Quran And Science Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quran-and-science" Showing 1-9 of 9
Mohamad Jebara
“As a scripture that inspired some of the greatest minds in history, the Qur’an deserves a rich and evocative translation that strives to convey the profound wisdom embodied in its original language. Even on a superficial level, its creative use of words is artistic and ingenious.”
Mohamad Jebara, The Life of the Qur'an: From Eternal Roots to Enduring Legacy

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“Consistency of curiosity with which a historian, anthropologist, archaeologist and physicist works demands that one likewise gives attention to Qur’an with objectivity and sincerity. Qur’an is not a book of science. But, to present its basic message, it focuses our attention on different realities, both within our consciousness and in the outside natural phenomena. Modern science has not found any error in Qur’an’s descriptive statements about nature.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“As a matter of fact, Islamic texts fourteen centuries back do not say that the earth was created a few thousand years ago. In fact, Qur’an mentions that at different places in the universe, the length of the day could be hugely different as compared to Earth. When Qur’an discusses the material world, its descriptions are found to be consistent with established facts of modern science. In 650 A.D., those things could not have been conceived, observed and communicated by a person who did not receive any formal scientific education.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“When Qur’an focuses our attention to nature, some of its descriptive statements about the state of early universe (Fussilat: 11), movement of mountains and continents (An-Naml: 88), human development in a mother’s womb (Al-Mu’minun: 13-16), non- mingling nature of seas (Ar-Rahman: 19-20), rotation of planets, stars and celestial bodies (Az-Zumar: 5), expansion of the universe (Adh-Dhariat: 47), relative nature of time in the universe (As- Sajdah: 5), shining of moon by reflected sunlight (Al-Furqan: 61) and determination of sex (An-Najm: 45-46) are not contradictory to what we now know through established scientific knowledge.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“It is inconceivable to many modern scientists who have also studied Qur’an that how can a person without extensive travel, writing ability and attending modern universities of knowledge, could explain things about history, nature and make socio-political predictions that would appear perfectly correct afterwards. Dr. Keith Moore, former President of the Canadian Association of Anatomists and of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists remarked at a conference in Cairo that details of human development as mentioned in Qur’an must have come to Muhammad from God, or Allah, because most of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“The historical accuracy of Qur’an’s socio-political predictions, perfect transmission through ages of its text, the unique eloquent language it carries and its accurate description of humans and nature should compel one to give it a sincere reading and reflect on its basic message. The basic message for us is that we are not created without any purpose. As per Islam, the purpose is to excel in our duties to Allah with a thankful attitude and be kind to all of His creations including humans, plants and animals we interact and live with.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“If a religious text is transmitted generations after generations with perfect historical accuracy and consistency and whose descriptive statements about history and future are verified perfectly and whose descriptive statements about what we see across nature and within ourselves is accurate and verified by established discoveries of modern science, then it is certainly a very serious candidate for us to consult in exploring the question of why life and for what purpose? As a matter of fact, Qur’an is such a book which comes true on all the above mentioned characteristics.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Salman Ahmed Shaikh
“To complement our internal urge to believe in a Creator, we are also provided guidance external to us. Allah has introduced Himself through His books and messengers (pbut). Qur’an, the last divine book in presenting the basic premise of Islam focuses our attention on some aspects of nature. Modern science instead of undermining faith has actually found nothing inconsistent about these statements with established facts of science.”
Salman Ahmed Shaikh, Reflections on the Origins in the Post COVID-19 World

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Don't be surprised if science discovers many other moons and earths in the universe because they were mentioned in the Qur'an more than fourteen centuries ago.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih