Martin Eden Quotes

Quotes tagged as "martin-eden" Showing 1-12 of 12
Jack London
“Why didn’t you dare it before? he asked harshly.
When I hadn’t a job? When I was starving? When I was just as I am now, as a man, as an artist, the same Martin Eden? That’s the question. I’ve been asking myself for many a day. My brain is the same old brain. And what is puzzling me is why they want me now. Surely they don’t want me for myself, for myself the same olf self they did not want. They must want me for something else, for something that is outside of me, for something that is not I. Shall I tell you what that something is? It is for the recognition I have recieved. That recognition is not I. Then again for the money I have earned and am earnin. But money is not I. And is it for the recognition and money, that you now want me?”
Jack London, Мартин Иден

Jack London
“Ben açken kimsenin umurunda değildim, ünlü olunca herkes kudurmuşcasına beni yemeğe davet ediyor.”
Jack London, Martin Eden

“I tended to fall in love with characters in books. Most guys I went to school with were far too interested in sports or video games. How could they hold a candle to Mister Darcy’s intensity, Tom Joad’s ethics, Martin Eden’s passion, Caleb Trask’s struggle for goodness, or Edmond Dantes’ cunning intellect?”
Trisha Haddad, Deep Green

Jack London
“Then he dozed off to sleep and to dream dreams that for madness and audacity rivalled those of poppy-eaters”
Jack London

Jack London
“Editörlerin yüzde doksan dokuzunun başta gelen özelliği, başarısızlıkları. Yazar olmayı başaramamışlar. Sakın masabaşı işinin sıkıcılığını, satışların ve işletme müdürünün kölesi olmayı yazarlıktan daha çok istediklerini zannetme. Yazmaya çalışmış ve becerememişler. İşte lanetli paradoks da tam burada. Edebiyatta başarıya açılan her kapının önünde bekçi köpeği olarak onlar, yani edebiyatta başarıya ulaşamamışlar durur. Editörlerin, editör yardımcılarının ve dergilere, yayınevlerine dosya değerlendirmesi yapan danışmanların hepsi, yazar olmaya çalışmış ama bunu başaramamış kişilerden oluşuyor. Özgünlük ve deha konusunda yargı makamında oturup, matbaaya neyin gidip neyi gitmeyeceğine karar verenler, şu dünyada bu işi yapması gereken son kişiler, yani özgün bir yanlarının olmadığı kanıtlanmış, ilahi kıvılcımın yanlarına bile uğramadığı belli olmuş adamlar.”
Jack London, Martin Eden

Jack London
“Кто ты такой, Мартин Иден? - спрашивал он себя в этот вечер, вернувшись домой и глядя на себя в зеркало. Он глядел долго и с любопытством. - Кто ты и что ты? Где твое место? Твое место подле такой девушки, как Лиззи Конолли. Твое место среди толпы трудящихся людей, - там, где все вульгарно, низко и грубо. Твое место среди рабочего скота, в грязи и в навозе. Перед тобой свалка овощей. Гниет картофель. Нюхай же эту вонь, чёрт тебя побери, нюхай хорошенько! А ты смеешь совать нос в книги, слушать красивую музыку, любоваться прекрасными картинами, заботиться о своем языке, думать о том, о чем не думает никто из твоих товарищей, отмахиваться от Лиззи Конолли и любить девушку, которая на миллионы миль выше тебя и живет среди звезд! Кто ты такой? Что ты такое, чёрт тебя возьми! Доведет ли все это тебя до добра?" Он погрозил себе в зеркале кулаком и сел на край кровати, глядя перед собой широко открытыми, невидящими глазами. Потом немного спустя достал свою тетрадку, учебник алгебры и углубился в квадратные уравнения. А часы летели, звезды меркли, и за окном серели уже предрассветные сумерки.”
Jack London

Jack London
“vardığın hükümler, okuduğun kitaplarla paraleldir mutlaka.”
Jack London, Martin Eden / The Sea Wolf

Jack London
“He had fallen into darkness. And the instant he knew, he ceased to know.”
Jack London, Мартин Иден. Рассказы

Mariia Manko
“Just sit down and do it," is the philosophy of my every undertaking. After all, history is not only to be read – it is also written… by people who are not afraid to follow their dreams.”
Mariia Manko, Finding Martin Eden: Travels to Find Myself

Mariia Manko
“Martin was turned on by knowledge. In the 21st century, such people have been termed" sapiosexuals ": those who consider intelligence the most sexually attractive feature. That was exactly what I was to Martin; this was what Martin Eden was.”
Mariia Manko, Finding Martin Eden: Travels to Find Myself

Mariia Manko
“On the one hand, passion is a bright flame, which inspires and nourishes us with an infinite amount of energy. At the same time, passion is directly related to scrupulous work, serious contemplation and active work of the brain. It is always a good thing when you know how to point passion in the right direction.”
Mariia Manko, Finding Martin Eden: Travels to Find Myself

Mariia Manko
“I continued, regardless:" Success is the ability to go from one failure to another, with no loss of enthusiasm. "
"What does that mean?"
"It takes real strength and ability to experience repeated failure and keep moving toward your goal, even when nothing appears to be coming of it, without losing enthusiasm. It signifies a desire for self-improvement; a need to constantly learn from your mistakes...”
Mariia Manko, Finding Martin Eden: Travels to Find Myself