New Man Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-man" Showing 1-5 of 5
Miya Yamanouchi
“You can always evaluate a man's character by the way he speaks about his ex girlfriends and other women. When entering a new relationship or getting close with a new guy, make sure you take notice of the language he uses when referring to other girls”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Miya Yamanouchi
“Does that new man in your life call his ex" a slut "," a whore "," a bitch "," psycho "," crazy "," a nutter "etc etc. Chances are, whatever he's calling his ex right now, he'll be calling you when things don't go his way. Be warned.”
Miya Yamanouchi, Embrace Your Sexual Self: A Practical Guide for Women

Héctor Germán Oesterheld
“The true revolution can only occur within the heart.”
Héctor Germán Oesterheld, Che

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“It’s not the absence of good. It’s being brave enough to oppose the presence of evil.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Man becomes uprooted, starts feeling meaningless. All the values of life disappear. A great darkness surrounds. Sense of direction is lost. One simply feels accidental. There seems to be no, no significance. Life seems to be just a byproduct of chance. It seems existence does not care for you. [...] All seems to be pointless. These times of chaos, disorder, can either be a great curse, [...] or they can prove a quantum leap in human growth. It depends on how we use them. It is only in such great times of chaos that great stars are born. [...] The ordinary masses live in such unconsciousness that they can’t see even a few steps ahead. They are blind. And they are the majority! The coming twenty-five years, the last part of this century, is going to be of IMMENSE value. If we can create a great momentum in the world for meditation, for the inward journey, for tranquillity, for stillness, for love, for God... if we can create a space in these coming twenty-five years for God to happen to many many people, humanity will have a new birth, a resurrection. A new man will be born.”
Rajneesh, Philosophia Perennis