Policy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "policy" Showing 121-150 of 159
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't tell a lie to be loved, speak the truth to be hated.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Criss Jami
“It's okay to be honest about not knowing rather than spreading falsehood. While it is often said that honesty is the best policy, silence is the second best policy.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

William Easterly
“When you are in a hole, the top priority is to stop digging.”
William Easterly, The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good

“Most white Americans were willing to sacrifice civil liberties in the name of national security as long as they were the civil liberties of someone else.”
Neil Nakadate, Looking After Minidoka: An American Memoir

Carl von Clausewitz
“We maintain, on the contrary, that war is simply a continuation of political intercourse, with the addition of other means. We deliberately use the phrase “with the addition of other means” because we also want to make it clear that war in itself does not suspend political intercourse or change it into something entirely different. In essentials that intercourse continues, irrespective of the means it employs.”
Carl von Clausewitz

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
“Policies are ephemeral; principles are eternal.”
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

“The wolf reintroduction has gone so well that, somewhat ironically, the wolves are now threatened by their own success. Indeed, virtually all the conditions for strong public support that were evident in the early years of the program remain intact. The scientific and economic studies cited above support the original predictions of benefits, and agency officials remain committed to the policy. Yet some political actors remain hostile to the program. As NPS management assistant Sacklin said," No amount of good science will stop a politician.”
William R. Lowry, Repairing Paradise: The Restoration of Nature in America's National Parks (Brookings Publications

“أن استئصال الإرهاب هو من استئصال مساوئ الذهنية الاستشراقية التي لم تستفق من استكبارها على من سيبقى استصغاره سبب لوجه من وجوه المراهقة السياسية.”
نديم نجدي, أثر الاستشراق في الفكر العربي المعاصر عند إدوارد سعيد-حسن حنفي- عبد الله العروي

“Bureaucratic categories and organizational boxes do more than simply separate relevant from irrelevant information. They also produce the social optics that policymakers and bureaucrats use to see the world. Before policymakers can act, they first must come to create a definition and understanding of the situation, and that understanding is mediated by how the institution is organized to think....How organizations categorize and carve up the world has a profound impact on how policymakers see the world.”
Michael Barnett, Eyewitness to a Genocide: The United Nations and Rwanda

Christina Engela
“It is easy for those who conflate religion with government to interpret any criticism of government or policy as an 'attack' on their 'faith'.”
Christina Engela, Loderunner

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The worst of it is that while we continue to sink deeper into the muck and mire that we’ve created, in the very descent itself we ignorantly declare that in reality we are rising. And until desperation has crippled us sufficiently to confess the lie that we are lifting ourselves out of this mess, and until the panic of utter hopelessness has driven us to completely surrender all of the pathetic contrivances that we’ve fashioned that have put us there, we will never realize that God has readied solid ground that stands but a single step away”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

George F. Will
“Institutions are lengthening shadows of strong individuals.”
George Will, One Man's America: The Pleasures and Provocations of Our Singular Nation

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha
“Policy may involve politics but, principle is principal.”
Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Tanner Colby
“There’s only one way America’s neighborhoods will begin to integrate: people have to want it more than vested public and corporate interests are opposed to it. And more people should want it. Mixed-race, mixed-income housing is a product we need to market. It’s the only real solution to segregated schools, for one.”
Tanner Colby, Some of My Best Friends Are Black: The Strange Story of Integration in America

“With drug use related harms, explanatory models are often presented as predictive tools, even though they ‘are [rarely if ever] predictive of consequent behavior’ or outcomes. Hence, we feel confident in asserting at outset, that prohibition based approaches in drug policy lack a sound basis in empirical research (despite sounding logical, i.e. remove drugs or the means of their production and less drugs will be available to users, thus minimising or eliminating harm), and are not animated by well-defined goals, goals that are not only consistent with the ethical and humanitarian aims of public health policy in general, but also with the fundamental principles of democracy) such as empowering or enabling those best placed to act, but by beliefs, assumptions, hypotheses and expectations.”
Daniel Waterman

M.F. Moonzajer
“Revenge is a bad policy if you gain nothing out of it, but under the same circumstances, forgiveness is even a worse one.”

“Any nation that wishes to enjoy the fruits of development and civilization, must follow the golden rules of this scripture as a national policy and culture.”
Sunday Adelaja

Edward Snowden
“And this is not just the United States’ problem, it is a global problem. One of the primary arguments used by apologists for this surveillance state that has developed across the United States and in every country worldwide is a trust of the government. This is critical — even if you trust the U.S. government and their laws[...] think about the governments you fear the most, whether it is China, Russia or North Korea, or Iran. These spying capabilities exist for everyone.

This is not just an American thing; this is happening in every country in every part of the world. We first need to move beyond the argumentation by policy officials of wishing for something that is technically impossible. The idea ‘Let's get rid of encryption’. It is out of their hands. The jurisdiction of Congress ends at its borders. Even if all strong encryption is banned in the United States because we don’t want Al Qaeda to have it, we can't stop a group from developing these tools in Yemen, or in Afghanistan, or any other region of the world and spreading the tools globally.”
Edward Snowden, Edward Snowden: The Internet Is Broken

Willy Brandt
“Wir wollen ein Volk der guten Nachbarn sein und werden, im Innern und nach außen. “

( "We as a people want to be and become good neighbors, both domestically and abroad." )

First Inaugural Address as West German Chancellor, October 28, 1969”
Willy Brandt

Christina Engela
“Going to the extreme of inviting and welcoming people into your church in order to hear you condemn them or to know from your policy that you condemn them is not much better than bullying.”
Christina Engela

Ziad K. Abdelnour
“For Lebanon to have any future, gotta adopt a resolute policy v/s terrorism. Whoever plots against the land should bear the consequences.”
Ziad K. Abdelnour, Ending Syria's Occupation of Lebanon: The U.S. Role

Ziad K. Abdelnour
“Assad's failure to meet deadline on destroying chemical weapons is just the latest example of Obama's failed Syria policy.”
Ziad K. Abdelnour

“A significant factor often overlooked by those considering the failure of drug policy is the general aim of deflecting or assigning responsibility away from the policy-makers and the ‘moral-majority.”
Daniel Waterman

Steven Magee
“The USA government states that the New Mexico Trinity nuclear bomb site is still highly radioactive and 'harmless'. It is interesting to note in the era of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) that it is USA government policy that radio frequency (RF) and electricity are also 'harmless'.”
Steven Magee

Raewyn W. Connell
“MySchool not OurSchools. In the basic logic of policy, there is now no difference between Labor and Liberal/National parties. The unchallenged assumption of national and state policy is that whatever problem exists, market logic can fix it.”
Raewyn Connell

Usman W. Chohan
“Policymakers cannot take the situation lightly, for at its worst, it speaks to “intergenerational inequity” – a breaking of the social contract between two generations.”
Usman W. Chohan

“Let us wage a moral and political war against the billionaires and corporate leaders, on Wall Street and elsewhere, whose policies and greed are destroying the middle class of America”
Sandy El-Khoury
tags: policy

Thorsten J. Pattberg
“Science Magazine wouldn't in a dream think about publishing a single Chinese term. Chinese words and brands must be suppressed, crushed even, hold back at all costs.”
Thorsten J. Pattberg