Magical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "magical" Showing 91-120 of 441
S.G. Blaise
“Thank you, Glenna, that means a...” Arrov says, and his voice trails off when he notices that the twins are busy combing the long fur on his forearms. “What are you two doing?!” 
 “Just because you are a big blue giant,” Isa says, focused on her undertaking, “doesn’t mean you can stop taking care of your appearance.”
“This will help get rid of those horrible knots,” Bella adds, still administering the beauty regimen.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“Don’t listen to Glennie,” Isa says and pats Arrov’s forearm—that’s as high as she can reach. Bella adds, “You’ll change back to your old and handsome self soon.”
S.G. Blaise, True Teryn

S.G. Blaise
“We should run away. Get married and forget about anything else.” 
I snort and slide my hands down to his chest, marveling at the hard and defined muscles. “Tempting, but you would regret it five minutes after we ran away.” 
Callum tightens his fingers around my waist. “They would be the best five minutes of my life. Worth every second.”
S.G. Blaise, Proud Pada

Holly Black
“Perhaps a necklace of tears to weep so that she won't have to? A pin of teeth to bite annoying husbands? No.' He continues to walk through the small space. He lifts a ring. 'To bring on a child?' And then, seeing my face, lifts a pair of earrings, one in the shape of a crescent moon and the other in the shape of a star. 'Ah, yes. Here. This is what you want.'

'What do they do?' I ask.

He laughs. 'They are beautiful- isn't that enough?'

I give him a skeptical look. 'It would be enough, considering how exquisite they are, but I bet it isn't all.'

He enjoys that. 'Clever girl. They are not only beautiful, but they add to beauty. They make someone more lovely than they were, painfully lovely. Her husband will not leave her side for quite some time.'

The look on his face is a challenge. He believes I am too vain to give such a gift to my sister.

How well he knows the selfish human heart. Taryn will be a beautiful bride. How much more do I, her twin, want to put myself in her shadow? How lovely can I bear her to be?

And yet, what better gift for a human girl wedded to the beauty of the Folk?

'What would you take for them?' I ask.

'Oh, any number of little things. A year of your life. The luster of your hair. The sound of your laugh.'

'My laugh is not such a sweet sound as all that.'

'Not sweet, but I bet it's rare,' he says, and I wonder at his knowing that.

'What about my tears?' I ask. 'You could make another necklace.'

He looks at me, as though evaluating how often I weep. 'I will take a single tear,' he says finally. 'And you will take an offer to the High King for me.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“...sprites wearing acorn caps and wielding glaives the size of toothpicks battled above a sea of tiger lilies.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

Holly Black
“I stand in front of the polished wood door, lit by two lamps of trapped sprites who fly in desperate circles. They illuminate a carving of an enormous and sinister face. The knocker, a circle piercing its nose.

Cardan reaches for it, and because I have grown up in Faerie, I am not entirely surprised in to a scream when the door's eyes open.

'My prince,' it says.

'My door,' he says in return, with a smile that conveys both affection and familiarity. It's bizarre to see his obnoxious charm used for something other than evil.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Holly Black
“His cuffs are jewelled, and the moth pin that holds his cloak in place has wings that move on their own.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“I remember you,' says the door. 'My prince's lady.'

'You're mistaken,' I say.

'Seldom.' The door swings open with a slight creak that indicates disuse. 'Hail and welcome.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“They were draped in teeth and bone and skins, with Orlagh leading them. She wore a gown of stingray, and her black hair was threaded with pearls. Around her throat hung the partial jawbone of a shark.”
Holly Black, How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories

“You are not alone. God is preparing a kheer pudding kind of a relationship, you will look at your future boy friend's eyes and he knows what you need with out saying a word.”
Naga Uma Veguru

Holly Black
“The polished wood door is still carved with an enormous and sinister face, still flanked with lanterns, but sprites no longer fly in desperate circles within. A soft glow of magic emanates instead.

