Necromancy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "necromancy" Showing 1-30 of 34
Kelley Armstrong
“You were just worried about me."
An exhale, relieved that I had understood. "Yeah"
I turned. "Because you think I'm worth it"
He put his fingers under my chin. "I absolutely think your worth it."
"But you don't think you are."
His mouth opened. Shut.
"That's what this is about, Derek. You won't let us worry about you because you don't think you're worth it. But I do. I absolutely do.”
Kelley Armstrong, The Reckoning

Tamsyn Muir
“Too many words,” said Gideon confidentially. “How about these: One flesh, one end, bitch.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Derek Landy
“If anyone stops us, as long as we mumble something pretentious about the glory of death, we should be fine.”
Derek Landy, Death Bringer

Tamsyn Muir
“In the myriadic year of Our Lord--the ten thousandth year of the King Undying, the kindly Prince of Death!--Gideon Nav packed her sword, her shoes, and her dirty magazines, and she escaped from the House of the Ninth.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Beth Revis
“If you do this, Nedra, if you choose necromancy… I cannot follow you into that darkness.”
“Oh, Grey,” I said, shifting my bag onto my shoulder. “What do you know of darkness?”
Beth Revis, Give the Dark My Love

Aleister Crowley
“The nails from a suicide's coffin, and the skull of the parricide, were of course no trouble; for Vesquit never traveled without these household requisites.”
Aleister Crowley, Moonchild

Tamsyn Muir
“They’re dead words—a human chain reaching back ten thousand years,” said the corpse. “How did they feel?”
“Genuinely sad, bordering on very funny,” said God.”
Tamsyn Muir, Harrow the Ninth

N.D. Stevenson
“I don't know what's so scary about zombies. Reanimating the dead isn't that hard, but they make TERRIBLE minions. They can't move quickly and they fall to pieces in a matter of days.”
N.D. Stevenson, Nimona

Stephen         King
“Free, free, free... necromancer, I love you.”
Stephen King, Firestarter

Tamsyn Muir
“Today isn't the day when we start to use one another's bodies. Or tomorrow, or ever. We're not barbarians.”
Tamsyn Muir, Gideon the Ninth

Kelley Armstrong
“You were just worried about me"
An exhale, relieved that i had understood. "Yeah"
I turned. "Because you think i'm worth it"

--- The Reckoning by Kelly Armstron
He put his fingers under my chin. "I absolutely think your worth it"
But you don't think you are "
His mouth opened. Shut.
That's what this is about, Derek. You won't let us worry about you because you don't think you're worth it. But i do. I absolutely do "

Chloe and Derek”
Kelly Armstorng

J.A. Saare
“Well, well, well. Tickle my Elmo ass silly. I was sitting across from a person who enjoyed talking to dead people, and if they wouldn’t talk, then by God, he’d just wake their corpses up instead. Next to him was a moody, chain-smoking vampire who just might be bipolar and smoked like a corncob pipe.”
J.A. Saare, Dead, Undead, or Somewhere in Between

Sarah Glenn Marsh
“I can’t stand to see a living thing in pain, least of all Evander. The nuns who raised me said I’d been that way since birth. Trying to put the wings back on a trampled butterfly. Tending the weakest plants in their garden. That’s what made me so well suited for walking in the Deadlands, they said. My love of life.”
Sarah Glenn Marsh, Reign of the Fallen

Clare Urbanski
“You must believe me that trying to bring back the dead is not worth the trouble. In any sense. And it’s not right, either—the dead don’t like to be disturbed. It’s like trying to wake someone from a wonderful dream and bring them back to an unpleasant, imperfect reality. For most of them, at any rate, but the flip side presents another score of problems.”
Clare Urbanski, Prince Niru

Claude Lecouteux
“The texts are unanimous on one point: the dead do not like being summoned back.”
Claude Lecouteux, The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind

L.J. Stanton
“When Merikh crouched down and carefully pulled the rug back, Loralee instinctively retreated a few steps. Green fog began to emanate from Merikh’s fingertips. It thickened as it touched the ground. After a moment, the fog completed a circle around the stain. Strange glyphs that resembled the ones from the raven scroll ran along the outside rim of the circle.

“It would seem a history lesson is in order,” Merikh said...The room went cold. Not the sort of cold that happened when Merikh grew irritable. The sort of cold that cut to Loralee’s bones and made them feel brittle. Her joints ached when she brought her hands to her bare arms. Even when she rubbed her skin, she couldn’t make them warm. It was only after that realization that Loralee came to another one: the room was dark, as if the sun were setting.”
L.J. Stanton, The Dying Sun

Sarah Beth Durst
“I require pie before I desecrate a mass grave.”
Sarah Beth Durst, The Bone Maker

“Greek oracles were like living Ouija boards. They communicated with the gods rather than the dead. It’s funny the way people imagine making contact with the Devil via Ouija, but never with God. Will God not come if summoned?”
Rob Armstrong, The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija

Kait Ballenger
“She pointed a finger at him." Smart men don't comment on a woman's eating habits, regardless of how many brownies she can shove in her mouth at one time. "
He laughed. "In that case, I guess I'm not as smart as you think I am.”
Kait Ballenger, Midnight Hunter

Kait Ballenger
“There was something about decapitating an already dead woman, only to follow up with shared brownies with a witch he wasn't sure he trusted and simultaneously wanted to do the horizontal tango with, that drained the energy from him.”
Kait Ballenger, Midnight Hunter

Kait Ballenger
“He frowned." Naked baby photos should be outlawed. "
She closed the photo album. "So tell me, do you still have those cute dimples on your ass?”
Kait Ballenger, Midnight Hunter

Kait Ballenger
“Like something straight out of a B-grade horror film, a single arm shot up from the dirt, reaching and grabbing as it clawed its way forth from its earthen prison. Ash and Trent watched the monster struggle in silence for at least ten minutes, occasionally exchanging glances. Finally, after all the writhing, the zombie emerged. It stumbled out of its grave covered in dirt and gave an annoyed-sounding groan.”
Kait Ballenger, Midnight Hunter

Maniakkide Tänav
“Esimene surm teeb poisikesest rüütli.”
Maniakkide Tänav, Õnne ja õnnetuse valitseja

Mark  Ferguson
“For a moment of nearly five seconds Nemed had wanted to correct, to interject with the boasting recitation of a child who has just learned something interesting about the subject at hand and wants to amaze the adults; he had wanted to tell Emer that the Inrisus were not magical or truly evil, and that their medicine was amazing. The tablet suggested that the Inrisus were entirely made of tumor cells; long ago, blue historians believed, the Inrisus had conquered cancer and found a way to separate its resilience to radiation and chemical attack from its malignancy, producing cells both immortal and functional. Their brains and hearts and other parts would keep showing up on medical scans, like blotches in a smoker’s lungs. Carcinogens simply made an Inrisus pregnant.
But then Nemed realized that Emer was wearing beaver hide, that no part of his costume even had a zipper; he might not even know what cancer was. He wouldn’t know that it could be treated with radiation or chemicals; he wouldn’t appreciate the Inrisus and their ability to turn cancer into eternal life. He would probably call it necromancy, or a form of vampirism, stealing the life of an unborn infant because that was supposed to be the only way to live forever in the old stories of the Folk.
I think less of him, Nemed realized. Him, and the others.”
Mark Ferguson, Terra Incognita

Terry Pratchett
“Do you want to find her book to see if she marries you?"
"I've read it, and she's dead," said Mort. "But only technically. I mean, not really dead."
"Good, otherwise that would be necromancy.”
Terry Pratchett, Mort

Claude Lecouteux
“After writing an Our Father backward on a page in blood," you should carve runes on a staff and go to the cemetery at midnight with these two things, and go to whatever tomb strikes your fancy. However, it would be more prudent to attack the smaller graves.
You should then place the staff on top of the grave and roll it back and forth while reciting the Our Father backward at the same time,
following how it is written on the page, as well as some magic spells that few people know, except for witches. During this time, the revenant will slowly rise from the tomb, because this is not something that takes place quickly, and revenants will be praying greatly and saying: "Let me (rest) in peace.

-Jón Árnason”
Claude Lecouteux, The Return of the Dead: Ghosts, Ancestors, and the Transparent Veil of the Pagan Mind

L.J. Stanton
“Merikh’s shamshir cut across the Emani’s chest, barely grazing the man. Loralee could see only a thin cut from his torn kameez. The Emani stumbled back, his eyes wide in abject horror. The glyphs on Merikh’s shamshir glowed green. The blade turned black, as if made of shadow. From the Emani’s wound, necrotic fog began to pour. A moment later, it took the form of a man. Loralee’s breath caught in her throat.”
L.J. Stanton, The Dying Sun

“The Ouija board brought necromancy to the ordinary people. It democratized necromancy. It’s a portal to the dead, to the afterlife, to the Spirit World. But it’s a somewhat basic technology, a poor man’s version of the phone. What would you do if you had a special smartphone that allowed you direct communication with the dead – a Necrophone? Would you use it all the time? Would it be the most popular gadget of all time? Or would people be scared to use it? Would it make people too sad? Would it provoke a suicide epidemic?”
Rob Armstrong, The Ordinary Necromancers: The Science of Ouija

Kaitlin Creeger
“But the Twins are special. Not in the hero-saves-the-world special, although they are stupid enough to try. No, they are special in their abilities to raise the dead, conjure both light and dark magic, and manipulate risen spirits, along with more sorcery unimaginable.”
Kaitlin Creeger, The Hollows

“If to see with the sight of another is hypnotism, then every man who writes a book or tells a good tale is a hypnotist; every historian who makes us see the past is a necromancer.”
Eleanor M. Ingram, The Thing From the Lake

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