Panic Attacks Quotes

Quotes tagged as "panic-attacks" Showing 1-30 of 57
Charlotte Eriksson
“The sky was so blue I couldn’t look at it because it made me sad, swelling tears in my eyes and they dripped quietly on the floor as I got on with my day. I tried to keep my focus, ticked off the to-do list, did my chores. Packed orders, wrote emails, paid bills and rewrote stories,
but the panic kept growing, exploding in my chest. Tears falling on the desk
tick tick tick
me not making a sound
and some days I just don't know what to do. Where to go or who to see and I try to be gentle, soft and kind,
but anxiety eats you up and I just want to be fine.”
Charlotte Eriksson

Sierra D. Waters
“Today I wore a pair of faded old jeans and a plain grey baggy shirt. I hadn't even taken a shower, and I did not put on an ounce of makeup. I grabbed a worn out black oversized jacket to cover myself with even though it is warm outside. I have made conscious decisions lately to look like less of what I felt a male would want to see. I want to disappear.”
Sierra D. Waters, Debbie.

Elyn R. Saks
“in my experience, the words “now just calm down” almost inevitably have the opposite effect on the person you are speaking to.”
Elyn R. Saks, The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness

“No one had ever wanted me. And for some reason I didn't even want me anymore. I wished I could have stepped out of my body and given it back, like you do with a shirt that doesn't fit properly.”
Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the What-Went-Before

“If only you could command your brain to actually do that. It would be cool to have some kind of remote control to switch off your thoughts. Thoughts off, Siri. Or, more positive thoughts, Siri. Forget about this thought, Siri. if only.”
Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the What-Went-Before

“I started crying because this would all disappear including me and no one seemed to realise it. Did no one feel what I was feeling.”
Stefanie Sybens, Letters from the What-Went-Before

“The temptation to worry is also the invitation to pray. You must choose the later if God is your Master.”
Kingsley Opuwari Manuel

K.T. Kaye
“It's okay to panic. It's okay to be scared and to have no clue what you're doing. As long as you keep going. As long as you keep fighting.”
K.T. Kaye, Master of Darkness

Kangoma Kindembo
“Danger is only when we feel the insecurity of what pains us the most.”
Kangoma Kindembo

“You are a living, breathing vision board and can change it daily with your thoughts to create the life you desire.”
Joyce Logan, Starving Your Fears: From Panic to Peace in 10 Easy Steps

“Although panic attacks can be scary and overwhelming, they can also be a powerful teacher, showing us the depths of our inner strength and resilience. We may develop more self-awareness, self-compassion, and a stronger feeling of connection with others by addressing our anxieties and finding ways to control our anxiety.”
Dr. Rameez Shaikh

Alana Terry
“It's during those times that we're weakest when God can show himself the most dramatically. And I'm not talking about just taking way your panic attacks, pumpkin, although if he wanted to do that, he certainly could. What I'm talking about is you having the freedom and courage to live out your life - stress, anxiety, and all - in front of others with a vulnerability and grace that can only come from above.”
Alana Terry, Policed

John M. Sheehan
“Your degree of panic is determined by the degree of faith in God to take care of you!”
John M. Sheehan, Application Commentary On Friendship: The Book Of Ruth

“He explained that frequent cocaine use increases the levels of adrenaline in the brain, which dramatically ups the odds of having a panic attack.”
Dan Harris, 10% Happier

Stephen Graham Jones
“This your car?’ Jade asks him back, wiping her face, finally breathing, and breathing too much now, too deep, like she’s about to just collapse into a girl-shaped column of tears and wishes.”
Stephen Graham Jones, My Heart Is a Chainsaw

Donna Tartt
“Do you feel afraid a lot?' he said. 'For no good reason you can think of?”
Donna Tartt, The Secret History

Tracie Daily
“With Angela's help I'd become much more confidant in my abilities yet I still didn't know who I was, what music I liked or felt stable enough to set my home up as a home and why was I training? It made me feel better but it wasn't leading to a fight so what was the point? I let the art therapy or self work as I'd started calling it slack and I'd stopped meditating. Before I knew it I was taking the late night parties home with me. Just a small bottle of baileys of a night and then within weeks I was getting up hungover, going for a run and picking up more on the way home. I'd just survived, I'd won at everything and who cared? What did it change? One night I fell off a P.C chair and cracked a rib because I'd drank tequila too fast,”
Tracie Daily, Checkmate: Care Abuse Love Murder

Morgan Lee Miller
“Every time the days morphed into night, my mind spun around like a carousel. What was it about the night that made people overthink everything? Their whole lives? The meaning of their existence? Why the hell they did that one weird thing in third grade, and why were they dwelling about it now? It was only the bad memories that seemed nocturnal, insecurities and self-doubt that sprang to life at night, louder than they were during the day.”
Morgan Lee Miller, Hammers, Strings, and Beautiful Things

Sarah Kuttner
“Wissen Sie, diese Ünfähigkeit zu spüren wird von der Seele als eine Art Schutzschild beispielsweise nach einer Traumatisierung aufgebaut. Das ist ganz natürlich und auch sehr nützlich. Es bewahrt Sie davor, Unerträgliches zu fühlen. Irgendetwas hat Sie veranlasst, sich zu schützen. Sie spüren sich selbst erst dann, wenn es schon fast zu spät ist, wenn Ihre Gefühle sich in einer Panikattacke entladen. Und wir müssen rausfinden, welche Verletzung bei Ihnen diese Reaktion ausgelöst haben könnte.”
Sarah Kuttner, Mängelexemplar

“He told me that what I had experienced on air was an overwhelming jolt of mankind’s ancient fight-or-flight response, which evolved to help us react to attacks by saber-toothed tigers or whatever. Except in this case, I was both the tiger and the dude trying to avoid becoming lunch.”
Dan Harris, 10% Happier

Alessandro Baronciani
“When you're sick, you cannot listen to other people's illnesses. You just want to be heard.”
Alessandro Baronciani, When Everything Turned Blue

Alessandro Baronciani
“We should always strive to understand what makes us feel bad... before we feel bad, if possible. As well as what makes us feel good... although that could be the hardest thing of all.”
Alessandro Baronciani, When Everything Turned Blue

Russ Harris
“A rich, full, and meaningful life comes about through accepting your thoughts and feelings instead of fighting them, and taking effective action, guided by your deepest values.”
Russ Harris

“Do you feel afraid a lot?' he said. 'For no good reason you can think of?”
The Secret History By Donna Tartt

Niedria D. Kenny
“Writing has always been my sanctuary. It's my escape from the chaos, a safe place where I can process my thoughts and feelings and emotions. For me, it's therapeutic and vital for managing anxiety and PTSD.”
Niedria D. Kenny

Niedria D. Kenny
“Writing has become my escape, a place where I can confront and manage my anxiety and PTSD. It is my personal therapy session, always available and endlessly patient.”
Niedria D. Kenny

Niedria D. Kenny
“My life consists of fight or flight moments and power naps. Team No Sleep”
Niedria D. Kenny

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