whipped cream topped with raspberries.

Gwyn blinked. 'You live in a magic house.'

'It likes to read,' Nesta admitted, patting a stack of the romances. 'We've bonded over that.'

Gwyn whispered to the room, 'What's your favourite book?'

One thumped on the table beside Emerie's cake, and Gwyn squawked in surprise. But then rubbed her hands together. 'Oh, this is delightful.'

'That smile means trouble,' Emerie said.

Gwyn's grin just widened.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Holly Black
“You may know the Grace kids well, but there is still much tale to tell...”
Holly Black

“Every fairy tale writer is a dreamer at heart, weaving magical stories that transport us to a world where anything is possible and imagination reigns supreme.”
Matheesha Prathapa

Heather Fawcett
“The shoes were of white leather and fur, with impractical heels that would add half a foot to my height, but unlike every other adornment I had been presented with, they did not sparkle with frost or ice-encrusted jewels. Somehow, he had woven the fur with the petals of cherry blossoms, as if the pale beast who had owned the pelt had rubbed its back against a tree. When I touched them, a spring breeze fluttered against my fingers, and I smelled rain and green, growing things.
"If you would allow me the honor, Your Highness?" Wendell said. In one quick, graceful motion, he slid the boots from my feet and replaced them with the shoes. They fit perfectly, and oh, they were so warming. I felt astonished that I hadn't realized how cold my feet had been before.”
Heather Fawcett, Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries

Emilia Hart
“She feels a tickling sensation against her hand, different from the silky touch of soil. Looking down, she sees the pink glimmer of a worm---and then another, and another. As she watches, spellbound, other insects emerge from the earth, glowing like jewels in the summer sun. The copper glint of a beetle's shell. The pale, segmented bodies of larvae. There is a buzzing in her ears, and she's not sure if it's from the roar of her pulse or the bees that have begun to circle nearby.
They're getting closer. It's as if something---as ifKate---is drawing them. A beetle climbs her wrist, a worm brushes against the bare skin of her knee, a bee lands on her earlobe.”
Emilia Hart, Weyward

Sarah J. Maas
“Long-limbed creatures like shards of ice given form stalked past, tall enough to plant the cobalt-and-silver banners atop various tents; wagons were hauled by sure-footed reindeer and lumbering white bears in ornate armour, some so keenly aware when they ambled by that I wouldn't have been surprised if they could talk. White foxes scuttled about underfoot, bearing what looked to be messages strapped to their little embroidered vests.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Sarah J. Maas
“She'd found a smutty novel she'd already read and loved in one of the trunks Elain had packed, and had laid it on the desk.

She'd said to the air, 'I found this for you. It's a present.' The book had vanished into nothing. But in the morning, she'd found a bouquet of autumnal flowers upon her desk, the glass vase bursting with asters and chrysanthemums of every colour.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Sarah J. Maas
“Two hours later, Nesta found herself fully clothed in a bathtub in the middle of the private library, the entire thing filled with bubbles. No water, just bubbles. In matching tubs on either side of her, Emerie and Gwyn were giggling. 'This is ridiculous,' Nesta said, even as her mouth curved upward.

Each one of their requests had gotten more and more absurd, and Nesta might have felt like they were exploiting the House had it not been so... exuberant in answering their commands. Adding creative flourishes.

Like the fact that each bubble held a tiny bird fluttering about inside.

Silent fireworks still exploded in the far corner of the room, and a miniature pegasus- Nesta's request, made only when her friends goaded her into submitting one- fed on a small patch of grass by the shelf, content to ignore them. A cake taller than Cassian stood in the centre of the room, lit with a thousand candles. Six frogs danced circles around a red-and-white-spotted toadstool, the waltzes provided by Nesta's Symphonia.

Emerie wore a diamond crown and six strings of pearls. Gwyn sported a broad-brimmed hat fit for any fine lady, perched at a rakish angle on her head. A lace parasol leaned against her other shoulder, and she twirled it idly as she surveyed the windows...”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Danie Ellis
“You suppress your powers, not because you’re afraid of them, but because of what people may think.”
Danie Ellis, Medei The Ghosts of Thornhills

H.G. Parry
“The room was curved, wide, and empty except for one enormous rock in the center. Easily twice Biddy's height, it glowed with faint green-gold shimmers beneath its smooth surface.
She had seen that light before. Flashes of it in the old oak, when Rowan drew magic through the skin of the tree. And once, in the scrying glass, as a glow on the wall illuminating Rowan as he lay in enchanted sleep in an underground room.
This was it, the room where Rowan had come to steal magic on the night he had nearly never come home. The vault, he had called it. The place where the Council hoarded its wealth like fairy gold.”
H.G. Parry, The Magician’s Daughter

“Those who dream at night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that all was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes and make it possible.
T E Lawrence.
"Lawrence of Arabia”
Michael D. Filippello, The House of Top Hat~remembers~ A Journey Through Christmas

Marin .
“Every evening the duo gradually elevated themselves from the podium, dismissing gravity.”
Marin., Art

Aisha Saeed
“The Golub tree, measuring two hundred feet tall, stood steps away. It was as wide as a redwood, with a thin layer of frost burrowed within its creases. Its plentiful dewdrop leaves created a crown the color of the inside of a cracked papaya, with the branches toward the bottom bare and icy. The limbs of the simple eastern pines surrounding it were coated with tendrils of orange frost.”
Aisha Saeed, Forty Words for Love

Antonia Guzmán
“Pequeñas chispas de desprendieron de la chimenea y saltaron hacia ella, danzando alegremente sobre la alfombra […] En el aire la pequeña llama tomaba forma. Al principio sólo se estiró un poco… hasta que lo vio. Era la forma de un ave, la forma de un fénix.”
Antonia Guzmán, Incandescente

Antonia Guzmán
“La Luz y la Oscuridad son... como el silencio y el ruido; no puede existir uno sin el otro. Y es por eso que uno tampoco puede vencer al otro. No le temas a la Oscuridad, no la rechaces; acéptala, porque conforma una parte de ti que, aunque ahora no la recuerdes, te hace ser tú. No luches contra ella; domínala, vuélvela tuya.”
Antonia Guzmán, A través de las sombras

Savanna Golden
“​Is it wrong to keep her here without permission? Maybe—well probably. But if I’m being honest there isn’t much I wouldn’t do to hold on to this moment.”
Savanna Golden, Mate Match

Stephanie Garber
“They wheeled in golden carts covered in snacks and treats as pretty as treasure in a chest. There were cookies shaped like castles, tarts topped in glistening pastel fruit, poached pears in a swirling golden sauce, candied dates wearing miniature crowns, and oysters on ice with pink pearls that glistened under the light.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love