Object Quotes

Quotes tagged as "object" Showing 1-30 of 67
Chuck Palahniuk
“Rant would tell people: 'You're a different human being to everybody you meet.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Rant: An Oral Biography of Buster Casey

James Joyce
“The object of the artist is the creation of the beautiful. What the beautiful is is another question.”
James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Kamand Kojouri
“They want us to be afraid.
They want us to be afraid of leaving our homes.
They want us to barricade our doors
and hide our children.
Their aim is to make us fear life itself!
They want us to hate.
They want us to hate 'the other'.
They want us to practice aggression
and perfect antagonism.
Their aim is to divide us all!
They want us to be inhuman.
They want us to throw out our kindness.
They want us to bury our love
and burn our hope.
Their aim is to take all our light!
They think their bricked walls
will separate us.
They think their damned bombs
will defeat us.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that my soul and your soul are old friends.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that when they cut you I bleed.
They are so ignorant they don’t understand
that we will never be afraid,
we will never hate
and we will never be silent
for life is ours!”
Kamand Kojouri

André Breton
“Nothing that surrounds us is object, all is subject.”
André Breton

Simone Weil
“To love purely is to consent to distance, it is to adore the distance between ourselves and that which we love.”
Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace

George Washington
“To enlarge the sphere of social happiness is worthy of the benevolent design of a Masonic institution; and it is most fervently to be wished, that the conduct of every member of the fraternity, as well as those publications, that discover the principles which actuate them, may tend to convince mankind that the grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race.

[Letter to the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, January 1793]”
George Washington, Writings

Amy Tan
“All objects exist in a moment of time.”
Amy Tan, The Bonesetter's Daughter

Toba Beta
“The quality of beauty lies on
how beholder values an object.”
Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Kamand Kojouri
“You only feel powerless because your fear has given your power to the object of your fear. Once you realise this, you can claim it back.”
Kamand Kojouri

Thomas Jefferson
“The main objects of all science, the freedom and happiness of man.... [are] the sole objects of all legitimate government.

(A plaque with this quotation, with the first phrase omitted, is in the stairwell of the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.)”
Thomas Jefferson, Writings: Autobiography / Notes on the State of Virginia / Public and Private Papers / Addresses / Letters

Torrey Peters
“Sometimes the wonder over the object of a crush is indistinguishable from the simple relief that you are still able to leap into one at all.”
Torrey Peters, Detransition, Baby

Erich Fromm
“The assumption that the problem of love is the problem of anobject,not the problem of afaculty.People think that toloveis simple, but that to find the right object to love - or to be loved by- is difficult.”
Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving

Charles Olson
“If he stays inside himself, if he is contained within his nature as he is participant in the larger force, he will be able to listen, and his hearing through himself will give him secrets objects share.”
Charles Olson

Willard Van Orman Quine
“Confusion of sign and object is original sin coeval with the word.”
Willard Van Orman Quine, Ontological Relativity and Other Essays

Roland Barthes
“…once can easily see in an object at once a perfection and an absence of origin, a closure and a brilliance, a transformation of life into matter (matter is much more magical than life), and in a word a silence which belongs to the realm of fairy-tales.”
Roland Barthes, Mythologies

Heinrich Wölfflin
“... we animate every object. This is a basic instinct in man... Will this instinct ever die out? I believe not. It would be the death of art.”
Heinrich Wölfflin

Marina Dyachenko
“What's in a name? that which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet.' In other words, the essence of an object does not change depending on it's name. This is a common misconception not unlike the 'world is flat' belief. By verbally identifying an object, by giving it a name, we alter it. And at the same time we prevent it from changing. A name is like a forked stick that we use to hold a snake on the ground." Portnov imitated using a forked branch to press down an imaginary viper. "By the way, consider this: the contradictory nature of a statement almost certainly proves its legitimacy... Come in." [...]
"May I continue? Thank you. However, there is also another misconception-by which a name automatically defines the properties of an object. Here is a pen." He tossed up and caught a dark-blue pen with a white top. "If I give it the name of... an earthworm, will it slither?"
Second years, Group A, maintained a tense silence. No one wanted to risk an answer.
"It will not." Portnov let the pen fall on his desk. "Because this given piece of plastic has nothing in common with the process and events that we are talking about, that we spend time studying... between dance parties and dealing with gastrointestinal problems. Besides, when I say 'give a name,' I do not imply any of the languages that are commonly used by any of the living persons. I am talking about Speech, which you will begin to study during your third year. Some of you may start earlier.”
Marina Dyachenko, Vita Nostra

Anthony Liccione
“No thing, should make you feel like a nothing.”
Anthony Liccione

“One of the most fascinating aspect of humans is their 'object of fascination' which makes them remarkably unique from each other!””
Ramana Pemmaraju

Alberto Giacometti
“The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity.”
Alberto Giacometti

Steven Magee
“Why object to one very high altitude telescope when you can use science to object to them all.”
Steven Magee

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“From the computer to the universe everything is in the binary form, either as material or immaterial force, either as material or immaterial object, the theory of everything”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“Just as functions within computer science, ecosystems must become first-class citizens in biology. First-class functions are not merely sequences of steps, but genuine entities, which can be passed as arguments to and from other functions in the same manner as other data types. Languages that support this concept have a fundamentally greater expressive power than those that relegate functions to the status of 'second-class citizens' relative to first-class 'data' objects. Biology needs an analogous expressive power in order to refer properly to the role of ecosystems as carriers of fundamental patterns, and as entities parallel to and in some ways superseding organisms.”
Eric Smith, The Origin and Nature of Life on Earth: The Emergence of the Fourth Geosphere

Jean Baudrillard
“All that remains is the Object as a strange attractor. The subject is no longer a strange attractor. We know the subject too well; the subject knows himself too well. It is the Object that is exciting, because the Object is my vanishing point.
The Object is what theory can be for reality: not a reflection but a challenge, and a strange attractor. This, potentially, is the way to go in search of otherness.
There are two methods of getting beyond alienation. Either disalienation and the reappropriation of oneself - a tiresome process, without much prospect of success these days. Or the other extreme - the path of the absolute Other, of absolute exoticism. This alternative path leads to an exponential defined elsewhere, virtually, in terms of total excentricity. It goes beyond alienation but in the same direction - to what is more other than the Other, to radical otherness.
The duality of otherness implies an unchallengeable metamorphosis, an unchallengeable supremacy of appearances and metamorphoses. I am not alienated. Rather, I am definitively other. No longer subject to the law of desire, but subject now to the total artifice of rules. I have lost any trace of desire of my own. I answer only to something non-human - something inscribed not within me but solely in the objective and arbitrary vicissitudes of the world's signs.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Transparency of Evil: Essays in Extreme Phenomena

Kim Neville
“Remember, the object only reflects a feeling that came from a human. It holds a story from where it came from, but it's not alive.”
Kim Neville, The Memory Collectors

Joshua Becker
“Does the memory associated with an object cause you to smile? Your reaction may show you that you need the object, not for utilitarian purposes, but for purposes of the heart. But then again it may not. Maybe all you need is this one last moment to savor the nostalgic charm that the object inspires. Your life has moved on- maybe it's time for the object to do the same. Remember, just because something made you happy in the past doesn't mean you have to keep it forever.”
Joshua Becker, The Minimalist Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to a Decluttered, Refocused Life

Franz Brentano
“We can say that the sound is the primary object of the act of hearing, and that the act of hearing itself is the secondary object.”
Franz Brentano
tags: object

Steven Magee
“As a formerly disabled person that was denied my earned disability benefits, I do object to massive amounts of money going into foreign countries when the government could not give me a tiny disability allowance when I was too sick to work!”
Steven Magee

“In stillness, mind and object merge in realization and go beyond enlightenment.”
Dōgen, The Essential Dogen: Writings of the Great Zen Master

“When there is a ‘collective concentration’ (consider it a form of Energy) gets focused at some Object, the Object becomes a ‘Source of Energy’.”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

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