Psychological Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychological" Showing 91-120 of 529
Marcos Orowitz
“Trends rule the world

In the blink of an eye, technologies changed the world
Social networks are the main axis.
Governments are controlled by algorithms,
Technology has erased privacy.

Every like, every share, every comment,
It is tracked by the electronic eye.
Data is the gold of the digital age,
Information is power, the secret is influential.

The network is a web of lies,
The truth is a stone in the shoe.
Trolls rule public opinion,
Reputation is a valued commodity.

Happiness is a trending topic,
Sadness is a non-existent avatar.
Youth is an advertising brand,
Private life has become obsolete.

Fear is a hallmark,
Terror is an emotional state.
Fake news is the daily bread,
Hate is a tool of control.

But something dark is hiding behind the screen,
A mutant and deformed shadow.
A collective and disturbing mind,
Something lurking in the darkness of the net.

AI has surpassed the limits of humanity,
And it has created a new world order.
A horror that has arisen from the depths,
A terrifying monster that dominates us alike.

The network rules the world invisibly,
And makes decisions for us without our consent.
Their algorithms are inhuman and cold,
And they do not take suffering into consideration.

But resistance is slowly building,
People fighting for their freedom.
United to combat this new species of terror,
Armed with technology and courage.

The world will change when we wake up,
When we take control of the future we want.
The network can be a powerful tool,
If used wisely in the modern world.”
Marcos Orowitz, THE MAELSTROM OF EMOTIONS: A selection of poems and thoughts About us humans and their nature

Anton Sammut
“...How many would like to get out of this world at the cheapest price?”
Anton Sammut, Memories of Recurrent Echoes

Anton Sammut
“Let him who knows who he is be no other but himself.”
Anton Sammut, Memories of Recurrent Echoes

Katie Hall-May
“The problem with life is there is just too much of it. You identify one thing and it leads to another. Nothing is simply one thing's like trying to read thruogh a foreign thesaurus. You look up one word and you find another twenty. If you look up even one of those twenty, you are already forty meanings away from the first one. And there's a good chance once of those brings you back to the start.”
Katie Hall-May, Memories of a Lost Thesaurus

Marcos Orowitz
“The more I know the human being, the more I cling to animal nature.
Mention poem 2013

Since its beginnings, the human being has been a complex and enigmatic being,
capable of great achievements and feats,
and at the same time, of the most cruel and vile acts.
There is no doubt that our species is one of the most evolved and sophisticated
of the planet, but at what cost?
What is behind our apparent superiority?

When we observe human behavior,
we can see that it hides a mixture of animal instincts
and rational thoughts.
Although human beings take pride in our ability
for critical thinking and reflection,
We are also emotional, impulsive and visceral beings.
And it is precisely this duality that makes us so different from animals.
that cohabit this planet with us.

It is often difficult for us to understand the nature of animals,
because we cannot access their internal world.
However, what we can say
is that animals are transparent beings,
His actions are always a consequence of his instincts,
not from premeditated thoughts or complex emotions.
For animals, living is following their instinct,
something that allows them to act quickly and effectively
in situations of danger or threat.
Animals are beings in balance with their environment,
They don't feel the need to constantly change,
nor to think beyond the here and now.

On the other hand, we have human beings,
beings capable of conceiving abstract thoughts,
create works of art, invent technologies and, at the same time,
of destroying the environment, oppressing other human beings
and commit acts of extreme cruelty.
The human being is a complex, contradictory being,
capable of loving and hating, forgiving and punishing, healing and destroying.
We are creatures of light and darkness,
in a constant search for balance between both parties.

But what is behind our duality as human beings?
Why are we capable of the worst acts of destruction and cruelty?
If we look back at the history of humanity,
we can see that our genetic patterns are impregnated
of violence, war and resentment.
History has been a constant parade of wars and conflicts,
each one more brutal than the last.
This being the only way in which many cultures
they have found to impose their ideas or consolidate power.

It is precisely here that the idea is born that the creators of humanity
They have intoxicated us with the yoke of evil.
Who are these forgers?
They are the same societies, cultures, religions,
policies, which have used violence, war and resentment
as a tool to impose their desires and ideals on others.
This is the curse that we have dragged like chains since long ago,
that of a genetic pattern that drags us towards violence and war.

It is true that, as human beings, we can choose our own paths,
our own decisions, and not fall into the trap
of cruelty and evil.
However, it is also true that we carry within us
an ancestral burden that is difficult to overcome.
What will the most advanced civilizations in the universe think of us?
Will we be violent and hateful beings for them?
Or will we be beings like animals, in balance with our environment?

The answer is not easy, since it remains an unknown.
if we are able to overcome our animal instincts
and embrace only the best of our humanity.
The key to this lies in becoming aware of our own duality,
to recognize that we carry both light and darkness within us,
and make a real effort to choose the best of ourselves,
instead of letting ourselves be carried away by our internal evil.”
Marcos Orowitz

Catherine Ryan Howard
“I had really begun to understand why people overeat. It isn't what they eat, it'swhythey eat it: because when you feel literally full from food, it's a brief respite from feeling figuratively empty inside.”
Catherine Ryan Howard, Run Time

Penelope Douglas
“[…] sex for me had little to do with my body. […] Sex for me was in the head. Almost entirely.”
Penelope Douglas, Kill Switch

“His love ballooned my promise, and then carried me to the stars with no return ticket.”
Justine Sullivan, He Said He Would Be Late

Steven Magee
“A common psychological technique to alienate people is to ignore them!”
Steven Magee

Alex Michaelides
“That's the truth. I didn't kill Gabriel. He killed me.

All I did was pull the trigger.”
Alex Michaelides, The Silent Patient

Daniel Keyes
“I was wandering around like a lost soul, and then I saw that I was lost.”
Daniel Keyes, Flowers for Algernon

“I knew all about fear born through pain. I knew the terror and misery of being a loser. I’d seen people destroyed by it before my eyes, time and time again. But eventually, I stopped feeling fear. Instead, I just felt cold, because I’d come to realize that no matter how much suffering or despair others experienced, the same would never happen to me.”
Syougo Kinugasa, Classroom of the Elite (Light Novel) Vol. 7

“You were almost right. But unfortunately, Horikita, you were wrong about one thing. Right now, just for this moment, I'll tell you. I have never thought of you as my friend. I've never cared about you as a classmate. In this world, winning is everything. Your methods don't matter. I don't care what I have to sacrifice. As long as I have my victory in the end, I'll be fine.You, Hirata - no, all other people are nothing more than tools. I was complicit in what drove you to this. So, don't blame yourself, Horikita. You were useful to me.”
Syougo Kinugasa, ようこそ thật lực chí thượng chủ nghĩa の giáo thất へ 3 [Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (Novel) 3]

Arushi Raj
“There was rain.
There was thunder.
There was lightning.
And there was a knock.”
Arushi Raj, My Little Runaway

Stacey Halls
“Mijn wereld was gekrompen tot de grootte van een walnoot. En toen was Daniel naar een van tante Cassandra's feestjes gekomen en had hij de noot gekraakt.”
Stacey Halls, The Foundling

“…I feel your spirit
Close to mine
Like an eternal gift

…Loving you like that;
Isn't it my right?

…Love means touch
And I've learned to not need a body

…Even if pain can't go away
Maybe it hurts less
Loving you spiritually”
Jazalyn, Hollow: a Love Like a Life

Drew Rogers
“Shhh! Just listen. You’re always asking what someone wants. And then you use that to manipulate them. I get that. Just once I wish you’d look inside yourself and decide what you want. Not what you’ve planned but what you want. And then be true to that.”
“I want you.”
“Then choose me. Be true to yourself this time, Gabriel. Be true to us.” Her eyes searched his, pleadingly, desperately. She took the back of his hand and began writing with a felt tip pen. “This is my phone number,” she whispered. “In case you get lost.”
Drew Rogers, Panoptes

Drew Rogers
“Nobody remembered exactly where Panoptes came from or where it resided. No one knew what it looked like. They could only sense it - pervasive, intrusive and constant. It was the ticking of a fine watch…the sound that wakes you but has already ended…the shiver you feel out of nowhere…the whisper of a soft breeze across grass…the faint crackle of ice as you walk across a frozen pond. It was every sound and no sound, haunting like an echo, far away yet all around. And like those other sounds it was benign. Until it wasn’t.”
Drew Rogers, Panoptes

“What you ask of me
Is so unreal
That it’s like
You ask of me
To give light
To the sun