'My king,' the door says fondly, it's eyes opening.

Cardan smiles in return. 'My door,' he says with a slight hitch in his voice, as though perhaps everything about returning here feel strange.

'Hail and welcome,' it says, and swings wide.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Emily Bearn
“Hidden in the broom cupboard of Rose Cottage are two grand gates that lead to the loveliest little house you've ever seen. Nutmouse Hall. Shh, don't tell anyone... No one knows it's there...not even Arthur and Lucy who live in Rose Cottage.

This is the home of Tumtum and Nutmeg...”
Emily Bearn

Holly Black
“... her steed kicks up off the cliff and in to the air. Mine follows. The wild exhilaration of flying hits me, and I grin with familiar delight. Beneath us are the whitecapped waves and ahead the shimmering lights of mortal towns, like a mysterious land strewn with stars.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Holly Black
“Eldred cups his hands, and the branches of the throne shudder and begin to grow, sending up new green shoots to spiral into the air, leaves unfurling and flower buds bursting along the length of them. The roots of the ceiling begin to worm, lengthening like vines and crawling across the underside of the hill. There is a scent in the air, like a summer breeze, heavy with the promise of apples.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Holly Black
“Above hangs a chandelier made from thin sheets of mica. Tiny glowing faeries are trapped inside for the purpose of adding a warm glow to the room. Occasionally they fly, making shadows dance.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Holly Black
“Sometimes Jude longed for her bike, but there were none in Faerie. Instead, she had giant toads, and thin greenish ponies and wild-eyed horses slim as shadows.

And she had weapons.

And her parents' murderer, now her foster father.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Eden Robinson
“As I drove away, I felt deeply comforted knowing that magical things were still living in the world.”
Eden Robinson, Monkey Beach

Holly Black
“The walls shimmer with mica, and the ceiling is all branches and green vines. In the antechamber, the shell of an enormous snail glows, a lamp the size of a small table.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“Wine is brought in coloured carafes. They glow aquamarine and sapphire, citrine and ruby, amethyst and topaz. Another course comes, with sugared violets and frozen dew.

Then come domes of glass, under which little silvery fish sit in a cloud of pale blue smoke.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“Tell your king that if he declares war, I will make him armour of ice to shatter every blade that strikes it and that will make his heart too cold to feel pity. Tell him I will make him three swords that, when used in the same battle, will fight with the might of thirty soldiers.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“I start back, only to find the maze has changed itself around. The paths are not where they were before.

Of course. It can't just be a normal maze. No, it's got to be out to get me.
'I will slice my way clean through you,' I say to the leafy walls. 'Let's start playing fair.'

Branches rustle behind me. When I turn, there's a new path.

'This better be the way to the party,' I grumble, starting on it. I hope this doesn't lead to the secret oubliette reserved for people who threaten the maze.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“I pass trays of spun-sugar animals, little acorn cups filled with wine, enormous sculptures of horn, and a stall where a bent-backed woman takes a brush and draws charms on the soles of shoes. It takes some wandering, but I finally find a collection of sculpted leather masks. They are pinned to a wall and cunningly shaped like the faces of strange animals or laughing goblins or boorish mortals, painted gold and green and every other colour imaginable.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

Holly Black
“... I sit on the rug before the unlit grate and crack open the walnut. Out spills pale apricot muslin, frothing quantities of it. I shake the dress. It has an empire waist and wide, gathered sleeves that start just above the elbow so that my shoulders are bare. It hangs down to the floor in more gathered pleats.”
Holly Black, The Wicked King

“I can't wait to see the ballet later,' Rachel giggled. Kirsty put her arm around her best friend and grinned at her. 'Me neither,' she said. 'It's going to be magical!”
Daisy Meadows, Robyn the Christmas Party Fairy

