Moms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "moms" Showing 1-30 of 98
Robert A. Heinlein
“Being a mother is an attitude, not a biological relation.”
Robert A. Heinlein, Have Space Suit—Will Travel

Holly Black
“Baby," she says in a harsh whisper, "in this world, lots of people will try to grind you down. They need you to be small so they can be big. You let them think whatever they want, but you make sure you get yours. You get yours.”
Holly Black, Red Glove

Criss Jami
“You are evidence of your mother's strength, especially if you are a rebellious knucklehead and regardless she has always maintained her sanity.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Jodi Picoult
“When did they stop putting toys in cereal boxes? When I was little, I remember wandering the cereal aisle (which surely is as American a phenomenon as fireworks on the Fourth of July) and picking my breakfast food based on what the reward was: a Frisbee with the Trix rabbit's face emblazoned on the front. Holographic stickers with the Lucky Charms leprechaun. A mystery decoder wheel. I could suffer through raisin bran for a month if it meant I got a magic ring at the end.

I cannot admit this out loud. In the first place, we are expected to be supermoms these days, instead of admitting that we have flaws. It is tempting to believe that all mothers wake up feeling fresh every morning, never raise their voices, only cook with organic food, and are equally at ease with the CEO and the PTA.

Here's a secret: those mothers don't exist. Most of us-even if we'd never confess-are suffering through the raisin bran in the hopes of a glimpse of that magic ring.

I look very good on paper. I have a family, and I write a newspaper column. In real life, I have to pick superglue out of the carpet, rarely remember to defrost for dinner, and plan to have BECAUSE I SAID SO engraved on my tombstone.

Real mothers wonder why experts who write for Parents and Good Housekeeping-and, dare I say it, the Burlington Free Press-seem to have their acts together all the time when they themselves can barely keep their heads above the stormy seas of parenthood.

Real mothers don't just listen with humble embarrassment to the elderly lady who offers unsolicited advice in the checkout line when a child is throwing a tantrum. We take the child, dump him in the lady's car, and say, "Great. Maybe YOU can do a better job."

Real mothers know that it's okay to eat cold pizza for breakfast.

Real mothers admit it is easier to fail at this job than to succeed.

If parenting is the box of raisin bran, then real mothers know the ratio of flakes to fun is severely imbalanced. For every moment that your child confides in you, or tells you he loves you, or does something unprompted to protect his brother that you happen to witness, there are many more moments of chaos, error, and self-doubt.

Real mothers may not speak the heresy, but they sometimes secretly wish they'd chosen something for breakfast other than this endless cereal.

Real mothers worry that other mothers will find that magic ring, whereas they'll be looking and looking for ages.

Rest easy, real mothers. The very fact that you worry about being a good mom means that you already are one.”
Jodi Picoult, House Rules
tags: moms

Shannon L. Alder
“So many people think that they are not gifted because they don’t have an obvious talent that people can recognize because it doesn’t fall under the creative arts category—writing, dancing, music, acting, art or singing. Sadly, they let their real talents go undeveloped, while they chase after fame. I am grateful for the people with obscure unremarked talents because they make our lives easier---inventors, organizers, planners, peacemakers, communicators, activists, scientists, and so forth. However, there is one gift that trumps all other talents—being an excellent parent. If you can successfully raise a child in this day in age to have integrity then you have left a legacy that future generations will benefit from.”
Shannon L. Alder

Laurie Halse Anderson
“No, I am never setting foot in this house again it scares me and makes me sad and I wish you could be a mom whose eyes worked but I don't think you can.”
Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls

“...moms, even good ones, sometimes lose it a little so as not to lose it all.”
Susan Squire

Shin Kyung-Sook
“Even though nobody knew that you were in my life, you were the person who brought a raft at every rapid current and helped me cross that water safely. I was happy that you were there. I came to tell you I was able to travel through my life because I could come to you when I was anxious, not when I was happy.”
Kyung-Sook Shin, Please Look After Mom
tags: moms

Cathleen Schine
“... there had been the two little boys. Now they were gone, too. They loved her and called her and sent her e-mails and would still snuggle up to her to be petted when they were in the mood, but they were men, and though they would always be at the center of her life, she was no longer at the center of theirs.”
Cathleen Schine, The Three Weissmanns of Westport

Sam Hyde
“My mom is cool and my mom will treat you right.”
Sam Hyde

Tracy Deebs
“Nothing is enough that doesn't come with peace of mind. Nothing is enough that doesn't come with love.”
Tracy Deebs, Tempest Rising

