Pain Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pain-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 490
Mouloud Benzadi
“Your decision to say goodbye will end our story.
But it will never erase me from your memory.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“It will be fine
after the thunderstorm.
The sun will shine,
and it will be nice and warm.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“Sadly, although time can heal your wound,
the scar may stay with you for good.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“PAIN is a sign that something in your life is not right.
Do not ignore it!
Always face it from the
Don't let it turn into continuous
and ruin your happiness and WELL-BEING.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“The pain you feel is a sign that something in your life is not right!
Do not ignore it!
Face it from the
Don't let it turn into continuous
and ruin your happiness and WELL-BEING.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“When you're feeling down, always remember,
that dark days will not last for ever.
There will be sunshine after the rain,
There will be pleasure after the pain.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“Don't let them cause you pain and turn your life into a disaster.
Break free, turn the page and start a new chapter.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Sometimes, this disapproval of how you are managing your pain crosses over to disbelief that
“Sometimes, this disapproval of how you are managing your pain crosses over to disbelief that you are in as much pain as you say you are. They don’t believe that your pain is a legitimate enough reason to rest or nap or cry or take narcotic medications or not go to work or to go to the doctor. They might think that you are making too big of a deal out of it. They doubt the legitimacy of the pain itself.

This kind of stigma is the source of the dreaded accusation that chronic pain is “all in your head.” It’s as if to say that you are making a mountain out of a molehill.”
Murray J. McAlister

Mouloud Benzadi
“The hardest thing in life is to find yourself with someone, so close to you yet so far.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Mouloud Benzadi
“Angelina told Ahmed that there came a time when her grandmother began to call on God to end her life, as she could no longer cope with her pain. She strongly believed that God listens to people’s words and hearts. Her prayers, however, remained unanswered. Instead of death, she only received more pain and depression.”
Mouloud Benzadi, أنجلينا فتاة من النمسا

Mouloud Benzadi
“Don't let the clouds of failure overshadow you, and ruin your life.
There is a seed of success inside of you. Let it grow. Keep it alive.”
Mouloud Benzadi

Nancy Omar
“We are the rare species we howl and moan at the same Time.”
Nancy Omar, A Glimpse Of Heaven

Isha Barlas
“Some people suffer in silence, pain in the hearts but smiles on their faces.”
Isha Barlas

C. JoyBell C.
“You can come to your friends with a problem and they will most usually blurt out a set of orders based entirely upon their own lives, which they believe you should follow. There is no thought process that goes into it, no internalization, no ingestion of your own pain into their own stomachs. I believe this is why, about a million people come to me with their problems rather than turning to their closest friends and family members; because I'm like that ancient tree with protruding roots, you can sit under my branches and as you cry I will soak your tears into me. We don't actually need humans with their many thoughtless advices. We need to be sitting under trees, asking roots to share in our pains.”
C. JoyBell C.

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“When we are healthy, wealthy and powerful, we forget about our mortality. It’s only when irreparable cracks set in that we come back to reality.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Pearls Of Eternity

James Hilton
“I love you." Is not enough to make up for the pain that never heals and starts again at the slightest word.”
James Hilton ( Cowboy)

Deborah Bravandt
“Depression starts from a deeply rooted idea, that as a human being, you are a sinner. Even if you are agnostic, atheistic, or a mystic, sin is a belief that you have violated some internal law of ethics, which causes an inability to regain your divine state of love. It is Fault. Disobedience to a higher power, god, or archetype is another definition from separation of peace of mind.

Even if the god or archetype cannot be proven, it still exists in your mind, thus fault is real in your mind. It's the idea that you have broken an internal rule that separates you from delivery of a promise. This creates depression, which is a long standing feeling of pain due to permanent loss. It is not short term loss. It is complete loss that can never be returned.

When you birthed yourself into this reality, you were vast, elegant, exquisite, intelligent, infinite, and beautiful beyond understanding. You came into this time and space matrix to gain a soul, and that required a lot of experience. Experience is painful. Experience is expansive. Close the door by accepting the loss.”
Deborah Bravandt

“It takes a while to believe that someone who promised to be with you forever has left you forever.”
Garima Soni - words world

Tamara Kučan
“Klimam glavom jer ja to najbolje radim kada me boli, kada mi se stvarnost ne sviđa. Postajem kamen. Disciplinovani kamen koji nikome, pa čak i onom koji kamen može da istopi, neće pokazati trunku slabosti, trunku emocija.”
Tamara Kučan, Profajler

“බිඳුණු මිනිස්සුන්ට ආදරය කරන එක කොහෙත්ම ලේසි නෑ යුමී සං. කැබලි වෙච්ච ඔවුන්ව තදින් වැළඳගත යුතු වෙනවා. මෘදු නමුත් ස්ථිර ප්‍රේමයකින්. එත් ඒ තියුණු දාර සහිත බිඳුණු කැබලි, වැළඳගන්නා ආදරණීයයාව රිදවනවා. ඔහුවත් කපා දමනවා. මට හොඳටම විශ්වාසයි, “ආදරය කියන්නේ කැප කිරීමක් වග කියන්නට ඇත්තේ, මේ ලෝකයේ මුල් වතාවට බිඳුණු ගැහැණියකට ආදරය කරපු කරුණාවන්ත ඇහිපිය ඇති පිරිමියෙක්. කැබැලි වුණු පිරිමියෙකුට ප්‍රේම කළ විශාල හදවතක් ඇති ගැහැණියක්.”
Charitha Prawardhi Bandara, Chathuri Damayanthi

“In the quiet of my hollow existence, I yearn for solitude’s tender embrace. Let the world fade like autumn leaves, their voices mere whispers in the wind. Amid forgotten corners, silence echoes my pain. Sunsets weep, staining the sky with sorrow, as I tread the path of sadness. My fragile heart harbors no anger—only a desperate plea: “Leave me alone, leave me alone.”
Leju Thomas

Sam Maggs
“The Fifth Brother’s knees hurt; he was pleased about that. He liked the reminder that he was real, and the pain was part of it.”
Sam Maggs, Jedi: Battle Scars

J A Croome
“In beauty lies hidden pain; in pain, hidden freedom.”
J A Croome, The Sand People: a collection of magical realism and other stories

Kiersten White
“Pero ¿cómo debía de ser amar tanto para sufrir tanto? El dolor sobrecogedor parecía precioso, casi sagrado. Brangien lo llevaba siempre consigo, era una parte exclusiva de su alma. Y si el dolor era tan profundo, ¿cuánto más profundo debía de ser el amor que lo provocaba?”
Kiersten White, The Guinevere Deception

Morgan Matson
“You can't stop people from things that hurt and are hard, Stella. You can't reroute to avoid pain at all costs. You can't plan your way around everything. Sometimes, you just have to go through with it. Sometimes, there's no other way, okay?”
Morgan Matson, Promchanted

“Only guilt can give one the highest pain.”
Bharani Kumar Buyakar, Once Again Beautiful And Pure: A Tale of Strength and Redemption

Ritu Negi
“And a painting could be
a beautiful poem in vain,
But poetry is simply
romanticizing the pain.”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

“Feeling pain releases pain.”
Pat Wetzel

Allene vanOirschot
“Your life might be messy, but your messiness might also be the message God wants someone else to see.”
Allene vanOirschot, Daddy's Little Girl: A Father's Prayer

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“We have confused meditation with enduring pain, rather than cultivating the ability to overcome life's challenges.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

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