Robert Langdon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "robert-langdon" Showing 1-14 of 14
Dan       Brown
“Remember death. Even for those who wield great power, life is brief. There is only one way to triumph over death, and that is by making our lives masterpieces. We must seize every opportunity to show kindness and to love fully.”
Dan Brown, Origin

Dan       Brown
“My friends, I am not saying I know for a fact that there is no God. All I am saying is that if there is a divine force behind the universe, it is laughing hysterically at the religions we’ve created in an attempt to define it.”
Dan Brown, Origin

Dan       Brown
“It's the age-old battle between mind and heart, which seldom want the same thing.”
Dan Brown, Inferno

Dan       Brown
“Coincidence was a concept he did not entirely trust. As someone who had spent his life exploring the hidden interconnectivity of disparate emblems and ideologies, Langdon viewed the world as a web of profoundly intertwined histories and events. The connections may be invisible, he often preached to his symbology classes at Harvard, but they are always there, buried just beneath the surface.”
Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code

Dan       Brown
“Dr. Jacobus, I am walking out your doors right now. I need clothes. I am going to Vatican City. One does not go to Vatican City with ones ass hanging out. Do I make myself clear?”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Dan       Brown
“As he flushed, an unexpected realization hit him. This is the Pope's toilet, he thought. I just took a leak in the Pope's toilet. He had to chuckle. The Holy Throne.”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Dan       Brown
“Relax," Langdon whispered. "Do your piranha thing.”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Dan       Brown
“If our ancestors could see us today, surely they would think us gods.”
Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol

Dan       Brown
“Neutrinos have mass? I didn't even know they were Catholic!"
Robert to Vittoria”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Dan       Brown
“Death is only a byproduct of terrorism.”
Dan Brown, Angels & Demons

Dan       Brown
“dan brown\The televangelist began quoting verses from the Bible describing hierarchy of angels, demons, and spirits that ruled in heaven and hell." Protect your souls from evil forces! "He warned them." Lift your hearts in prayer! God and his angels will hear you! "He's right, Mal'akh knew. But so will the demons.”
Dan Brown, The Lost Symbol

Dan       Brown
“Believe me, I know what it's like to feel all alone... the worst kind of loneliness in the world is the isolation that comes from being misunderstood. It can make people lose their grasp on reality." - Sienna Brooks”
Dan Brown, Inferno

Dan       Brown
“Nem biztosíthatunk magángépet vallástörténeti könyvek szerzőinek. Ha hajlandó vagy megírni Az ikonográfia ötven árnyalatát, akkor beszélhetünk róla.”
Dan Brown, Inferno

Dan       Brown
“Countless gods filled countless gaps,” Langdon said. “And yet, over the centuries, scientific knowledge increased.” A collage of mathematical and technical symbols flooded the sky overhead. “As the gaps in our understanding of the natural world gradually disappeared, our pantheon of gods began to
Dan Brown, Origin