Nordic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "nordic" Showing 1-7 of 7
Adam Nevill
“Through their discomforts Dom and Phil were missing everything of interest: the sudden strip marshes, the faces in the rock formations, the perfect lakes, the awesome måskoskårså valley grooved into the earth during the Ice Age, the golden eagle circling above it, and the views of a landscape it was impossible to believe existed in Europe.”
Adam Nevill, The Ritual

Blaise Pascal
“Small minds are concerned with the extraordinary, great minds with the ordinary”
Blaise Pascal

Jarrett McCall
“The distant women bowed themselves; Nordic women who lived with their eyes looking at servants, as they were waiting; glaring in an intense white aspect, because they were athletic; because they had haircuts.”
Jarrett McCall, The Breathing Advocate

Bernard Cornwell
“Wyn eal gedreas. Isso é parte de outro poema que às vezes ouço ser cantado no meu castelo. É um poema triste, e portanto um poema verdadeiro. Wyrd bið ful ãræd, diz ele. O destino é inexorável. E wyn eal gedreas. Toda alegria morreu.”
Bernard Cornwell

Jón Kalman Stefánsson
“Erano i tardi anni Ottanta, a breve sarebbe crollato il muro di Berlino e i pezzi sarebbero stati venduti come souvenir, l'essere umano ha la capacità straordinaria di convertire le minacce, la morte e la disperazione in denaro sonante.”
Jón Kalman Stefánsson, Sumarljós og svo kemur nóttin

Jón Kalman Stefánsson
“ما يفترض أن يفعل المرء بالكلمات وسط عاصفة ثلجية على أي حال، وهو في مرج جبلي تنسفه الرياح، والاتجاهات كلها معدومة؟ وعندما يقول أنه متجمد وملتصق بالحصان، فهو يعني ما يقوله؛ حينها تكون الكلمات في منتهى الشفافية ولا تخفي أي معان، ولا ظلال، كما تميل الكلمات إلى أن تفعل.”
Jón Kalman Stefánsson, حزن الملائكة

Abhijit Naskar
“Visvaviking (Sonnet 1504)

Smiling through my martyrdom
I took the world into my care.
Ice cold currents of catastrophe
are no match for my asgardian dare.

Swimming through a tsunami of sneer,
I found my peace in world's welfare.
Beware, o merchants of malice and hate,
Better not force your fate out of layer!

Crushing all memorials of invading scourge,
Parting the ocean to deliver from divide,
Rushing as apocalypse to right the wrong,
I am Sapiothunder to all genocidal pride.

I don't need invite from some puny paradise;
Cosmos, my Shangri-la - me, the Servant King.
Odin doesn't wait up for Valhalla to call -
Valhalla is my empire - I am Visvaviking!”
Abhijit Naskar, World War Human: 100 New Earthling Sonnets