Jeanette LeBlanc
“Magic isn’t about make-believe, after all. It’s just about suspending your own disbelief sufficiently to see the wonder that exists inside each and every moment of reality.”
Jeanette LeBlanc

Holly Black
“My gaze is drawn to an elaborate pavilion nearby. It sits off the ground on golden clawed feet, looking for all the world as though it could scuttle off if its owner gave the command.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Avijeet Das
“Something magical happens when two soulful people meet.”
Avijeet Das

Sarah J. Maas
“There, in a clearing surrounded by towering trees, lay a sparkling silver pool. Even from a distance, I could tell that it wasn't water, but something more rare and infinitely more precious.
He crouched by the pool and cupped his hand to fill it. He tilted his hand, letting the water fall. 'Have a look.'

The silvery sparkling water that dribbled from his hand set ripples dancing across the pool, each glimmering with various colours, and- 'That looks like starlight,' I breathed.

He huffed a laugh, filling and emptying his hand again. I gaped at the glittering water. 'It is starlight.'

'That's impossible,' I said, fighting the urge to take a step toward the water.

'This is Prythian. According to your legends, nothing is impossible.'

'How?' I asked, unable to take my eyes from the pool- the silver, but also the blue and red and pink and yellow glittering beneath, the lightness of it...

'I don't know- I never asked, and no one ever explained.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“He opened an eye and smiled lazily at me. 'That willow's singing always puts me to sleep.'

'The what of what?' I said, propping myself on my elbows to stare at the tree above us.'

Tamlin pointed toward the willow. The branches sighed as they moved in the breeze. 'It sings.'

'I suppose it sings war-camp limericks, too?'

He smiled and half sat up, twisting to look at me. 'You're human,' he said and I rolled my eyes. 'Your senses are still sealed off from everything.'

I made a face. 'Just another of my many shortcomings.' But the word- shortcomings- had somehow stopped finding its mark.

He plucked a strand of grass from my hair. Heat radiated from my face as his fingers grazed my cheek. 'I could make you able to see it,' he said. His fingers lingered at the end of my braid, twirling the curl of hair around. 'See my world- hear it, smell it.' My breathing became shallow as he sat up. 'Taste it.' His eyes flicked to the fading bruise on my neck.

'How?' I asked, heat blooming as he crouched before me.

'Every gift comes with a price.' I frowned, and he grinned. 'A kiss.'

'Absolutely not!' But my blood raced, and I had to clench my hands in the grass to keep from touching him. 'Don't you think it puts me at a disadvantage to not be able to see all this?'

'I'm one of the High Fae- we don't give anything without gaining something from it.'

To my own surprise, I said, 'Fine.'

He blinked, probably expecting me to have fought a little harder. I hid my smile and sat up so that I faced him, our knees touching as we knelt in the grass. I licked my lips, my heart fluttering so quickly it felt as if I had a hummingbird inside my chest.

'Close your eyes,' he said, and I obeyed, my fingers grappling onto the grass. The birds chattered, and the willow branches sighed. The grass crunched as Tamlin rose up on his knees. I braced myself at the brush of his mouth on one of my eyelids, then on the other. He pulled away, and I was left breathless, the kisses still lingering on my skin.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“...from the opposite side of the meadow, dozens of shimmering shapes floated out across the grass, little more than mirages of moonlight. That was when the singing began.

It was a collective voice, but in it existed both male and female- two sides of the same coin, singing to each other in a call and response. I raised a hand to my throat as their music rose and they danced. Ghostly and ethereal, they waltzed across the field, no more than slender slants of moonlight.

'What are they?'

''Will-o'-the-wisps- spirits of air and light,' he said softly. 'Come to celebrate the solstice.'

'They're beautiful.'

His lips grazed my neck as he murmured against my skin. 'Dance with me, Feyre.'

'Really?' I turned and found my face mere inches from him.

He cracked a lazy smile. 'Really.' As though I were nothing but air myself, he pulled me into a sweeping dance.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses