Outlier Quotes

Quotes tagged as "outlier" Showing 1-7 of 7
Nenia Campbell
“All statistics have outliers.”
Nenia Campbell, Terrorscape

Jeanne McDermott
“They laughed good-humoredly, mocking the sense of placelessness that comes when a child’s development is not sheltered under the great umbrella of the bell curve. In the big world and even in this little red schoolhouse, Nathaniel was not an average kid but an outlier, at the map’s edge where ships fall off the flat Earth and dragons roam. Suddenly I wished for a child with Down syndrome so he would not be peerless, in a class by himself.”
Jeanne McDermott, Babyface: A Story of Heart and Bones

Tony  Wagner
“While at Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Tony found himself to be a complete outlier. He was almost constantly at odds with the mainstream of education. He is the first to admit that a doctorate from Harvard is important largely because everyone thinks it’s important.
Page 3”
Tony Wagner, Most Likely to Succeed: Preparing Our Kids for the Innovation Era

Malcolm Gladwell
“When he came home at night to his children,
he may have been tired and poor and overwhelmed, but
he was alive. He was his own boss. He was responsible for
his own decisions and direction. His work was complex: it
engaged his mind and imagination. And in his work, there
was a relationship between effort and reward.”
malcom glawell

Pearl Zhu
“An outlier does not lack knowledge but has interdisciplinary knowledge to see things differently.”
Pearl Zhu, 100 IT Charms: Running Versatile IT to get Digital Ready

Aldous Huxley
“In nature, as in work of art, the isolation of an object tends to invest it with absoluteness, to endow it with that more-than-symbolic meaning which is identical with being.”
Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception / Heaven and Hell

Marta D. Riezu
“Hay un tipo de persona terca, libre y con empuje para apartarse del discurso ortodoxo de su gremio. Ni siquiera se da cuenta, no funciona a la contra, solo hace lo que le da la gana y cree en ello ciegamente. Alguien con esa mirada es casi invencible”
Marta D. Riezu, Agua y jabón