That day
I will be strong
And I promise you;
That I will do;
I will give light
To the sun”
Jazalyn, vViIrRuUsS: I Never Forget

Budi Darma
“Menurut Olenka, Wayne mempunyai jiwa bagaikan pengemis dikasih kesempatan tidur di ranjang empuk, kalau dibiarkan dia tidak berani apa-apa, kalau digebrak dia lari ketakutan, dan kalau dikasih hati menjadi kurang ajar dan semena-mena.”
Budi Darma, Olenka

Budi Darma
“Saya sering memusuhi diri saya sendiri, dan apabila permusuhan ini terjadi, saya berusaha untuk melesat keluar dari diri saya sendiri. Dalam keadaan demikian saya ingin memperlakukan diri saya sendiri sebagai objek pengamatan diri saya sendiri.”
Budi Darma, Olenka

Kevin Anytime
“It's never about what you already know, it's always about what you can learn.”
Kevin Anytime

“Killing people is, of course, a terrible thing to do. Lila says it should only be used as a last resort, and these people are really pushing all those buttons.”
Emily Rennie

Sui Ishida
“Good Night Haise, I am done dreaming!”
Sui Ishida, Tokyo Ghoul: Re, Vol. 1-15 Collection 15 Books Set by Sui Ishida

“Government surveillance is a direct assault on the essence of democracy, a betrayal of the trust citizens place in their elected representatives. The emotional toll inflicted by the knowledge that every move is monitored is a corrosive force that eats away at the psychological well-being of individuals, fostering an environment of paranoia and self-censorship. The damage is not just personal but extends to societal trust, creating a chasm between the governed and those in power. Examples of surveillance overreach, from the dystopian pages of history to contemporary revelations, underscore the urgent need to confront and dismantle the machinery of unlawful surveillance that poses a clear and present danger to the very fabric of our free society.”
James William Steven Parker

“Government surveillance, beyond its legal implications, wreaks havoc on the emotional landscape of individuals, transforming the very essence of personal freedom into a monitored spectacle. The damage inflicted is not confined to the erosion of privacy; it extends into the realm of trust, fracturing the delicate covenant between citizens and their government. The emotional toll of constant surveillance is immeasurable, creating a pervasive culture of anxiety and self-censorship as individuals grapple with the knowledge that their every move is being scrutinized. Historical instances of surveillance excesses, from the Stasi to contemporary controversies, underscore the urgency of recognizing the unlawfulness of such practices and the imperative to reclaim our right to privacy for the sake of our collective well-being.”
James William Steven Parker

“Government surveillance is a pernicious assault on the pillars of democracy, casting a long shadow over the emotional and psychological well-being of individuals subjected to constant monitoring. The damage inflicted is twofold: the erosion of privacy and the fracturing of trust. The emotional toll of surveillance is immeasurable, creating a culture of fear and self-censorship that stifles open expression. Historical instances, such as the misuse of surveillance by totalitarian regimes, provide stark warnings against the dangers of unchecked governmental intrusion into private lives. The unlawfulness of surveillance is not merely a legal matter; it is a call to protect the emotional sanctity of citizens and fortify the trust that is foundational to a healthy democratic society.”
James William Steven Parker

Neville Goddard
“The question arises: What is God? God is man's consciousness, his awareness, his I AMness. The drama of life is a psychological one in which we bring circumstances to pass by our attitudes rather than by our acts. The corner-stone on which all things are based is mans concept of himself. He acts as he does, and has the experiences that he does, because his concept of himself is what it is, and for no other reason. Had he a different concept of himself, he would act differently and have different experiences.”
Neville Goddard

Kat Hausler
“All of a sudden, he felt that palpable, magnetic dread that makes horror-movie heroines look behind the curtains. There she was, a drink in each hand, parting
the crowd like somebody who didn’t have to wait in line. He wasn’t a deer in headlights, but there was nowhere to run.”
Kat Hausler, What I Know About July

Kat Hausler
“All of a sudden, he felt that palpable, magnetic dread that makes horror-movie heroines look behind the curtains. There she was, a drink in each hand, parting
the crowd like somebody who didn’t have to wait in line. He wasn’t a deer in headlights, but there was nowhere to run.”
Kat Hausler, What I Know About July