Magical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "magical" Showing 241-270 of 444
Iris Murdoch
“As I lay there, listening to the soft slap of the sea, and thinking these sad and strange thoughts, more and more and more stars had gathered, obliterating the separateness of the Milky Way and filling up the whole sky. And far far away in that ocean of gold, stars were silently shooting and falling and finding their fates, among these billions and billions of merging golden lights. And curtain after curtain of gauze was quietly removed, and I saw stars behind stars behind stars, as in the magical Odeons of my youth. And I saw into the vast soft interior of the universe which was slowly and gently turning itself inside out. I went to sleep, and in my sleep I seemed to hear a sound of singing.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sea, the Sea

Talismanist Giebra
“Sometimes the meaning beyond the talisman is greater than the talisman itself.
A star has a hint of galaxies.”
Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

“Haunted by the longing to feel something real, deep and magical; I searched for a shared ecstasy... that's when you came along.”
Lebo Grand, Sensual Lifestyle

Talismanist Giebra
“Some mystical concepts are an alchemical experience.”
Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

Katherine Arden
“Having the world as you wish--that is not for the young," he added, "They want too much.”
Katherine Arden, The Girl in the Tower

Avijeet Das
“You are beautiful. Yes, you are beautiful. You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in all your charming ways. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Yes you are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in spite of what they call as your flaws, quirks, and weirdness. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Don't believe them who say you are not beautiful. They are insecure people who say you are not beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are magical because of all your flaws, quirks, and weirdness! Yes you are beautiful in your own unique way. Your imperfections make you unique and beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are uniquely beautiful! You are beautiful in your magical way!”
Avijeet Das

Meredith T. Taylor
“The sea beckoned to me, and all reality was lost—swept away in the entrancing song of the tide.”
Meredith T. Taylor, Clashing Waters: The Obyascon Prince

“Some words can create ‘magic’! The 'magical words' are- ‘sorry’, ‘please’, ‘excuse me’ and ‘thank you’!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Melanie Dobson
“She didn't look up, her gaze focused entirely on the paper before her as she drew what looked like a wing. He picked up one of the papers from the floor, and on it was a butterfly, the colors a blending of vibrant yellows and oranges.
He held out the paper. "What's this one called?"
"Golden Shimmer," she said. "She loves the sunlight."
He picked up a picture of a light-purple butterfly with a string of pearls around her neck. "And this one?"
"Lavender Lace. She has the power to heal all sorts of wounds."
He scanned the room, all the pictures on the floor. "Do they each have a name?"
Finally she looked at him, her bright-blue eyes meeting his. "Of course."
And he realized with a pang of sadness that these were Libby's friends for life.
"They are beautiful."
A glint of a smile. "Thank you."
He picked up another butterfly, this one a dark violet shade, a silver streak bleeding across the edge of its wings.
"What is she called?"
"Silver Shadow."
"Does she have a story?"
Libby's smile faded. "She's lost and can't seem to find her way home.”
Melanie Dobson, Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor

André Aciman
“We made our way deeper into an extremely quiet alley, then through another, as if drawn through these unreal and sticky goblin lanes that seemed to lead to a different, nether realm you entered in a state of stupor and wonderment.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

Melanie Dobson
“In seconds, the room flooded with wide-eyed girls wanting to meet the artist of the butterfly stories.
Stories about healing and redemption. Love and friendship.
Stories about shifting shadows and an armory full of color to drive the darkness away.
"Emerald Dawn rises early before her sisters wake. With her smile, she charms the sun and chases clouds away. Diamonds hide among the silvery dew. Rubies shimmer in the roses. And she tiptoes through the castle garden to find their hiding spaces.”
Melanie Dobson, Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor

J.K. Rowling
“Something very magical happens when you read a good book.”
J.K. Rowling

Talismanist Giebra
“The art of a Talismanist is to let you experience the Mysterious.”
Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

“Perhaps your purpose is to go through the halls of suffering, discover your magic, and resurface as a doctor of restoration. Restoration is discovered in the divine blueprint. Change your blueprint and you change results.”
Deborah Bravandt

Avijeet Das
“Something magical happens when two soulful people meet. Within seconds, they understand each other and they get drawn to each other!”
Avijeet Das

“কিছু শব্দ ‘জাদু’ সৃষ্টি করতে পারে! ‘জাদুময় শব্দগুলো’ হচ্ছে- ‘দুঃখিত’, ‘দয়া করে’, ‘ক্ষমা করুন’, এবং ‘ধন্যবাদ’!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

“Magical dreams of yesterday convey smiles for all of our tomorrows.”
Peggy Toney Horton, Dancing With Sugarplums

Melanie Dobson
“The title on the front of the sketchbook was written in bold cursive: 'Libby's Book of Butterflies.'
One of the edges was folded, and she smoothed it with her hand, reverently, to honor the sister she'd never known. Then she stepped back under the light and flipped through the first pages. There were beautiful paintings of butterflies, their wings bright from the watercolors.
Did her sister create this book or did someone make it for her?
Mum had loved her gardens, but Heather had never known her to do any kind of artwork. She'd always been busy planting her flowers and working as a hairdresser and caring well for their family.
Intrigued, Heather slowly turned the pages. The butterflies were unique in their brilliance, each one with a magical name.
Golden Shimmer. Moonlit Fairy. Lavender Lace.
Under the butterflies were short descriptions. Like they all had different personalities. Her favorite was the Autumn Dancer, colored a vibrant orange and red with speckles of teal. It reminded her of a leaf, clinging to its branch before the autumn winds blew it away.”
Melanie Dobson, Shadows of Ladenbrooke Manor

Jason Medina
“He smiled and gazed at the stars with her. He rarely took the time to truly appreciate their beauty, but whenever he did, it was always magical.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Théun Mares
“Stopping the internal dialogue is the singularly most important act an apprentice must accomplish in order to unlock his or her full potential as a magical being.”
Théun Mares, Cry of the Eagle: The Toltec Teachings Volume 2

Lynn Veevers
“It takes two, and each
couple’s bonding experience is different, just like falling in love is
different for each couple. What it comes down to acceptance of
whatever that common ground you share is that makes your
bonding one that will last”
Lynn Veevers, Pinnacle

“If you want today to be magical, you must become the magic.”
Matt Musser

Talismanist Giebra
“Talismans can only be perceived but never fully translated into words.”
Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

Deborah  Perry
“art allows us to travel beyond the reach of words, where we can find our stories within a bigger picture”
Deborah Perry

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Looking for magic? You are funny! Just look at the mirror, you are the magic! You were born as the magic of this mysterious universe!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Jesteśmy zdecydowanie pokoleniem kupującym i niewiele potrafimy sani zrobić.”
Natasza Socha, Biuro przesyłek niedoręczonych

Patricia Bossano
“Faeries are the new Wizards!”
Patricia Bossano

Rasheed Ogunlaru
“Compassion is the rarest, magical well: the more you use, share and draw from it the deeper it gets.”
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Ora Nadrich
“Each moment of our lives is magical, as I said, and even
if you’re truly miserable in your job, or doing whatever it
is that keeps making you feel miserable, you need to stop,
breathe, and tell yourself how lucky you are to be alive.”
Ora Nadrich, Live True: A Mindfulness Guide to Authenticity

Avijeet Das
“Some people are truly magical. They understand us. They believe in us and they stay with us no matter if the whole world may misunderstand us or be against us! Don't ever let such people go away from your life!”
Avijeet Das