Rejected Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rejected" Showing 1-30 of 44
Shannon L. Alder
“There will always be someone willing to hurt you, put you down, gossip about you, belittle your accomplishments and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. However, if you realize that God is a best friend that stands beside you when others cast stones you will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone.”
Shannon Alder

Donna Lynn Hope
“If you have to speculate if someone loves you and wants to be with you, chances are they don't. It's not that complicated. Love, in most cases, betrays the one feeling it. Don't waste moments waiting and wondering. Don't throw away your time dreaming of someone that doesn't want you. No one is that amazing, certainly not the one who would pass you up.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Shannon L. Alder
“When the person you love can't see your love for them beneath the painful things you say when they reject you, remember this: Love is blind.”
Shannon L. Alder

Shannon L. Alder
“When someone you loved finds no flattery in the gift you gave them then you must ask yourself," What was worth loving?”
Shannon Alder

Jude Deveraux
“Will you give me another chance?” Robert repeated. Smiling, Dougless kissed him on the cheek. “No,” she said, “although I thank you very much for the offer.”
Jude Deveraux, A Knight in Shining Armor

Hasil Paudyal
“If you know that I am genius
Then know that you made me genius
Everyone don't accept me as genius
Because they aren't genius to belief me as genius”
Hasil Paudyal, Blended Words

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Sooner or later I will be faced with the fact that the world is helpless to meet my needs. And at that point, I will be left with two conclusions; that life is cruel or God is real.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Common sense is one of the most unused commodities available to man.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Bernard Kelvin Clive
“One of the worse state to be in, is to be ignored. Obscurity like insecurity, kills!”
Bernard Kelvin Clive

Alix E. Harrow
“Because the place you are born isn't necessarily the place you belong. I was born into a world that abandoned me, stole from me, rejected me; is it so surprising I found a better one?”
Alix E. Harrow, The Ten Thousand Doors of January

Iris Murdoch
“I just want to serve and help people and be good to everybody, only it always goes wrong somehow—I think about suicide all the time, every bloody day I want to die and stop this torture, but I go crawling on... I'm so Christ-awful bloody lonely I could scream with it for hours on end.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Pushpa Rana
“She was lucky to be wanted not desired though, worse pain is the feeling of being unwanted in love.”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

Caroline Kepnes
“The real horror of my life is not that I've killed some terrible people. The real horror is that the people I've loved didn't love me back.”
Caroline Kepnes, Hidden Bodies

Dorothea Lasky
“To get rejected so vehemently
Over and over again
Until some said it was the rejection I was after
No it wasn't
I wanted the intensity that you sometimes promised”
Dorothea Lasky, Rome: Poems

Jennifer Longo
“It's not like I'm dead inside. It's that I'm allergic to manufactured, insincere emotion. A lifetime of people saying one thing but doing the opposite has inoculated me, and now I understand how to survive with my freedom and sanity intact until I'm eighteen.”
Jennifer Longo, What I Carry

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“My life is a series of invitations accepted and invitations rejected, and the place I now find myself is often a result of accepting the wrong invitations and rejecting the right ones.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Don’t kill yourself just because you think and feel you are empty. God needs empty vessels to fill!”
Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

“Most girls swoon when I talk to them. So quit ignoring me."
"So go talk to them," Kara slammed her locked shut and walked away.”
Alexis Tiger

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The common theme of common sense is that it’s commonly rejected as uncommonly demanding.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Mukta Singh-Zocchi
“A life of madness I have been living for fifteen years. I have thrown away everything I had, my devoted wife, two lovely children, my family, my wealth on a hopeless passion. My love that once glowed like a warm flame is gone. A fire burns inside me now. My love, instead of being upheld has been cast aside like dirt. I can weep all I want out of rage and self-loathing but the world will only laugh at the sight of me.”
Mukta Singh-Zocchi, The Thugs & a Courtesan

“Sometimes it is because we are chosen, that we are rejected.”
Zara Hairston

Deyth Banger
“Today I was rejected...


I hate being rejected... SAYYYYYYYYYY MY FUCKING NAME "Bill".”
Deyth Banger, Notes Of A Dead Man Sequel

“The Truth is first rejected. Then finally accepted.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Laura Kaye
“Porque estar sozinho era bem melhor do que ser rejeitado, deixado ou abandonado.”
Laura Kaye, Love in the Light

Lola Rock
“While my heat burns me to ash, one sub-zero thread of ice cuts into my chest, all ragged, bloody shards that slice a little deeper with every pump of my shattering heart.

I could step inside. Force my perfume on them.

My pheromones would change this game in a caramel-soaked second.

But I already have their answer.”
Lola Rock, Pack Darling: Part One

Lola Rock
“I’m tired.

I’m so fucking tired of never being enough. Never being chosen. Always being the one who’s thrown away.

Even by my mates. Myfatedmates.

Fate is fucking bullshit.

I won’t chase anymore.

Not Wyvern Pack or anyone else.

I’m done begging and crying and moping. Even if I’mnotdone with this pain… I’ll get through it on my own.

Not because I’m a sad pathetic loner, but because I’m strong and powerful, and I can do anything I want.

That’s what I’m going to do from now on.”
Lola Rock, Pack Darling: Part One

Steven Magee
“I am like a rejected child with President Obama, I do not want to be around him!”
Steven Magee

“The cost was the life of the eternal, immortal, invisible God, the One who created everything, made us, and gave us His word to guide us. This was the God we rejected in order to do our own thing, and each go our own way. He who is a trillion times bigger than us entered knowingly into our shoes, although we are a trillion times smaller than a speck of dust in comparison. He made Himself like us, weak, frail, and puny so He could die in our place. He did this to give us hope for our future, an eternal hope that extends even beyond the veil of this life.”
Michael J Heil, Pursued: God’s relentless pursuit and a drug addict’s journey to finding purpose

Tanya Markul
“You are not the rejected one. You are the one who broke free.”
Tanya Markul

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