Renewal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "renewal" Showing 1-30 of 270
F. Scott Fitzgerald
“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Harper Lee
“Things are always better in the morning.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Vance Havner
“God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever.”
Vance Havner

Charles Haddon Spurgeon
“If you are renewed by grace, and were to meet your old self, I am sure you would be very anxious to get out of his company.”
Charles H. Spurgeon

“As wave is driven by wave
And each, pursued, pursues the wave ahead,
So time flies on and follows, flies, and follows,
Always, for ever and new. What was before
Is left behind; what never was is now;
And every passing moment is renewed.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses

Boris Pasternak
“Reshaping life! People who can say that have never understood a thing about life—they have never felt its breath, its heartbeat—however much they have seen or done. They look on it as a lump of raw material that needs to be processed by them, to be ennobled by their touch. But life is never a material, a substance to be molded. If you want to know, life is the principle of self-renewal, it is constantly renewing and remaking and changing and transfiguring itself, it is infinitely beyond your or my obtuse theories about it.”
Boris Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago

Stanley Kunitz
“I can hardly wait for tomorrow, it means a new life for me each and every day.”
Stanley Kunitz

Steven  Hall
“Every single cell in the human body replaces itself over a period of seven years. That means there's not even the smallest part of you now that was part of you seven years ago.”
Steven Hall, The Raw Shark Texts

“We say that flowers return every spring, but that is a lie. It is true that the world is renewed. It is also true that that renewal comes at a price, for even if the flower grows from an ancient vine, the flowers of spring are themselves new to the world, untried and untested.

The flower that wilted last year is gone. Petals once fallen are fallen forever. Flowers do not return in the spring, rather they are replaced. It is in this difference between returned and replaced that the price of renewal is paid.

And as it is for spring flowers, so it is for us.”
Daniel Abraham, The Price of Spring

Oscar Wilde
“Veil after veil of thin dusky gauze is lifted, and by degrees the forms and colours of things are restored to them, and we watch the dawn remaking the world in its antique pattern.”
Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

Shannon L. Alder
“Sensitive people feel so deeply they often have to retreat from the world, in order to dig beneath the layers of pain to find their faith and courage.”
Shannon L. Alder

May Sarton
“I think of the trees and how simply they let go, let fall the riches of a season, how without grief (it seems) they can let go and go deep into their roots for renewal and sleep... Imitate the trees. Learn to lose in order to recover, and remember that nothing stays the same for long, not even pain, psychic pain. Sit it out. Let it all pass.”
May Sarton, Journal of a Solitude

Marcel Proust
“Then from those profound slumbers we awake in a dawn, not knowing who we are, being nobody, newly born, ready for anything, the brain emptied of that past which was life until then. And perhaps it is more wonderful still when our landing at the waking-point is abrupt and the thoughts of our sleep, hidden by a cloak of oblivion, have no time to return to us gradually, before sleep ceases. Then, from the black storm through which we seem to have passed (but we do not even saywe), we emerge prostrate, without a thought, awethat is void of content.”
Marcel Proust, Sodom and Gomorrah

Elizabeth Goudge
“What is the scent of water?"
"Renewal. The goodness of God coming down like dew.”
Elizabeth Goudge, The Scent of Water

“I couldn't imagine living in a state that didn't reach the ocean. It was a giant reset button. You could go to the edge of the land and see infinity and feel renewed.”
Avery Sawyer, Notes to Self

Willa Cather
“Miracles... seem to me to rest not so much upon... healing power coming suddenly near us from afar but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that, for a moment, our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there around us always.”
Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop

Deborah Day
“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling”
Deborah Day, BE HAPPY NOW!

Michael Sims
“If there is nothing new under the sun, at least the sun itself is always new, always re-creating itself out of its own inexhaustible fire.”
Michael Sims, Apollo's Fire: A Day on Earth in Nature and Imagination

Rachel Carson
“There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of the birds, the ebb and flow of the tides, the folded bud ready for the spring. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter.”
Rachel Carson, The Sense of Wonder

Antonio Machado
“I thought my fireplace dead
and stirred the ashes.
I burned my fingers.”
Antonio Machado, Border of a Dream: Selected Poems

Helen Humphreys
“This is what I know about love. That it is tested every day, and what is not renewed is lost. One chooses either to care more or to care less. Once the choice is to care less, then there is no stopping the momentum of goodbye.”
Helen Humphreys, The Lost Garden

Jennifer DeLucy
“For within your flesh, deep within the center of your being, is the undaunted, waiting, longing, all-knowing. Is the ready, able, perfect. Within you, waiting its turn to emerge, piece by piece, with the dawn of every former test of trial and blackness, is the next unfolding, the great unfurling of wings, the re-forged backbone of a true Child of Light.”
Jennifer DeLucy

Ottessa Moshfegh
“I still couldn't accept that Trevor was a loser and a moron. I didn't want to believe that I could have degraded myself for someone who didn't deserve it. I was still stuck on that bit of vanity. But I was determined to sleep it away.”
Ottessa Moshfegh, My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Norman Maclean
“When I looked, I knew I might never again see so much of the earth so beautiful, the beautiful being something you know added to something you see, in a whole that is different from the sum of its parts. What I saw might have been just another winter scene, although an impressive one. But what I knew was that the earth underneath was alive and that by tomorrow, certainly by the day after, it would be all green again. So what I saw because of what I knew was a kind of death with the marvellous promise of less than a three-day resurrection.”
Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories

Émile Durkheim
“When this ultimate crisis comes... when there is no way out - that is the very moment when we explode from within and the totally other emerges: the sudden surfacing of a strength, a security of unknown origin, welling up from beyond reason, rational expectation, and hope.”
Émile Durkheim

Nancy R. Pearcey
“The first step in conforming our intellect to God's truth is to die to our vanity, pride, and craving for respect from colleagues and the public. We must let go of the worldly motivations that drive us, praying to be motivated solely by a genuine desire to submit our minds to God's Word - and then to use that knowledge in service to others.”
Nancy Pearcey

“Actuality is when the lighthouse is dark between flashes: it is the instant between the ticks of the watch: it is a void interval slipping forever through time: the rupture between past and future: the gap at the poles of the revolving magnetic field, infinitesimally small but ultimately real. It is the interchronic pause when nothing is happening. It is the void between events.”
george kubler

“Nothing retains its original form, but Nature, the goddess of all renewal, keeps altering one shape into another. Nothing at all in the world can perish, you have to believe me; things merely vary and change their appearance. What we call birth
is merely becoming a different entity; what we call death is ceasing to be the same. Though the parts may possibly shift
their position from here to there, the wholeness in nature is constant.”
Ovid, Metamorphoses

Timothy Snyder
“[A] history of disintegration can be a guide to repair. Erosion reveals what resists, what can be reinforced, what can be reconstructed, and what must be reconceived.”
Timothy Snyder, The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America

“The depth of suffering is but a canvas; it is through the brushstrokes of mourning and the hues of patience that we paint a picture of compassion and renewal. To each sorrow, let us add the colors of love and vulnerability.”
An Marke, The Path of Forgiveness: 15 Gentle Steps to Forgive Even When It Feels Impossible

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