Muscles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "muscles" Showing 1-30 of 59
Tamsyn Muir
“The man who'd put the sword to her neck was uncomfortably buff. He had upsetting biceps. He didn't look healthy; he looked like a collection of lemons in a sack.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

“If you have to fight and want to win, use the strongest muscles: Heart.”
Corina Abdulahm-Negura

“The truth is not believable to someone who has not lived it in his muscles.”
Jean Hatzfeld, Machete Season

Maaza Mengiste
“what is forged into memory tucks itself into bone and muscle. It will always be there and it will follow us to the grave.”
Maaza Mengiste, The Shadow King

John Steinbeck
“Coming out of sleep, I had the advantage of two worlds, the layered firmament of dream and the temporal fixtures of the mind awake. I stretched luxuriously—a good and tingling sensation. It's as though the skin has shrunk in the night and one must push it out to daytime size by bulging the muscles, and there's an a itching pleasure in it.”
John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent

“They were young and gay and the femininity of their teenage years had only recently hardened into the muscle of a competitive sexual economy. Their muscles met the demands of the city, and the city met the demands of their muscles.”
Christopher Bollen, Orient

Sarah MacLean
“Closing the door, she turned back to him, taking in the long, muscled length of him on the bed, staring at her.
Waiting for her.
He was perfect, and she was bare before him, bathed in candlelight. She was instantly embarrassed- somehow more embarrassed than she had been that night in his office, when she'd touched herself under his careful guidance. At least then she'd been wearing a corset. Stockings.
Tonight, she wore nothing. She was all flaws, each one highlighted by his perfection. He watched her for a long moment before extending one muscled arm, palm up, an irresistible invitation.
She went to him without hesitation, and he rolled to his back, pulling her over his lovely, lean chest, staring up at her intently.
She covered her breasts in a wave of nerves and trepidation. "When you look at me like that... it's too much."
He did not look away. "How do I look at you?"
"I don't know what it is... but I feel as though you can see into me. As though, if you could, you would consume me."
"It's want, love. Desire like nothing I've never experienced. I'm fairly shaking with it. Come here." The demand was impossible to resist, carrying with it the promise of pleasure beyond her dreams. She went.
When she was close enough to touch, he lifted one hand, stroking his fingers along hers where they hid her breasts from view. "I tremble with need for you, Pippa. Please, love, let me see you."
The request was raw and wretched, and she couldn't deny him, slowly moving her hands to settle them on his chest, fingers splayed wide across the crisp auburn hair that dusted his skin. She was distracted by that hair, the play of it over muscle- the way it narrowed to a lovely dark line across his flat stomach.
He lay still as she touched him, his muscles firm and perfect. "You're so beautiful," she whispered, fingers stroking down his arms to his wrists.
His gaze narrowed on her. "I am happy you approve, my lady."
She smiled. "Oh I do, my lord. You are a remarkable specimen." White teeth flashed again as she gained her courage, retracing her touch, over his forearms, marveling in the feel of him, reciting from memory, "flexor digitorium superficialis, flexor capri radialis... "along his upper arms,"biceps brachii, tricipitis brachii... "over his shoulders, loving the way his muscles tensed and flexed beneath her touch,"deltoideus... "and down his chest,"subscapularis... pectoralis major... "
She stilled, brushing her fingers over the curve of that muscle, the landscape of him... the valleys of his body. He sucked in a breath as her fingers ran over the flat discs of his nipples, arching up to her touch, and she stilled, reveling in her power. He enjoyed her touch. He wanted it. She repeated the stroke, this time with her thumbs.
He hissed his pleasure, one wide hand falling to the inside of her knee, sending a river of heat through her. "Don't stop now, love. This is the most effective seduction I've ever experienced.”
Sarah MacLean, One Good Earl Deserves a Lover

Joely Sue Burkhart
“Money can open -or close- many doors that your impressive muscles won't budge.”
Joely Sue Burkhart, Queen Takes Knights

