Meaning Of Existence Quotes

Quotes tagged as "meaning-of-existence" Showing 1-7 of 7
JOAN TIERNEY, September: A Map

John Galsworthy
“The stars in their courses fought against her! External opposition one could cut through or get round; but this deep spiritual unease in the loved one’s soul, that — ah! that — one could not reach; and the unreachable could not be pushed away, cut through, or circumvented. She looked up at the stars that fought against her. Did the ancients really believe that, or was it, with them, as with her, just a manner of speaking? Did those bright wheeling jewels on the indigo velvet of all space really concern themselves with little men, the lives and loves of human insects, who, born from an embrace, met and clung and died and became dust? Those candescent worlds, circled by little offsplit planets — were their names taken in vain, or were they really in their motions and their relative positions the writing on the wall for men to read?
No! That was only human self-importance! To his small wheel man bound the Universe. Swing low, sweet chariots! But they didn’t! Man swung with them — in space....
John Galsworthy, Flowering Wilderness

Abhijit Naskar
“In front of the unfathomable vastness of the universe, we humans are insignificant particles of protoplasmic substance. But that’s precisely what makes us humans – we make sense out of chaos, and in that sense we produce meaningfulness. And we then pour that meaningfulness in our lives, which then outpours into the world. Thus, we provide meaning to a meaningless world – we provide meaning to a meaningless universe.”
Abhijit Naskar, Saint of The Sapiens

John Archibald Wheeler
“Recent decades have taught us that physics is a magic window. It shows us the illusion that lies behind reality—and the reality that lies behind illusion. Its scope is immensely greater than we one realized. We are no longer satisfied with insights only into particles, or fields of force, or geometry, or even space and time. Today we demand of physics some understanding of existence itself.”
John Archibald Wheeler, Quantum Theory and Measurement

“What is the meaning of life…to give life meaning.”
Clifford Cohen

Debasish Mridha
“A philosopher is a deep thinker and a meticulous observer of nature and events that reveal the beauty, truth, and meaning of existence.”
Debasish Mridha

“Living a self-indulgent lifestyle of a hedonistic without a grounding central purpose leads a person adrift in the slipstream of life. A person is bound to suffer unless they discern a meaning to existence and then strive in a passionate manner to fulfill their essential purpose.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls