Politics Of The United States Quotes

Quotes tagged as "politics-of-the-united-states" Showing 1-30 of 257
Noam Chomsky
“It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars.”
Noam Chomsky

Tiffany Madison
“Most gun control arguments miss the point. If all control boils fundamentally to force, how can one resist aggression without equal force? How can a truly “free” state exist if the individual citizen is enslaved to the forceful will of individual or organized aggressors? It cannot.”
Tiffany Madison

Noam Chomsky
“Since Jimmy Carter, religious fundamentalists play a major role in elections. He was the first president who made a point of exhibiting himself as a born again Christian. That sparked a little light in the minds of political campaign managers: Pretend to be a religious fanatic and you can pick up a third of the vote right away. Nobody asked whether Lyndon Johnson went to church every day. Bill Clinton is probably about as religious as I am, meaning zero, but his managers made a point of making sure that every Sunday morning he was in the Baptist church singing hymns.”
Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky
“There are few genuine conservatives within the U.S. political system, and it is a sign of the intellectual corruption of the age that the honorable term 'conservatism' can be appropriated to disguise the advocacy of a powerful, lawless, aggressive and violent state, a welfare state for the rich dedicated to a lunatic form of Keynesian economic intervention that enhances state and private power while mortgaging the country's future.”
Noam Chomsky, The Culture of Terrorism

ناجي العلي
“يا راكعين لأمريكا, أنا بريء منكم”
ناجي العلي

T. Rafael Cimino
“We are all born to love people and use things. Unfortunately, we grow to love things and use people...”
T. Rafael Cimino

Mark Haskell Smith
“The fact that, in the United States, there are people serving ten-year prison terms for growing marijuana plants in their backyards while Wall Street racketeers, who have defrauded millions of people and destroyed the global economy, walk free is a kind of bizarre hypocrisy that boggles my mind.”
Mark Haskell Smith, Heart of Dankness: Underground Botanists, Outlaw Farmers, and the Race for the Cannabis Cup

Hillary Rodham Clinton
“You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbors. You know, eventually those snakes are going to turn on whoever has them in the backyard.”
Hillary Rodham Clinton

Tiffany Madison
“Political corruption, social greed, and Americanized quasi-socialism can ruin even the most wonderful places. California proved that.”
Tiffany Madison

Julia Child
“In the blood-heat of pursuing the enemy, many people are forgetting what we are fighting for. We are fighting for our hard-won liberty and freedom; for our Constitution and the due processes of our laws; and for the right to differ in ideas, religion and politics. I am convinced that in your zeal to fight against our enemies, you, too, have forgotten what you are fighting for.”
Julia Child, My Life in France

Thomas Jefferson
“...never [enter] into dispute or argument with another. I never saw an instance of one of two disputants convincing the other by argument. I have seen many, on their getting warm, becoming rude, & shooting one another.... When I hear another express an opinion which is not mine, I say to myself, he has a right to his opinion, as I to mine; why should I question it? His error does me no injury, and shall I become a Don Quixote, to bring all men by force of argument to one opinion?... There are two classes of disputants most frequently to be met with among us. The first is of young students, just entered the threshold of science, with a first view of its outlines, not yet filled up with the details & modifications which a further progress would bring to their knoledge. The other consists of the ill-tempered & rude men in society, who have taken up a passion for politics.... Consider yourself, when with them, as among the patients of Bedlam, needing medical more than moral counsel. Be a listener only, keep within yourself, and endeavor to establish with yourself the habit of silence, especially on politics. In the fevered state of our country, no good can ever result from any attempt to set one of these fiery zealots to rights, either in fact or principle. They are determined as to the facts they will believe, and the opinions on which they will act. Get by them, therefore, as you would by an angry bull; it is not for a man of sense to dispute the road with such an animal.”
Thomas Jefferson

Edward R. Murrow
“‎" A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. "
- Edward R. Murrow”
Edward R. Murrow, In Search Of Light: The Broadcasts Of Edward R. Morrow, 1938-1961

G.K. Chesterton
“Progress is Providence without God. That is, it is a theory that everything has always perpetually gone right by accident. It is a sort of atheistic optimism, based on an everlasting coincidence far more miraculous than a miracle.”
G.K. Chesterton, What I Saw in America

Jon   Stewart
“The problem with the Tea Party is they're all ignorant hillbillies who drink moonshine and ride around on mules. And they believe in stereotypes too.”
Jon Stewart, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Presents America (The Book): A Citizen's Guide to Democracy Inaction

“Shamelessness is not the same as honesty.”
James Poniewozik

Shelby Foote
“They took it for more than it was, or anyhow for more than it said; the container was greater than the thing contained, and Lincoln became at once what he would remain for them, “the man who freed the slaves.” He would go down to posterity, not primarily as the Preserver of the Republic-which he was-but as the Great Emancipator, which he was not.”
Shelby Foote, The Civil War, Vol. 1: Fort Sumter to Perryville

Jon   Stewart
“Being a superpower is like being a Santa Claus that everyone hates.”
Jon Stewart

Steven Magee
“If you do not want to be lied to, then you need to stop following politics.”
Steven Magee

T. Rafael Cimino
“Following religious principles because you fear the consequences isn't faith…. It’s superstition.”
T. Rafael Cimino, A Battle of Angels

Bill Clinton
“In other words, our constitution was designed by people who were idealistic but not ideological. There's a big difference. You can have a philosophy that tends to be liberal or conservative but still be open to evidence, experience, and argument. That enables people with honest differences to find practical, principled compromise. On the other hand, fervent insistence on an ideology makes evidence, experience, and arguments irrelevant: If you possess the absolute truth, those who disagree are by definition wrong, and evidence of success or failure is irrelevant. There is nothing to learn from the experience of other countries. Respectful arguments are a waste of time. Compromise is weakness. And if your policies fail, you don't abandon them; instead, you double down, asserting that they would have worked if only they had been carried to their logical extreme.”
Bill Clinton, Back to Work: Why We Need Smart Government for a Strong Economy

Christopher Hitchens
“Periclean Greeks employed the termidiotis,without any connotation of stupidity or subnormality, to mean simply 'a person indifferent to public affairs.' Obviously, there is something wanting in the apolitical personality. But we have also come to suspect the idiocy of politicization—of the professional pol and power broker. The two idiocies make a perfect match, with the apathy of the first permitting the depredations of the second.”
Christopher Hitchens, Prepared for the Worst: Selected Essays and Minority Reports

Christopher Hitchens
“The only people truly bound by campaign promises are the voters who believe them.”
Christopher Hitchens, The Quotable Hitchens from Alcohol to Zionism: The Very Best of Christopher Hitchens

“Americans need to continue to develop broad-based movements that reject the established political parties and rethink the social formations necessary to bring about a radical democracy. We see this in the Black Lives Matter movement as well as in a range of other movements that are resisting corporate money in politics, the widespread destruction of the environment, nuclear war and the mass incarceration state.”
Henry A. Giroux, America at War with Itself

Barack Obama
“Indeed, it's not a stretch to say that most voters no longer choose their representatives; instead, representatives choose their voters.”
Barack Obama, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream

Christopher Hitchens
“Don't write in to ask whether I would prefer Gingrich to Clinton. Ask, rather, whether Clinton prefers Gingrich to you. Go triangulate yourself.”
Christopher Hitchens

“Try to look at causes and solve problems. Do not concentrate on military solutions. Do not seek military solutions. Terrorism is a political problem. Seek political solutions. Diplomacy works.”
Eqbal Ahmed

Charlie Donlea
“Can anyone name a president who really had the citizens in mind during the majority of his decisions in office? None of them did, and the current ones don’t either. It’s all about power, keeping power, and dishing out power to those who throw the most money at them.”
Charlie Donlea, Summit Lake

“Another grave fault in our election system is that the campaigns are unduly strung out. [Election Administration in the United States, 1934, page 72]”
Joseph P. Harris

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