Alain Bremond-Torrent
“It feels good pulling on these muscles, it feels better than worrying about who is watching.”
Alain Bremond-Torrent, "Darling, it's not only about sex"

Yukio Mishima
“Specifically, I cherished a romantic impulse towards death, yet at the same time I
required a strictly classical body as its vehicle; a peculiar sense of destiny made me
believe that the reason why my romantic impulse towards death remained unfulfilled
in reality was the immensely simple fact that I lacked the necessary physical qualifications.
A powerful, tragic frame and sculpturesque muscles were indispensable in
a romantically noble death. Any confrontation between weak, flabby flesh and death
seemed to me absurdly inappropriate. Longing at eighteen for an early demise, I felt
myself unfitted for it. I lacked, in short, the muscles suitable for a dramatic death.
And it deeply offended my romantic pride that it should be this unsuitability that
had permitted me to survive the war.”
Yukio Mishima, Sun & Steel

Lisa Kleypas
“Awareness rippled through her as she was trapped between the cold, hard wall and the warm, hard man who held her. His body was different from how she remembered it, no longer loose-limbed and narrow, but bigger, heavier, imbued with the strength of a male in his full-blooded prime. McKenna was no longer the winsome boy she remembered... he had become someone else entirely. A powerful, ruthless man, with a body to match. Fascinated by the difference in him, Aline could not stop herself from sliding her hands beneath his coat. Her fingers passed over the burgeoning muscles of his chest, the sturdy vault of his ribs. McKenna went still, disciplining himself so sternly that a tremor of effort went through his limbs.”
Lisa Kleypas, Again the Magic

Lisa Kleypas
“Phoebe entered the room and stopped with a head-to-toe quiver, like an arrow striking a target, at the sight of a half-naked West Ravenel. He was facing away from her, standing barefoot at an old-fashioned washstand as he blotted his neck and chest with a length of toweling. The robe had been tossed to a chair, leaving him dressed only in a pair of trousers that rode dangerously low on his hips.
Henry had always seemed so much smaller without his clothes, vulnerable without the protection of civilized layers. But this man, all rippling muscle and bronzed skin and coiled energy, appeared twice as large. The room scarcely seemed able to contain him. He was big-boned and lean, his back flexing as he lifted a goblet of water and drank thirstily. Phoebe's helpless gaze followed the long groove of his spine down to his hips. The loose edge of a pair of fawn-colored trousers, untethered by braces, dipped low enough to reveal a shocking absence of undergarments. How could a gentleman go without wearing drawers? It was the most indecent thing she'd ever seen. The inside of her head was scalded by her own thoughts.”
Lisa Kleypas, Devil's Daughter

Haruki Murakami
“Ponavljajući vježbe vaši mišići će shvatiti poruku koju im šaljete, kao i da takav i toliki napor očekujete od njih. Naši mišići vrlo su savjesni. Sve dok se pridržavamo valjanog postupka, oni se neće žaliti.”
Haruki Murakami, What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

Gerard Woodward
“Yes, he was an old man but, gosh, those muscled limbs of his, the strength in them. She remembered how vast he had seemed, nude in the little cottage bedroom, like a giant folded up and tucked into a shoebox.”
Gerard Woodward, Nourishment

“Every atom found its purpose”

Oscar Wilde
“Then there is the true Academy model. He is usually a man of thirty, rarely good-looking, but a perfect miracle of muscles. In fact he is the apotheosis of anatomy, and is so conscious of his own splendour that he tells you of his tibia and his thorax, as if no one else had anything of the kind.”
Oscar Wilde, Beautiful and Impossible Things - Selected Essays of Oscar Wilde

Amy Rankin
“Often a brain injured person needs to retrain the muscles in the throat as well as the muscles in the rest of the body. Regular water was not an option”
Amy Rankin, Nobody Thought I Could Do It, But I Showed Them, and So Can You!

