Magical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "magical" Showing 181-210 of 441
Michael Bassey Johnson
“In nature, every distraction is an inspiration.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

“If there is darkness in your life, the wheel of Time will turn and bring light again. There is nothing magical about it. Magic happens when you use the phase of darkness to discover your inner light which is permanent, eternal and unaffected by the wheel of Time.”

Erin Morgenstern
“We are the stars," he answers, as though it is the most obvious of facts afloat in a sea of metaphors and misdirections. "We are all stardust and stories.”
Erin Morgenstern, The Starless Sea

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Birds are magical.
Their flight alone can arouse a clever thought.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Nicholas Woode-Smith
“My mother taught me to never make deals with demons”
“Your mother sounds very uncreative...”
Nicholas Woode-Smith

“There's something exceptional about Autumn”
Charmaine J Forde

“She turned beytrayal into strength,
pain into power,
control into freedom,
war into peace,
chaos into calm,
darkness into light and
her wounds into victory.”

Katherine Arden
“Olga smiled a little. Vasya remembered that years before, her sister had been a girl who had dreamed of love and raven-princes. Olga had laid aside the dream, as women must. Perhaps she did not regret it. For the raven-prince was strange and secret; he would draw you out into a dangerous world.”
Katherine Arden, The Winter of the Witch

Neil Gaiman
“this quote will be very long because I'm trying to see, it it'll work, on long sentences. Maybe that's the problem with the other quote? Who knows?”
Neil Gaiman, The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Moïra Fowley-Doyle
“That night, everybody lost something.
Not everybody noticed.”
Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Spellbook of the Lost and Found

“There's something magical about Autumn!”
Charmaine J. Forde

“I’m the type of girl who gets excited for the next full moon. I recharge my batteries by the ocean, rivers and lakes. I drive around the block one more time just to listen to my playlist. I’m the type of girl that believes magic exists in this world even at times when it doesn’t seem so magical. I’m aware the little things in this lifetime are actually the big things, the important things.”

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You might be a good poet if you were on the moon while writing in your room.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Rosella Testa
“Magic is the first language of the world. It was the language before words, before mathematics. Humanity can accept concepts like space travel to other galaxies, and yet magic can only be real in the minds of those who believe it, or in the imagination of children.”
Rosella Testa, The Lost Pleiades: Seven Sisters and the Sibyls

Corinne Beenfield
“How many times, since she was just a child, had her and Mum hung clothes together here as Mum told her stories? Some real, some pretend, some Helen couldn’t quite tell the difference between. For decades Mum insisted that as a child a true mermaid had been her friend. The mergirl had gotten injured by a fallen rock near Mum’s home, and she claimed to have helped the creature back to health. When Helen was small she accepted the tale as truth, but when she grew and dropped her belief in other fairy tales Mum would insist this was different.
“Her tail felt smooth when I would slide my fingers down it, but the scales were sharp if I slid my palm up. I don’t have to pretend it’s true or convince you. I held magic in my hands. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the first time I realized I had.”
“But there’s no such thing as mermaids and magic,” Helen had refuted once.
Mum had lowered herself to meet Helen’s eyes. “Oh, there’s magic in this world. Do you think that just because you can explain something that makes it not magic anymore? How a wildflower grows is magic. The first snow of winter? Absolutely. Stand on any theater’s stage and you can’t deny it’s there. Sit on any shore and you’ll always feel it.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter:

Corinne Beenfield
“At last they came to a hill and abandoned their bikes at the bottom. As they crested the knoll, Helen felt as though they were creeping upon some great secret and on the other side they’d find a giant sleeping or a black X with three shovels beside it. What they found was magic by a different name. Planes buzzed on runways like bees in a jar, and when one took off, a roar filled the air. As it lifted away from the earth, a breeze swept over their hilltop, and it left Helen wondering if they had been touched by the magic or if it was truly only a breeze.”
Corinne Beenfield, The Ocean's Daughter:

Moïra Fowley-Doyle
“The first page said only SPELLBOOK OF THE LOST AND FOUND, like a title.
You cannot read on with a title like that.”
Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Spellbook of the Lost and Found

Moïra Fowley-Doyle
“The spell was on the very fist page: a calling for the lost to be found.
We wanted our diaries found. So Holly suggested we try it.
At first it was like a recipe: gathering moss and branches, raiding our cupboards for olive oil, slipping saints medals out of our nanas' wallets, rooting through the Christmas boxes in the attic, looking for silver string. It was silly and secret and made us feel like kids making mud pies. None of us took it seriously, not even Holly.”
Moïra Fowley-Doyle, Spellbook of the Lost and Found

Steve Maraboli
“Life can be so magical, but it’s not magic... it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to experience what the haters call, “luck”.”
Steve Maraboli

“l like people who are authentic. The ones who you feel safe around. The adventurers, weirdlings, lovers of the moon types. They are magical, wild and wonderful human beings. If you find one of these rare souls, keep them!”

“I’m the type of girl who gets excited for the next full moon. I recharge my batteries by the ocean, rivers and lakes. I drive around the block one more time just to listen to my playlist. I’m the type of girl that believes magic exists in this world even at times when it doesn’t seem so magical. I’m aware the little things in this lifetime are actually the big things, the important things.”

“You weren’t put on this earth to please others and simply fit in.
You were born to be yourself, even if it goes against everything you have been socially programmed to believe! We get one lifetime, make sure it’s magical.”

A.D. Dauphinais
“As summer and winter comes and goes
Impermanent are friends and foes
Arising from one sense of perception
Suffering from our limited comprehension
One must learn to humbly tolerate
And be free of attachment headache”
A. D. Dauphinais, The Gold Lotus: Thousands of Cupid’s Arrows on the Battlefield of Love

Katherine Arden
“And yet, I will think of the future," Vasya retorted. "To remind me that the present is not forever. One day I may see my brother Alyosha again, and my sister Irina. I might have a home of my own, a place and a purpose, a victory. What is the present without the future?”
Katherine Arden, The Winter of the Witch

C. JoyBell C.
“We talk about magic as if it's something unnatural and awesome but that's only because we think ourselves basic and mundane. Meanwhile, we are well-formed dirt that's conscious and communicates with languages that can be whatever we want them to be. We fly in the skies on metal birds and discover deep seas inside of iron whales. Think of all the barren planets in our solar system: nothing but balls of different kinds of dirt and rock and ice; and yet, here we are! We are anomalies, we are magical. If we identified this in ourselves; all the magic in the world would be but an extension of our anomalous existence.”
C. JoyBell C.

Margot Berwin
“Mandrake ismedicinalbecause the root contains an alkaloid that belongs to the atropine group. It's a powerful narcotic and analgesic, and, in larger doses, a superb anesthetic. It'smagicalbecause of the bizarre shape of the root, which looks like a human being, sometimes male, sometimes female. This root can and will exercise supernatural power over the human body and mind. It's both an aphrodisiac and a strong hallucinogen. Think about it. Those two things together can create the most mind-bending sex you're ever likely to have. And babies, too. In the book of Genesis, the barren Rachel eats the root and becomes pregnant with Joseph. The plant produces out-of-body experiences in some susceptible people, and a vastly increased sex drive in almost all men. "
"Sounds good to me."
"A lot of people think so. Folks love to experiment with the mandrake. The problem is that it's poisonous in the wrong doses, and, too often to mention, people end up sick, or worse. They forget that the mandrake is in the family Solanaceae, similar to deadly nightshade.”
Margot Berwin, Hothouse Flower and the Nine Plants of Desire

Holly Black
“I didn’t think it worked like that. I thought love was supposed to happen when you least expected it, like a sap to the skull.”
Holly Black, The Cruel Prince

Channing Tatum
“When I’m nervous about how things will be…
I close my eyes and put my hand on my heart…
And I know that everything I could need is already there inside of me.” - The One and Only Sparkella”
Channing Tatum, The One and Only Sparkella