Carrie Jones
“I used to be embarrassed by my mom, but now I know what she is—she’s a hero.”
Carrie Jones, After Obsession
tags: hero, moms

Katherine Hannigan
“Then I looked right at Mama, for the first time in what seemed like forever, and she wasn't looking at me, but into me. She was pulling me to her with her eyes, like she used to do. All of a sudden I could see the light that was Mama's shining out of her eyes. I couldn't help smiling at it.
'Be careful,' my heart warned me.
But I was having a hard time remembering that there as anything to be careful about. Because if I just looked at Mama's eyes...I could tell that the part of her I thought had gone away forever was still there and glowing, only from deep down inside her.”
Katherine Hannigan, Ida B... and Her Plans to Maximize Fun, Avoid Disaster, and (Possibly) Save the World
tags: moms

Deanna Lynn Sletten
“Darla shook her head, a small smirk on her lips. “You’re such a mom,” she told Katherine.
Katherine stared at her, puzzled. “You’re a mom, too,” she said softly.
“No, I gave birth. That doesn’t make me a mom. Not like you.”
A look passed between the two women like none they had ever shared before. For a split second, Katherine felt a slight connection. “Well, you rest. I’ll check on you later.” She turned and left the room, a funny, unexplainable feeling inside her.”
Deanna Lynn Sletten, Widow, Virgin, Whore

Nancy J. Cavanaugh
“Moms are the ones
Who make sure of a lot of things
Like that their kids
Wear nice clothes,
Comb their hair,
Brush their teeth.
And moms teach their kids
How to fold laundry
So their cloths aren't wrinkled,
How to make scrambled eggs
Without turning them brown,
How to make a girl feel like a girl
Without a mom to make her
feel that way?”
Nancy J. Cavanaugh

Madge Madigan
“This is why we can't have nice things...”
Madge Madigan, When Life Gives You Lemons... At Least You Won't Get Scurvy!

“A single day is not enough, to honor all that’s you;
You gave me a lifetime, a gift to which none can compare.
A million stars, with all their might, could never shine so true;
As your pure heart, and lovely smile, when speaking words of care.
Nurturing hands, you brought up life, maternal sacrifice,
When days of darkness set, you help to see the dawn gleam.
You’re the strength I lean on, when my own does not suffice,
Wisdom laden grace, you’ve shown the light for much to be seen.
So I’ll take this day, to speak loud from heart, of all that’s true;
I love you, mom. Is all I’ll say, for nothing more will ever do.”
Marie Helen Abramyan

“Mom, your love is a mystery:
How can you do it all?
Mother is such a simple word,
But to me there’s meaning seldom heard.
For everything I am today,
My mother’s love showed me the way.
You are the Thunder and I am Lightning
And I Love the Way You, Know Who You are to me
Cause Mom You are a firework
My Moon in times of darkness
My Sun in times of my happy hours
My pillow in times of sorrow
And My strength In Times Of Great Depression
How Can You Do It All?
My World, My Forever What will I Have Been
Without Such Pure Love
Like The Moon In Someone’s Sky
You Show Me The Way to life
With your loving and slivering light
you shine like and angel
And I Thank heaven for the grace of having such a mother
Which paths are wise and life is true
You are my sunshine
I’ll love my mother all my days,
For enriching my life in so many ways.
She set me straight and then set me free,
And that’s what the word "mother" means to me.
Mom, I wish I had words engraved in the clouds
to tell How much you mean to me.
I am the person I am today,
Because you let me be.
Your unconditional love
Made me happy, strong, and secure.
In all the world, there is no mother
Better than my own.
You're the best and wisest person, Mom
I have ever known.
Like the stars talks with no words
your wisdom Enlightened me
And Forever the angels will sing hallelujah
For they Woe to have someone like you”
Christen Kuikoua

Vandana  Yadav
“माँ की अपनी अदालत होती है, जहाँ वह वकील भी ख़ुद होती है और जज बन कर फैसले भी ख़ुद ही सुनाती है। माँ की दलीलों के सामने विपक्ष का कोई वकील नहीं टिकता।”
Vandana Yadav, कितने मोर्चे

Kevin    Wilson
“It was a weird thing. Before the divorce, my mom had been kind of strict, the triplets constantly wrecking shit as she sternly tried to wrangle them. She had no patience for people who might complicate her life or create more work for her, was always rolling her eyes at how stupid everyone else was. She made checklists that no one else ever checked. She frowned a lot. I was slightly afraid of her, even though I knew that she loved me. And though I knew the divorce had messed her up, it had also seemed to relax her, like the bad thing had finally happened and she didn't have to keep waiting for it. She chilled out. The triplets, if they burned down the Dairy Queen, well, that was someone else's problem. If I invited some strange boy into our house and made out with him, who was she to intervene? We were eating pizza on a weekday. She was the coolest mom in Coalfield.”
Kevin Wilson, Now Is Not the Time to Panic

