Pessimist Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pessimist-quotes" Showing 1-5 of 5
Susin Nielsen
“...studies show that in general, optimists die ten years earlier than pessimists."
"I find that hard to believe"
"Of course you do, you're an optimist. You have a misguided belief that things will go your way. You don't see the dangers till it's too late. Pessimists are more realistic.
"That seems like a sad way to govern your life."
"It's a safe way to govern your life.”
Susin Nielsen, Optimists Die First

Patrick Downes
“Is the definition of a pessimist a person who only sees what he hasn't got but wants? Would an optimist never see the empty space?
Or is there some other detail I'm leaving out? Is it more complicated?
I don't know. It isn't always bad to see the empty space, is it? Isn't it all right to see both, the filled space and the empty space? You could be in either. I have to try and see everything.”
Patrick Downes, Fell of Dark

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“According to different points of view. To the pessimist: Enemies are everywhere, waiting to ambush you. For the optimist: friends are everywhere, waiting to embrace you.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo