Observations On Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "observations-on-life" Showing 1-30 of 36
Shannon L. Alder
“It is easier to tell a person what life is not, rather than to tell them what it is. A child understands weeds that grow from lack of attention, in a garden. However, it is hard to explain the wild flowers that one gardener calls weeds, and another considers beautiful ground cover.”
Shannon L. Alder

John Green
“These days, after drinking from the internet's fire hose for thirty years, I've begun to feel more of those negative effects. I don't know if it's my age, or the fact that the internet is no longer plugged into the wall and now travels with me everywhere I go, but I find myself thinking of that Wordsworth poem that begins," The world is too much with us; late and soon.”
John Green, The Anthropocene Reviewed

“Style without substance does not mean a thing”
Seyed Moussavi (self)

C. JoyBell C.
“Doesn't anybody get tired of it all? Of having the same lives as everybody else, doing the same things as everybody else, following the same rules as everybody else... people are identical to the groups they identify with and they stay in these groups 'til they die and they never really discover who they really are or who they actually can be. It's so boring, so tiring. So many imaginary ceilings, imaginary walls, imaginary limits, imaginary happiness.”
C. JoyBell C.

Germany Kent
“If you are ever blessed with an opportunity to experience love from a selfless person, keep them close because they are very rare.”
Germany Kent

Anastasia Bitkova
“The ability to make others feel good about themselves will take you further than proving that you are the smartest one in the room.”
Anastasia Bitkova

Carla H. Krueger
“There are times when I can't believe how much ridiculous stuff happens to me and how brilliant it is to be in a position to write about it.”
Carla H. Krueger

“Observation is finer than information”
Ronak Naneriya

Rohit Dharupta
“Appreciation is the cherry on the cake of accomplishment.”
Rohit Dharupta, Disorder of the World

Euginia Herlihy
“We live in the last days, in the cold hearted and self centred world where people like you for what you can give or for what they can get from you. That's the world of today.”
Euginia Herlihy

D. Clarence Snyder
“You haven't really lived if you don't wonder how you've lived this long.”
D. Clarence Snyder

Fennel Hudson
“The degree to which we notice the obvious or the subtle, and the angle of light that we see falling upon it, depends upon how closely we look and the time we spend studying.”
Fennel Hudson, A Waterside Year: Fennel's Journal No. 2

“The sea, you see, feels good for only a few days, but then it starts suffocating you. You first escape to the sea to escape yourself, but after a while that's all you find there. City is better that way. There are too many lanes and alleys. You never run into yourself there.”
Bilal Tanweer, The Scatter Here Is Too Great

“Time is very valuable, how and where you spend it determines the quality of your life.”
jacksin taviri

“No time will ever be the right time if we all wait for the right time.Because no one will ever control when the right time is but only to appreciate a certain time and allow it to be right.”
jacksin taviri

Gary Chittenden
“When you reach a certain age Everyone looks familiar."
Gary Chittenden 1999”
Gary Chittenden

Sakoon Singh
“Nanaki would be besotted for many hours. She would watch like a novice, like she was in a foreign country, with fresh eyes. Like starting all over again. Like wiping clean a film of experience from eyes and starting afresh, like a child. She would then do a very Chandigarh thing - buy herself a tub of buttered popcorn and continue observing. On days she would get so late that the blue of the sky would deepen into a flush of Prussian. Poor selling boys launched neon frisbees to attract little children taking a walk with parents. The sodium pole lamps would be lit and the water of the bird fountain would become a psychedelic pink. She would continue to observe- not in a way that would make people uncomfortable but in a detached, wholesome way, like she was part of the surroundings. This was also one of the early lessons by her favourite Prof Ramanujan at DCA, who always said that observation was the key. Nature or culture.”
Sakoon Singh, In The Land of The Lovers

M. Funk
“Sometimes I’m tempted to deny things I haven’t seen with my own eyes. But I’m starting to realize that some people are endowed with the gift of exceptional sight—whether it be foresight, insight, vision, or experience. Some (like me) are privileged to behold the world’s wonder and beauty, while others are obliged to witness more than their fair share of ugliness.”
M. Funk, The Book of True Believer

John M. Sheehan
“How observant have you been today, yesterday, last week, all this month? Not so much! Then you have missed nature teaching you and sharing with you the truths of God’s Word (Matthew 6:26–30; Mark 13:28, 29; Romans 1:20; 1 Corinthians 11:14, 15).”
John M. Sheehan

“The more somebody loves you, the more they will become angry with you”
Atef Ashab Uddin Sahil

“Observations often tell you more about the observer than the observed. - Chris Geiger”
Chris Geiger, The Cancer Survivors Club: A Collection of Inspirational and Uplifting Stories

“Black and White: One of the most amazing combinations, one absorbs everything and other reflects everything.”
Saurabh Tripathi Sohgaura

Andrew James Pritchard
“,it was his observations, prying and intellect which had furthered his wisdom the most. That was why he wouldn’t rely solely on books or the words of others to relate the facts of the world of man, or that of the spirit, or the nature of existence. Since it is very easy for books to be wrong and men to lie, and even his senses could be misled.”
Andrew James Pritchard, Way of the Snow Crane

Rohit Dharupta
“Our mind is a computer that stores eighty percent of worries in its hard disk and yet continues to stack up more.”
Rohit Dharupta, Disorder of the World

Mary Costello
“Under the still surface of the day she saw turmoil everywhere.”
Mary Costello, Academy Street

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