Dot Hutchison
“There was a line there, firmly drawn, between friend and Mum, and if a situation ever neared that line, she was always going to come down on the Mum side. But up until that line, she could be — and was, and is — both.”
Dot Hutchison, The Summer Children

“These feelings don't just go away. They linger. Hover. They are with me always. Even at my most functioning...they are there, watching me. These emotions are my roommates now, bunking up beside me at night. They do not pay any rent...they are determinded to ruin me, and yet I can never fully evict them from my brain.

I have tried -- really tried -- to chip away at my grief...But lately, I've just given up. I'm finally giving it permission to breathe and exist...

Most days now, they lie dormant in me. Sometimes it gets so quiet in my brain I think they've finally packed up and left. But every year as the calendar rounds the corner to March and the anniversary of her death approaches, anger bubbles again...I rage over the smallest of things, screaming behind the steering wheel of my car when another driver forgets to use their blinker. At first I'm perplexed, and then I remember: it's here again. And I am still mad. So mad. I can starve it, avoid it, rationalize it, manage it, talk about it in therapy, and eat it up in neat little points value. No matter how much weight I lose, I will never lose this one simple truth: I want my mom. I am so f***ing mad that she's gone. And that feeling will never, ever die.”
Kate Spencer, The Dead Moms Club: A Memoir about Death, Grief, and Surviving the Mother of All Losses

Amy Schumer
“No one loves you like your mom and no one hurts you like your mom.”
Amy Schumer

Candace Gish
“You are brilliant, but no one will ever be able to convince you of that. It must be you who sees past the darkness of flaws and into the bright light.”
Candace Gish, Our Mothers, Our Daughters: The stories that make and create our lives

Dot Hutchison
“I guess he's used to flexing his dick and getting what he wants. Mum's dick is more impressive.”
Dot Hutchison, The Summer Children

Sarah Gailey
“She just needs to do this. She needs to act so mad and scary. That's how Francis had explained it, back when Vera was little enough to be surprised and frightened by her mother's moods.
Sometimes, moms just need to be mad like that, he'd said. Sometimes they need to say and do things that hurt you. It's how they love you. It's part of what being a mom is all about. You'll learn someday he'd added, laying an affectionate hand on her head.”
Sarah Gailey, Just Like Home

“And I am still mad. So mad. I can starve it, avoid it, rationalize it, manage it, talk about it in therapy, and eat it up in neat little points value. No matter how much weight I lose, I will never lose this one simple truth: I want my mom. I am so f***ing mad that she's gone. And that feeling will never, ever die.”
Kate Spencer, The Dead Moms Club: A Memoir about Death, Grief, and Surviving the Mother of All Losses

“These feelings don't just go away. They linger. Hover. They are with me always. Even at my most functioning...they are there, watching me. These emotions are my roommates now, bunking up beside me at night. They do not pay any rent...they are determined to ruin me, and yet I can never fully evict them from my brain.

I have tried -- really tried -- to chip away at my grief...But lately, I've just given up. I'm finally giving it permission to breathe and exist...

Most days now, they lie dormant in me. Sometimes it gets so quiet in my brain I think they've finally packed up and left. But every year as the calendar rounds the corner to March and the anniversary of her death approaches, anger bubbles again...I rage over the smallest of things, screaming behind the steering wheel of my car when another driver forgets to use their blinker. At first I'm perplexed, and then I remember: it's here again. And I am still mad. So mad. I can starve it, avoid it, rationalize it, manage it, talk about it in therapy, and eat it up in neat little points value. No matter how much weight I lose, I will never lose this one simple truth: I want my mom. I am so f***ing mad that she's gone. And that feeling will never, ever die.”
Kate Spencer, The Dead Moms Club: A Memoir about Death, Grief, and Surviving the Mother of All Losses

“Most days now, [the feelings] lie dormant in me. Sometimes it gets so quiet in my brain I think they've finally packed up and left. But every year as the calendar rounds the corner to March and the anniversary of her death approaches, anger bubbles again...I rage over the smallest of things, screaming behind the steering wheel of my car when another driver forgets to use their blinker. At first I'm perplexed, and then I remember: it's here again. And I am still mad.”
Kate Spencer, The Dead Moms Club: A Memoir about Death, Grief, and Surviving the Mother of All Losses

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