Lisa Kleypas
“What a startling sight... a healthy, virile male in his prime. Strong and completely muscled, barbaric and yet beautiful. Fortunately he was facing partially away from her, so that her surveillance went unnoticed. He toweled his hair until the thick locks stood on end and worked down to his arms and chest, scrubbing vigorously. His back was powerful, the line of his spine a pronounced groove. The broad slopes of his shoulders flexed as he draped the towel across and began to dry himself with a sawing motion. A plentitude of hair covered his limbs and the upper portion of his chest, and there was far more at his groin than the decorative tuft she had expected.”
Lisa Kleypas, Cold-Hearted Rake

Lynne Ewing
“She stood and tripped over something in the dark, then stumbled and fell on Derek.
"Ouch," he moaned.
"Are you all right?" she whispered, and realized she was lying on top of him. She liked the way his body felt so familiar and comfortable beneath hers. She rested her head against his chest and closed her eyes, suddenly regretting all the mean things she had said to him.
"Aren't you going to get up?" he asked.
"Sure," she answered, and let her hands smooth down his chest and then his arms. She was surprised by the feel of his rock-hard muscles.
"I work out," he murmured unexpectedly.
He snickered. "The way you're feeling my chest and arms-"
"I am not." She jumped up, indignant, then knelt beside him. "I was searching for your ropes."
"Liar," he whispered.
She felt a blush rise to her cheeks and was glad it was dark so he couldn't see.
"The ropes are tied around my ankles and wrists," he said, but there was still laughter in his voice.”
Lynne Ewing, The Lost One

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Like that of the house, the all too common overuse of the neck leads to the underuse of the muscles of the eye.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

J.S. Mason
“as they marched out on their way to band practice to get fitted for new hats to hide foam rollers in, as the athletic director was very against the band members having smooth fascia and demanded they have sore muscles while the football team played.”
J.S. Mason, The Satyrist...And Other Scintillating Treats

Wallace Miles
“Tough is temporary. Your muscles will adapt to anything you challenge them to do consistently.”
Wallace Miles, UNDERR8TED: The Route That Caught an NFL Dream

Anath Lee Wales
“The biggest part of the pain is not the pain itself, but when you sacrifice for someone who doesn’t care and value you, it doesn’t only hurt the muscles, it chops down the bones”
Anath Lee Wales

Sarah J. Maas
“He took off running. The muscles in his back shifted as he leaped down the short flight of stairs and bounded into the garden, as spry and swift as a stag. Within seconds he was gone.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Sarah J. Maas
“You're going to make me look like that?'

His low laugh rippled over her body. 'No one can look like this but me, Nes.'

Arrogant ass.

'Rhysand and Azriel do,' she said sweetly.

'I've got one or two muscles on them.'

'I don't see it.'

He winked. 'Maybe they're in other places.'

She couldn't help it. Couldn't stop it. Not the flash of desire, but the smile that overtook her face. She huffed a laugh.

Cassian stared like he hadn't seen her before.

His shock was enough that Nesta dropped her smile.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Sarah J. Maas
“So those abdominal exercises are useful beyond wanting to show off your muscles?'

He threw her a wry grin. 'You really think this is just for show?'

'I think I've caught you looking at yourself in that mirror at least a dozen times each lesson.' Nesta nodded to the slender mirror across the ring.

He chuckled. 'Liar. You use that mirror to watch me when you think I'm not paying attention.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“In exercise, to grow better, focus on one set of muscles.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Seconds make a rep, reps make a set, sets make a session, sessions don’t make but break, muscles, muscle-break makes you.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

Tiana Smith
“I had a headache the size of Vince’s biceps.”
Tiana Smith, Match Me If You Can

Jane Washington
“Whatever you like. Mikki has us on a pretty strict diet, but Mikki isn’t here right now.”

“What’s the diet for?” she asked absently, picking up the room phone.

“The muscles you’re always drooling over”
Jane Washington, Tourner

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