On Your Own Quotes

Quotes tagged as "on-your-own" Showing 1-13 of 13
Lois Lowry
“We're all on our own, aren't we? That's what it boils down to.

We come into this world on our own- in Hawaii, as I did, or New York, or China, or Africa or Montana- and we leave it in the same way, on our own, wherever we happen to be at the time- in a plane, in our beds, in a car, in a space shuttle, or in a field of flowers.

And between those times, we try to connect along the way with others who are also on their own.

If we're lucky, we have a mother who reads to us.

We have a teacher or two along the way who make us feel special.

We have dogs who do the stupid dog tricks we teach them and who lie on our bed when we're not looking, because it smells like us, and so we pretend not to notice the paw prints on the bedspread.

We have friends who lend us their favorite books.

Maybe we have children, and grandchildren, and funny mailmen and eccentric great-aunts, and uncles who can pull pennies out of their ears.

All of them teach us stuff. They teach us about combustion engines and the major products of Bolivia, and what poems are not boring, and how to be kind to each other, and how to laugh, and when the vigil is in our hands, and when we have to make the best of things even though it's hard sometimes.

Looking back together, telling our stories to one another, we learn how to be on our own.”
Lois Lowry

Shannon L. Alder
“It is better to be alone than to become a person that loses his soul to the fear of loneliness.”
Shannon L. Alder

Felix Dennis
“Be bold. Be brave. Don't thank your lucky stars. The stars can't hear you.”
Felix Dennis, How to Get Rich: One of the World's Greatest Entrepreneurs Shares His Secrets

Katy Lee
“Being alone is not the same as being on your own.”
Katy Lee

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Step into your track and begin your steps till you reach the end because life is a personal journey.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Shaun David Hutchinson
“Please. I want to get better; I want to be better.”
“Then you’re going to have to do it on your own.”
Shaun David Hutchinson, The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza

Alexandre Dumas
“Well, my dear father, in the shipwreck of life - for life is an eternal shipwreck of our hopes - I cast into the sea my useless encumbrance, that is all, and I remain with my own will, disposed to live perfectly alone, and consequently free.”
Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo

“I don't see you making it to the top; nobody's going to help you get there. You have to do it all on your own.But if you want it so bad, prove me wrong.”
Nabil N. Jamal, A Harvest of Change

“the first year on your own is better than the others
then it's calculating bank accounts and it's the

first of the month and rent is due and you sit and
romanticize your childhood bedroom.”
Jessie Knoles, Chasing Old Haunts

Tracey Garvis Graves
“You can't take risks like that."
"Everything turned out fine." My mom probably thinks she was right and I'm not capable of making a trip like this on my own without someone to guide me and keep me safe. But someday they'll be gone, and I'll have to live my life without their guidance. Maybe without Jonathan's, although that thought fills me with immeasurable pain and sadness. This road trip isn't my first or only attempt at independence, but it's an important step toward laying down a foundation for the years to come. And I'm not so dense that I don't know that most people are younger than thirty-two when they achieve it.
I've lagged behind everyone my whole life, so why would my adulthood be any different?”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

Richard Ashcroft
“You come in on your own
And you leave on your own
Forget the lovers you've known
And your friends on the road.”
Richard Ashcroft

Rachel   Harrison
“If I come home to dishes in the sink, they're my dishes. I watch TV, it's whatever I want. I go wherever I want, do whatever I want. I've got a lot going on. I'm not some sad lonely sad sack out there. I've got a good life.”
Rachel Harrison, The Return