Psychological Quotes

Quotes tagged as "psychological" Showing 151-180 of 534
Nina LaCour
“I became aware, then, of the way I moved through the world. No unusual scars or crooked bones. Nothing about the way I looked at first glance that gave me away. I wondered who had done that to him. Who had left it untreated.”
Nina LaCour, Watch Over Me

Robert Graves
“The cry of faith, no longer nettlesome,
sounds as a blind man's pitiful plea of 'blind”
Robert Graves, Collected Poems

Asa Don Brown
“First responders are notorious for being reserved about their emotions and emotional wellbeing.”
Asa Don Brown

“In order to master your mind, it may first feel as though you are losing it.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

A. Trevena
“Unlike many other people, I can see the wood very clearly. It's the trees I have trouble with.”
A Trevena, Complete Worldbuilding: An Author’s Step-by-Step Guide to Building Fictional Worlds

Henry Virgin
“There is a network beneath the surface of our consciousness in which a far more powerful force flows.

These intimations of the underlying knowledge, these intimations of the soul, of the Divine, are vital for the survival of humankind.”
Henry Virgin, Exit Rostov

John  Williams
“For an intsant he felt the truth of what he said, and for the first time in months he felt lift away from him the weight of a despair whose heaviness he had not fully realized. Nearly giddy, almost laughing, he said again, 'It really isn't important.”
John Williams, Stoner

“He said, 'In theory, your life is your own to lead. In theory, you ought to be able to screw anybody you want to, do anything you want to, and it shouldn't matter so long as it doesn't interfere with your teaching. But damn it, your life isn't your own to lead. It's--oh, hell. You know what I mean.”
John Williams, Stoner

Asa Don Brown
“There is a common thread that weaves throughout the very fabric of every first responder. It is the innate desire to safeguard and protect one's most intimate of relationships.”
Asa Don Brown

Asa Don Brown
“Self-awareness is an essential ingredient in preventing or combating" burnout.”
Asa Don Brown

Charles Franklin Kettering
“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations.”
Charles F. Kettering

Thomas  Harris
“Listening to him, her stomach lifting and her expression properly rapt, Starling
wondered how long Crawford had known he'd use her on this case, how hungry for a
chance he had wanted her to be. He was a leader, with a leader's frank-and-open bullshit,
all right.
"You think about him enough, you see where he's been, you get a feel for him,"
Crawford went on. "You don't even dislike him all the time, hard as that is to believe.
Then, if you're lucky, out of all the stuff you know, part of it plucks at you, tries to get
your attention. Always tell me when something plucks, Starling.
"Listen to me, a crime is confusing enough without the investigation mixing it up.
Don't let a herd of policemen confuse you. Live right behind your eyes. Listen to
yourself. Keep the crime separate from what's going on around you now. Don't try to
impose any pattern or symmetry on this guy. Stay open and let him show you.”
Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs

Margaret Atwood
“The thing is,” he said at last, “it’s the inertia. You never feel you’re getting anywhere; you get bogged down in things, water-logged. Last week, I set fire to the apartment, partly on purpose. I think I wanted to see what they would do. Maybe I wanted to see what I would do.”
Margaret Atwood, The Edible Woman

Joris-Karl Huysmans
“Yet his literary opinions had started from a very simple point of view. For him, there were no such things as schools;1 the only thing that mattered to him was the writer’s personality, and the only thing that interested him was the working of the writer’s brain, no matter what subject he was tackling. Unfortunately this criterion of appreciation, so obviously just, was practically impossible to apply, for the simple reason that, however much a reader wants to rid himself of prejudice and refrain from passion, he naturally prefers those works which correspond most intimately with his own personality, and ends by relegating all the rest to limbo.”
Joris-Karl Huysmans, Against Nature

Asa Don Brown
“We know that those suffering from severe mental health issues and poverty are less likely to seek-out quality mental health services.”
Asa Don Brown

Jane Urquhart
“I had come to the very edge of a moment, the moment when it might have been possible to remove the cloak of fear that had protected me all those years. But after all was said and done, the flesh beneath was too white and weak to be exposed. Is there really any one among you who in the face of such grief would not panic at the approach of happiness?”
Jane Urquhart, The Underpainter

“When the people lead, the leaders will follow.”

“You have manifested this prison around you because you are afraid of freedom. You are afraid of your own wild energy. No, you don't want freedom. You want concessions within the prison.”

“There are some very ancient souls stuck here. In their previous births, they have been everything other people are trying to be. In this birth, they can't figure out what they should do. Their interests change everyday. Or nothing interests them at all. Only a life of solitude can give them stability.”

SPH Nithyananda

Lynda Renham
“His dark brown sultry eyes met hers. Beth kept hers steady. Tom Miller, where had she heard that name before? Beth knew the face, knew the name. Then, she realised. Now she knew why he looked familiar. He was even more handsome than he had looked in the newspaper photos.
'You're joking, right?' she exclaimed.”
Lynda Renham, The Lies She Told

Catherine Stowe
“She was the creator of her own religion: she’d taken the crude reality of her hard life, the mystical peace of mind coming from her personal divine beliefs, and the hopes and dreams she’d had, and applied her logic and intelligence to build her own life paradigm. A strategic, intelligent cocoon in which she, and only she, could feel comfortable and happy. The rest – the life and personal struggle of other people – was only external noise around her being, tangential and completely harmless.”
Catherine Stowe, The Brainweaver

G.K. Chesterton
“If Tolstoy cannot admire marriage, at least he is healthy enough to admire mud”
G.K. Chesterton, Heretics

Lydia Goodfellow
“You look sad," he says, which surprises me. "Well...more than you usually do."
I tilt my head. "You notice if I'm sad?"
Clearing his throat, he turns away, maybe embarrassed. I want to tell him he doesn't have to be, but I decide to leave it. As silence floats between us, I lie down and close my eyes to sleep. As I'm about to drift off, I hear him say, "If your sadness looks that beautiful, then I can't imagine what happiness looks like.”
Lydia Goodfellow, His to Keep: A dark psychological romance

“Our fears become terrors in the wilds of imagination”
Tan Van Huizen

“Most people believe in an afterlife, because such a belief numbs the psychological torture they derive from the thoughts of their own mortality.”
Makuochukwu Okigbo

“But when a man suspects any wrong, it sometimes happens that if he be already involved in the matter, he insensibly strives to cover up his suspicions even from himself. And much this way it was with me. I said nothing, and tried to think nothing.”
Herman Meliville, MOBY-DICK or, THE WHALE.

Nakul Shrivas
“Excess of anything is bad for oneself but irritative for others.”
Nakul Shrivas

Matt Haig
“Maybe she just had no incentive to swim above the line [...]. Maybe in some lives you just float around and expect nothing else and don't even try to change [...]. A starfish in every life is still a starfish. There isn't a life where a starfish is a professor of aerospace engineering.”
Matt Haig, The Midnight Library

Colleen Hoover
“What'd you wish for?"
"If I tell you, it won't come true."
The way he smiled at me seems heavily flirtatious. "Maybe you can tell me after it comes true.”
Colleen Hoover, Verity